Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Look Forward and Back by Pocket Dog

It’s all gone now.  The pretty tree in the kitchen with the sparkly lights filled with ornaments including one with my picture; the star shower in front of the house that lit up the wall with green and red lights and reflected off me when I went outside for my nighttime pee, all the decorations gathered over the years that are connected to people we love, some here, some gone.  They are all packed up for the year.
There were parts of this season I loved.  I got wonderful gifts from Santa Paws via Santa’s Reindeers and gifts from Cali and Hurley which we very much appreciated.  And watching my friends play Secret Bub and Secret Paw and try to figure out who was giving them gifts was great fun.
And I love the cards.  We get so many more cards than our parents do.  They have the smiling faces of our friends on them.  Everyday when the mail came we would anxiously gather around the table to see which friend sent us a new card or maybe a package.
But I am not sorry to see the season end.  When I was young and Foley ruled the house we would have Christmas at our house.  There were kids everywhere with presents, wrapping paper was piled up on the floor, human voices spoke lovingly and excitedly, and there was food.  Lots of food.  Some of it eaten by young children and inevitably dropped on the floor which was great for Foley and me.
The family has grown apart as some families do and now Mommy and Daddy go out during the holiday season.  They go out a lot.  Seven times in nine days they left River and I at home in our crates (except for Christmas when River escaped, maybe with the help from Santa Paws, and she ran excitedly around the house.)  They visited family, each time with bags and bags of gifts that poor Mommy spent weeks looking for, stressing about, waiting for, and then wrapping.  
As we get older Christmas grows less magical by degrees.  Those little kids who ran around our house ripping open gifts are older now, and while they are grateful for their presents, their childish glee has faded.  Mommy hopes she can live long enough to see them have children of their own and can see that childish glee on their faces during the holidays.  That is the kind of thing that keeps humans young.
Between now and next Christmas we have a long year and we pray we don’t lose anymore dear friends although I understand everything ends.  But I’m still hoping my family and friends have a healthy, safe and drama free year and next year, when I write this blog it will be how thankful I am for a great year.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Linky is our Pup of the Week

It was only a few days before Christmas when I made my decision.  There would be no more pups crossing Rainbow Bridge until the New Year.  I was building a wall.  And the Chihuahuas were going to pay for it.  
We began building the wall the next morning.  In two days we had it almost built.  Tommy was holding the nails in his mouth.  I would take a nail and hammer another board in place.  Tommy took his break but I kept working.  I looked at the dog at the bottom of the ladder.  “Can you hand me some more nails Linky?”
Linky?  What was he doing here?  If I was being totally truthful with my coworkers Linky was the reason we were building the wall.  He had become very sick recently.  He was not eating, he was throwing up any water he swallowed, his stomach was enlarged and hard to the touch.  When he went to the vet they drained lots of fluid from around his heart (so much fluid that it was crushing his organs.)  He was diagnosed with heart failure and put on medication.  The Angels began to carry tons of prayers for him up to the mountain.  
But some things are meant to be no matter how many prayers are carried.  Linky did not respond to the medication.  In fact he grew worse.  He went back to the doctor who said that Linky had a tumor on his heart.  He needed a very risky operation.  That is when we got more prayers, and I got the idea to build a wall.
Linky survived the operation but he was a very sick little boy.  I hoped the wall would keep him with his Mom until at least the New Year but, as I looked at the little white fluff ball next to me I knew I had failed.
“How did you get here?” I asked Linky.
“I saw the wall when I was on the escalator leading from the Bridge.  I thought I would be stuck there then a hand lifted me up and put me over the wall.  I saw you and Tommy working on this wall so I came to help”
I climbed down and sat next to him.  “I had hoped this wall would keep you, and all other pups, away from the Immortal side until Christmas.”
He put his new angel paw on my shoulder:  “It was a noble effort Foley but nothing can stop the march to the immortal side.  We are all born a story and every story has an end and my end came this week.  All stories must end Foley, if a story never ended then no one would write new stories.”
I was impressed.  Linky was very smart.  I don’t know why Lily did all the barking for their pack.  Linky tapped the wall.  “I do wish it had worked.  Mommy is going to miss my kisses, my playful spirit, my patience.  Me just being me.  And I am going to miss everything about my Mom and my sisters.  I don’t know what I am going to do with myself.”
I told him first he needed to get sworn in, and then get his wings, and then we would go to Tommy’s for a big bowl of popcorn or maybe to Otis’ for some ice cream.  And we would watch over his family on one of the many television sets and I would teach him how to dream visit and to assume the bodies of birds, bees and other flying creatures so he could visit his Mom even when she didn’t know he was there.
And while he was doing all of that I would be waiting here, in the place where all stories begin chronicling how all stories end.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Helping Santa Deliver Presents to the Shelter

