Thursday, November 19, 2015

Pocket and the Big Bangs

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Two weeks ago I tried to be brave when one man came to do small jobs on the outside of the house.  But what would I do when a whole team of men arrived?
Wednesday night Daddy took me aside and told me that there were men coming to the house, it would be loud, noisy and scary, and I had to be brave for Mommy
On Thursday morning I was snuggled in bed.  Then the noise began.  It sounded like an oliphant eating the house.  I climbed on top of Daddy’s head and began barking.  He grabbed me and took me outside to do my business.   There were so many men there and they were ripping our little house apart.  I let out a couple of small barks of protest but I just wanted to get back in bed.  I snuggled with Mommy while Daddy took River on then he got back in bed.  He laid on his back, held me with the crook of his arm, and we stayed that way for most of the morning.  The shades were drawn, the lights were off, and we couldn’t see what was happening which kept me calmer.
When we got up River and I ran to the window and barked at the men who her ripping, sawing, hammering and yelling to one another.  But I was brave.  I ate all my food and I produced good poops  When Daddy went to work I stayed with Mommy and protected her.  I even stayed brave when they worked after dark.  My Mom needed protecting and I was just the dog to do it.  
Friday they woke us up again.   It was a repeat of Thursday.  Happily I was still eating and not producing my nervous loose poops.  Finally the men picked up all their work, cleaned everything, and we had new siding and shutters.  Mommy promised me no more men working, no more banging, no more noises.  Both she and Daddy were very proud of how I handled the situation.  I was still eating and producing good poops.
On Saturday Mommy’s Grandbaby Megan came for the night.  She is wonderful and we love her very much.  But sometimes I get overly excited when she comes over and that excitement leads to me not eating and bad poops.  But not this time.  Again I handled everything like a champ.  By Sunday our lives were back to normal.
Sure I was nervous, and excited, but I kept eating and continually swallowed all that anxiety until Monday when it exploded from my mouth and out my butt.  The tummy problems I had kept at bay for four days took over.  I had an unsettled few days not wanting to eat my breakfast and being finicky about eating supper.
I am back to normal now, eating and doing my business with no issues.  I did try my hardest to be brave and not to have bad poops.  Almost made it.  But it’s like Foley used to tell me:  When a turkey flies you can’t blame it when it only stays up a few seconds.  


  1. We know how you feel when the scary invaders start making stupid human noises. You were brave for a long time, but being little sometimes is no picnic.

  2. You were so brave and kept your Mom safe. It's Ok that you had some residual anxiety, it's even expected. We all thin you are one really courageous fellow.

  3. Congratulations on your graduation to BRAVE DOG! Well done.

  4. You were so brave, little sweetie, we think you did an excellent job, and I know your parents do also.....hugs...stellie rose

  5. You did your very best Pocket and we are all proud of you
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel


Wordless Wednesday