All right everyone.  Good flight.  Now Benjamin don’t complain.  I told you to clip on your harness.  It is not my fault you almost fell out.  For a Sheriff you aren’t very good at following rules.
OK everybody get off the sleigh and let Santa Paws get down.  Daddy and Shakira  help everyone off.  We have to move quickly,   This is the first shelter we are visiting tonight and we have thousands to go.  Nigel give Santa Paws back his pipe.  I know you look good with it but  it’s not for blowing bubbles.  
Alright Cooper go and open up all the cages,  let everyone out and stand back.  Remember how dogs react when they are let out of cages.  We don’t want you to get runned over.  All everyone get ready!  Here they come.
Hagan get the chicken dinners out of the containers.  All right pups line up for some supper.  Wow!  Look at them chow down.  This is the best dinner they have had in a long time.  All right now line up for presents.
Drag that bag over here Greta.  Look it’s new blankets for everyone.  These will keep you nice and warm on those cold nights.  And look what Barnum has.  They are special deer antlers for everyone.  I know deer antlers can taste kind of blah but Santa Paws has made all these taste like steak.
And now the greatest treat of the day.  Tommy Tunes’ special popcorn balls.  Come on Tommy roll them out for every dog.  And while you eat them Tommy will lead all the angels in one of my favorite songs:  “All Come All Ye Neutered.”  Remember when you neuter a dog you save lives.
And now it is time for your run through the neighborhood, through the streets and into hills and make sure you all follow Max and  Tupper.  Let’s not lose any strays.  
OK, is everyone back?  That is good.  Aran and Raider have made sure the pantry is full of food and treats for the coming year.  Now all you dogs line up.  Santa is going to give you what you want most.  Human interaction.  Keep them all in line Susie.  I know you all want to be first but it’s hard.
Now we can’t have you dogs all dirty from the food and the running so how about a little Christmas magic.  That’s right, it’s a pond and Willie is going to take you all for a swim.  Jump in and have fun
And now it is time to dry off and have fun.  Chappy do you have the automatic tennis ball thrower?  All right set it up.  Brooklyn are you ready to lead them?  OK, here comes the balls and Brooklyn lead the chase.
OK Romey we need to put all the pups back in the cages.  I know it is sad.  We wish we could do this every night.  We have lots of other shelters and rescues to go to.  But we won’t forget about you.  Meika is working on getting homes for all of you next year.  So next year when we arrive here we don’t want to see any of you.  We want you all in your forever homes.
All right it is time to go.  Everyone grab a hold of a side of the sled.  And we’re off.  Oh man will someone please pull Benjamin into the sled.
It is going to be a long night.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

River's Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through our pack
not a creature was stirring, Pocket didn’t have to yack.
The stockings were hung on the curtain rod with care,
in hopes that Santa Paws would not appear bare
My parents were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of healthy IRA’s so they don’t have to work danced in their heads.
And Mama in her nightie, and us pups by;/
her side,
had just settled  down for a long winter's dream ride.
When out on the roof there arose such a clatter,
I barked my head off to see what was the matter.
Away to the window my little paws did scurry,
on back legs I stood to see what could cause such worry.
The moon on the trampled grass from a warm winter   
showed tracks from our walking as we looked for a place to poopter,
when, what to my deep brown eyes from under hairs full of tangles,
Did I see but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny winged angels
With a little old doggy so lively and without flaw,
I knew in a moment it must be Santa Paw.
More rapid than eagles, his beautiful angels they came,
and he barked and aarfed and called them by name:
"Now Tanner Now Sophie!
Now, Baron and Taser!
On, Fella! On, Willie!
On, Logan and Brody!
To the top of the porch!
To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away!
Dash away all!"
Our roof is small and thinly constructed,
I worried the weight of the sleigh would make it busted
but the angels sensing the   peril below
Slowly and softly a landing they did go.
I was so excited I knew I must tinkle
I made it to my pee pads and did my business without a wrinkle.
As I shook myself dry and left my pad
I saw Santa Paws scurry through a window like he was breaking bad.
He was dressed all in fur which was expected  
because he was a Lab  and not a Chinese Crested.
A bundle of toys he had hung on his back,
when he flung them off they hit the floor with a crack.
His eyes--how they twinkled! His nipples, how symmetrical!
His whiskers were like rose stems, his laugh quite hysterical!
The hair on his head was topped with a bow,
and the spot on his bellly was as white as the snow.
The antler from a deer he held tight in his teeth,
and he lay on the floor to chew it under our fancy wreath
He had a well groomed face and a little round belly,
his weight problem not helped when he began to lick from a jar of jelly.
He was chubby and plump in need of some Fat Dog food,
he made me hungry and I found a kibble under the sofa which was good.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
Then he sneezed in my direction leaving me too wet for bed.
He barked not a yip, but went straight to his work,
and filled all the stockings, with chicken, treats and steaks made of jerk.
And laying a paw aside of his nose,
He walked out the door because we had no chimney for him to goes.
He sprang to his sleigh, to his angels gave a bark,
And away they all flew like deep into the dark.
But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight,
"Woofy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Beat This Caption

Follow me kids.  I will take care of those bullies who made fun of you at school.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Pup of the Week: Messages From This Year's Angel Graduating Class

It has been a very busy week for us Angels.  We have been helping Santa prepare gifts for the shelter dogs.  After a long day I stopped by Otie Campbell’s ice cream shoppe in Mayberry for a hot fudge sundae.  Otie was polishing the counter when he looked up and asked me if I had picked a Pup of the Week yet.  Thankfully no pups had crossed the Bridge this week so I had not picked one. “How about you let the pups who have crossed the Bridge in the last year write to their parents.”
This was a wonderful idea.  First I am sure that parents would love to hear from their angels this Christmas seasons and second I don’t have to write a blog.  So I turned it over to the Angels.
Otis Campbell:  Hi Mommy and Daddy.  I know this is a hard time of year for you since I went to the Bridge a year ago.  But please know I am doing good.   I love working at the ice cream shoppe and I  am inventing all sorts of new ice creams.  You can’t believe what you can do with squirrels. I love you both very much and watch over you everyday.  I am so happy you have Briscoe.  I have taught him a lot.   I asked Mr. Springsteen to play Santa Claus is coming to town for you last night as a message that I love you. And I am trying to help the Steelers beat the Patriots.  Don’t tell Foley.   Please don’t be sad.  Enjoy your Christmas and give Briscoe all the love you gave me.
Brody:  Hi Mommy and my kids.  I miss you all so much.  Mommy you are doing a wonderful job with the kids.  I am so proud of the way they are growing up.  And I know Finley isn’t me but he is trying very hard and he is a good dog.  I know it has been a hard year but I do see better days in your future.  Know I will be with you every step you take.  I wish you could have seen my Christmas tree.  It was beautiful.  But I ate it.  I guess some things never change.  Love you.
Zoe Boe:  Oh Mommy did I ever pick the wrong year to leave you.  I was very proud of the way you fought through your illness.  I was with you through every appointment.  I wish you could have known I was there.  And I personally flew thousands of prayers up to the Big Guy from your family and friends.  I know you have come through this stronger and a better person, even though you were my favorite person from the first day I met you.  I love the artwork you have been doing and I am so proud of you.  I show it to all my friends.  I am doing some artwork myself.  I wish you could see it  I am sure someday you will but that is far, far in the future.  Keep living your life Mommy.  You have an uncountable amount of time left.  And I will be waiting.
Erin:  Hi Mommy.  You are doing a wonderful job watching over my pack.  I go into their dreams every night to make sure they are treating you right.  I am very busy being the tech consultant for every pup here at the Bridge.  You know how hard that can be.  I try to show the same patience and understanding that you have shown over the years.  You were truly an inspiration to me and others.  I love you and miss you Mommy.
Aran:  Hi Mommy.  How I wish I could be on our lap giving you sweet kisses right now.  (And how I wish I could be on a second honeymoon with my wonderful husband Wiley.)  I am so proud of the way you have given Chloe all your heart the way you gave it to me.  She is such a wonderful girl.  Don’t worry about me a bit.  I have lots of friends here who take great care of me.  Thank you for introducing me to them.  I would be very lonely without them. You are the sweetest parents in the world and I love you more each day.  Remember I am always near you and I come visiting as lots of tiny flying creatures.  Love Aran.
Max:  Dear Sweet Grandma and Grandpa:  Ladybug is right next to me and she wants to say hi and that, like me, she loves you very much and we are sending you 1,000 Angel kisses.  We love you so much and we know this has been a very hard year, especially for you Grandma.  We think, because you are so close to the Big Guy, that you feel our presence every day.  At least we hope so.  You keep your strong faith and keep believing and you will feel us with you.  We miss you everyday and we both love you.  You were the best parents and grandparents any dog could ever have.
Simon:  Oh my sweet Mommy.  How I love you.  For so long it was just you and me and we loved it that way.  But every story has to end.  At first I didn’t know why they had to end but now I know why they do.  It is so new stories can be told.  Next year I want you to start a new story.  A story with a new dog who you can give as much love to as you gave to me.  I will always love you Mommy and I will wait decade after happy decade for you.  You will lose lots of angels to the Bridge during that time because all their stories will end.  I will take care of all your angels and someday we will be forever for eternity.  Love you Mommy.  Now go make a story.
Blazer:  Hi Mommy it is me, Bazier.  That was your special name for me.  I have everyone call me that now because I like hearing it.  I am helping Judge Foley out a lot just like you asked me to do.  She is a wonderful friend and we snuggle together a lot.  I miss you more everyday and I spend a lot of time looking over you because I know you haven’t been feeling well lately.  I go to the Big Guy everyday and pray for you to feel better.  I know it has been a hard year Mommy but please remember your little Bazier will always be in your heart, and just like when you went out shopping I am now home waiting for you, but I want to wait for a long time because so many people love you and count on you so it’s not time to come home yet.  Look for me in your dreams Mommy.  Love Bazier.
Logan:  Hi sweet Mommy.  I am so proud of you for keeping the Labs together.  I know there are some new members but they aren’t like a rock band that keeps getting worse with each loss, you keep the band as strong as ever and that is because of the love that you show them.  We are up here teaching the Labs to do right by you, to keep you happy and to relieve your many stresses.  We know with the move and other things this has been a very stressful year for you.  We have run up the mountain with many prayers for a less stressful year for you next year.  We love you Mommy and we know you can always feel our love around you.

Reyah:  Hi Mommy.  I know how much you have struggled since I have gone to the Bridge  I miss everything about you and I know you feel the same about me.  It is easier for me.  I get to watch over you and you never get to see me.  That hardly seems fair but no one said life is fair (although the afterlife does bring justice.)  Keep going forward Mommy, one step at a time, one day at a time, it will get easier, and I will be walking with with you.  I know I am always represented on the mortal side of the River because there is a big piece of me in your heart.  As long as you are on the mortal side I will be too.  I love you.
Maya:  Hi my sweet Mom.  I am spending time with lots of our German Shephard friends.  It keeps my mind off of missing you.  I know that you have a lot of heartache about my passing.  Try to remember the good times in our lives.  I want to thank you for being such a great pup Mom.  I love you more than you know.  Merry Christmas.  
Scooby:   Hello my wonderful parents.  Oh I miss you so much.  I love the Christmas tree you planted for me.  It makes me so proud.  And the memorial is beautiful too.  I am such a lucky dog to have such wonderful, caring parents.  When I couldn’t walk any longer you were my legs, you were my freedom.  And now that Odie has arthritic issues you are doing the same for him.  I don’t think two people could care so much for animals.  I am here now with Rusty and your other angels and we are sending all our love to you.  Enjoy your family at Christmas and know when you look at everyone sitting around your table that we are all gathered under the table at your feet.  Now I  am going running.  I wish you could see me run.  Love you.
Fonzie Tuxedo:  Dear Mommy:  I am here with our Heavenly Father and I am doing everything that he tells me to do as you would want me to do.  I do hope that the strong faith that you were blessed with has given you comfort.  You know I am never far from you and that we will be together someday.  I am trying to do good here, and to help all those doggies who don’t have homes.  I do believe that someday we will find homes for all dogs.  You have a wonderful Christmas Mommy. When you close your eyes know I will be there and that I will live in your heart forever.
Clint:  Hello to my wonderful parents.  I haven’t been here two months yet and I am still finding my way around but everyone has been very nice to me and they let me play with them.  We run and play for hours.  It helps keep my mind off of missing you.  I don’t much feel like doing anything for Christmas this year but my friends are telling me I have to do something.  You probably feel the same way but we have to keep moving forward.  I do wish I was there with you and I wish I could take the pain from your heart.  I love you more every day.  Let’s both try to have a Merry Christmas and know you are in my heart and thoughts every day
Smores:  It has barely been two weeks Mommy and Daddy.  I have been doing my Angel training and trying to get used to things.  I don’t know if I will ever get used to being without you and I don’t know if you will get used to being without me but I guess we will have to get used to it.  Try to have a good Christmas Mommy.  I promise I will too.  Hopefully by next Christmas things will be easier.  The one thing I have learned is, that, like me, all the angels here love their parents and they all want me to say a Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Top Star Paws Moments

It is Star Paws Day!  Before you go to see the movie I wanted to list my favorite Star Paws movie moments.
  1. Young Foley Skywalker is fighting his arch nemesis Arf Vader.  Foley has been pushed to the edge of the spacecraft and is about to drift off into space.  Arf Vader asks Foley to join Arf on the Dark Side. To convince her Arf says “Come with me Foley. I am your Father.” and Foley says:  “You can’t be my father.  Scooby Wan said you were neutered!”
  2. Foley Skywalker, Princess Hattie Mae, Luke Solo and Brodybacca are in the trash compactor about to be crushed when Brodybacca eats all the trash and the compactor sensor stops.  Although they are thankful no one will kiss Brodybacca on the mouth.
  3. Foley Skywaker is training to be a Fido Knight.  She is working with the master Enzo.  Foley’s training is not working.  Finally Foley says she can’t do it.  Enzo looks at her wisely and says “No try, only sit.
  4. Foley Monster has to save Princess Hattie Mae after Joda the Hutt captures her and keeps her as a Bunny Slave.  This picture is used to inspire male dogs in sperm banks for years.
  5. Leo is finally caught by the bounty hunter Lou ee Fet.  Aarf Vaer is preparing him to be shipped to Joda the Hutt.  Before he is sent to Joda Leo is going to be lowered into a machine where he is going to get trimmed and bathed.  A terrible fate.  Before going down Hattie says “I love you” and Leo says “I know.”  
  6. Foley Skywalker gets in her fighter and she flies down a corridor to accomplish her mission when Aarf Vader gets behind her and is going to shoot her down.  Leo Solo comes up behind him and sends Aarf to another Galaxy leaving Foley with a clear shot to blow up the vacuum cleaner.
  7. Despite later versions of the story it is a well known fact that when Leo Solo went into the Mouse Cantina and met with Hobo it was Leo who barked first.  
  8. To shut down the new vacuum cleaner which Aarf Vader is planning to turn on and scare the rebel alliance Princess Hattie Mae, Leo Solo and Brodybacca land on a planet where they are able to defeat the Empire with the help of an entire race of River Songs  

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Pocket's Christmas Wish List

Dear Santa:  Hello.  It is Pocket Dog.  How are you?  I hope you are doing well.  I know you get lots of letters this time of year and I wanted to start mine by inquiring about you.  This must be a very stressful time of year for you.  You are a heavy man, and you smoke, plus you are under a lot of pressure.  Frankly you are a coronary waiting to happen.
I know I am supposed to write you a list of what I want this year.  Foley always gave you a long list and River’s list is even longer.  But I don’t have a list.  I have everything I want.  I have my one toy:  My red ball.  Mommy or Daddy throw the ball and I chase it.  I mess around with other toys but this is the only one I am interested in playing with.  I do wish that River would stop teasing me.  She takes my ball and sits on it to hide it.  I look all over the house for my ball and then I hear River snickering and I start barking then Mommy picks River up and throws my ball for me.  I don’t want River to end up on the naughty list but if you could just give her a stern look I would appreciate it.
I hope I wasn’t bad this week.  You know I have digestion issues.  Every few weeks my poo comes out in a less than desirable form.  This happened on Monday.  When it does my belly hurts.  When my belly hurts I like to climb up high.  I was sitting with Daddy and I felt some pain, so I climbed higher, and I thought if I let out a little bit of pressure I would feel better and I did and let’s just say if you are a parrot you may be able to get away with pooing on your Dad’s shoulder but when you are a dog…...Well I have very good parents and they did not get mad at me and I hope that you don’t get mad at me either.  
If I am on the nice list then please take all my gifts and turn them into acts of kindness for my sick or suffering friends, and for any sick parent, and if there is anything left over, and I can’t imagine there could be, but if so, please find some humans to adopt some pets who spend Christmas Eve alone in shelters because no one should be alone at Christmas.
As for me I am happy with my ball, and sleeping on the big bed snuggled next to my parents, and second bed (when we get up, but Mommy and Daddy have nowhere to go, so we get back into the warm bed and River and I play) and Mommy’s lap, and good kibble and treats, and wonderful friends.  
So you see I don’t need much Santa because I am the richest dog in the world.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Smores is our December 13, 2015 Pup of the Week

Christmas should be the happiest time of the year but it can also be the saddest.  The Bridge should be closed during the weeks before Christmas but it doesn’t work that way.  There is still a steady stream of dogs leaving heartbroken parents in their wake.  This week one of those dogs was my friend Smores.  
Oh Smores you cute faced little dog.  Bringer of happiness, provider of smiles, her Mom’s morning alarm clock, her Mom’s official front door greeter with the wagging tail, her Mom’s best friend, you tried to keep the Bridge’s Siren Song at bay but you could not, and this week you arrived, met by your sister Marcie, and after the usual ceremonies and wing fitting you and Marcie were off running in the hills together until you found yourself at Tommy’s house where you could watch over your Mom together and Marcie could teach you how to be your Mom’s angel.
Our lives are always too short and sometimes the end of our life is too short too.  I went from living large at home to going to the Bridge in a week and, at least as indicated by her Mom’s post, Smores’ parents did not have much of a warning that her song was ending either.
Every parent knows their dogs and can tell when they are struggling.  Smores was not herself and her parents took her to the vet where the news was as bad as they feared.  Tests showed her kidney levels were high and her pancreas was inflamed.  The vet told them that the levels and inflammation needed to come down or Smores would not be going home.
And thus began to roller coaster ride that all pet parents take.  The fear of the outcome, the worry about costs, the joy of having them come home, the relief when they eat, the sorrow of them not eating, and finally the joy of gradual recovery or the crushing heartbreak of no recovery.  
On the first day Smores was admitted to the hospital.  On the second day her parents got to visit her at the hospital.  Poor Smores was very confused and had to be sedated.  Her parents sat on the floor with her and she fell asleep on their laps.  Despite this the vet did report that she was showing more energy which was an encouraging sign.  The roller coaster climbed higher.
Day Four:  The roller coaster continued to rise.  Smores was doing much better.  She was alert and eating, her fever was down as were her kidney levels.  If she responded to oral meds she would be going home.  Her parents visited her bringing her favorite snacks:  Apple slices and turkey which she happily ate.  
Day five:  Smores returned home to her happy parent.
Day seven:  Smores did not have much of an appetite.  Her Mom made her chicken and rice but she did not eat it.  Her Mom did not know what to do.  She said she had gone too far and spent too much money to give up on Smores but she didn’t know what to do.  Roller coaster going down.
Day eight:  Smores ate better but she was not the dog she once was.  She was fading before her parents’ eyes.  They knew they could stretch it out, get more days, but it wouldn’t be with Smores.  Her  Mom thought about the Animal Aid Society that had allowed her to adopt Smores and how much she owed them.  And she thought about every good day because this was the last one.
It never is easy saying goodbye to your long time friend and most loyal companion but the holidays do make it worse.  We are praying that just once this Christmas that the rules could be bent and when Smores visits her Mom in her dreams her Mom will be able to remember it and will know her little girl is waiting for her.  

Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas Time at Rainbow Bridge

One of my favorite times at the Bridge is Christmas.  It is also one of the saddest times of the year.  Being an Angel at the Bridge during Christmas is like being on the Island of Misfit Toys except we were loved, and will be loved, but we are stuck in between being loved, waiting, so we have to occupy ourselves.
We love to decorate. There are many trees here and each one needs to be covered with lights, garland and bulbs with the names of every pup here.  There are millions and millions of bulbs that all twinkle with light like a little bit of our souls encapsulated in them.  I like to lie under the trees and think of my friends.
There is also snow but not the cold wet snow that is in the mountains.  This snow is special Bridge snow that is fun to run and slide in, that we can build snow angels in, and even have snow ball fights with, but doesn’t embed in our paws, or leave them cold and wet.  And it tastes like chicken.
Then we go off in the woods with the squirrels to do our shopping.  The squirrels do their best to dig through the snow and find tasty bones, yummy treats, and squeaky toys.  We do have an agreement with the squirrels not to use them as gift.  Apparently it is bad form to kill your guide and give it as a gift because you cannot return them..
In the center of our portion of the Bridge is a huge tree that will all decorate with pictures of our loved ones.  There are Moms, Dads and siblings crowding every single branch.  And on the top of the tree is the most beautiful angel in the world.  Right now Willie is there.  My day to be the Angel is Saturday.
On Christmas Eve Santa comes to visit us.  He doesn’t bring us any toys.  He gives us what we most want.  A lap to sit on.  We curl up there and spend ans much time as we want.  Santa has a great lap.  (By the way let me give you a major spoiler:  Santa is a Time Lord and his sled is a Tardis which is why he can visit everyone in one night.  It takes him weeks to visit everyone but he keeps going back one minute in time so he can do the entire world in a minute.
On Christmas Day we climb a hill and look down on the happy pups who have been reunited with their families as they run and play in the snow, and while we never want anything bad to happen to our love ones, on Christmas Day we do so wish they could be with us.

One of my favorite times at the Bridge is Christmas.  It is also one of the saddest times of the year.  Being an Angel at the Bridge during Christmas is like being on the Island of Misfit Toys except we were loved, and will be loved, but we are stuck in between being loved, waiting, so we have to occupy ourselves.
We love to decorate. There are many trees here and each one needs to be covered with lights, garland and bulbs with the names of every pup here.  There are millions and millions of bulbs that all twinkle with light like a little bit of our souls encapsulated in them.  I like to lie under the trees and think of my friends.
There is also snow but not the cold wet snow that is in the mountains.  This snow is special Bridge snow that is fun to run and slide in, that we can build snow angels in, and even have snow ball fights with, but doesn’t embed in our paws, or leave them cold and wet.  And it tastes like chicken.
Then we go off in the woods with the squirrels to do our shopping.  The squirrels do their best to dig through the snow and find tasty bones, yummy treats, and squeaky toys.  We do have an agreement with the squirrels not to use them as gift.  Apparently it is bad form to kill your guide and give it as a gift because you cannot return them..
In the center of our portion of the Bridge is a huge tree that will all decorate with pictures of our loved ones.  There are Moms, Dads and siblings crowding every single branch.  And on the top of the tree is the most beautiful angel in the world.  Right now Willie is there.  My day to be the Angel is Saturday.
On Christmas Eve Santa comes to visit us.  He doesn’t bring us any toys.  He gives us what we most want.  A lap to sit on.  We curl up there and spend ans much time as we want.  Santa has a great lap.  (By the way let me give you a major spoiler:  Santa is a Time Lord and his sled is a Tardis which is why he can visit everyone in one night.  It takes him weeks to visit everyone but he keeps going back one minute in time so he can do the entire world in a minute.
On Christmas Day we climb a hill and look down on the happy pups who have been reunited with their families as they run and play in the snow, and while we never want anything bad to happen to our love ones, on Christmas Day we do so wish they could be with us.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Return of Cousin Neely By River Song

It was a typical day when something happened that changed my entire week in a way that can never be forgotten.  Mommy had gone out, which I didn’t like, but I had stayed calm on Daddy’s lap.  Then I heard Mommy’s car.  I ran to the window and saw that our grandbaby Meg was with her and Meg had a bag  She would be staying with us for a few days!  Cool!  And then I saw the leash in Mommy’ hand and I thought “oh no!”  It was Meg’s dog Neely.  A big tailed male Shih Tzu.  After seeing Neely I jumped on Pocket’s back, bent my legs and smushed Pocket into the floor until Daddy lifted me off of her.  Daddy thought I was trying to hurt her but I was hugging her.  Hugging her for dear life.
In our house is the perfect family unit.  Two dogs.  Two people.  A person for every pup and a pup for every person.  You would assume adding one more person:  Meg, and one more dog:  Neely would not upset the equation but you would be wrong because Neely does not respect the one person one dog rule.  Neely wants to be with every person all the time.  He is a lap jumper.  Instead of snuggling on one lap he bounces from one to another in a most disrespectful and selfish manner.  And he had no respect for personal property.  He immediately attacked my toys walking around with one in his mouth squeaking.
And yes he does come with food (it is the same bag of quality food the accompanies him each time he visits.  His Mom wants our Mom to think she feeds good food but she feeds the cheap stuff and only brings the good stuff over so she doesn’t get a lecture for Mommy.  But Mommy is going to tell her to stop doing it because the expiration date  on the ten pound bag of good food is in three months.  Mommies can never stop being Mommies) but he still gets my food as treats.  (Which is maybe for the best.  He probably gets chocolate covered rawhides at his house.)  And he gets my kibble when my parents are eating and share kibbles with us.  Laps!  Kibbles!  Mom time!  This dog is taking over my life.
And plus you know me and male dogs.  I have the Kavorka.  I brush by a male dog and I get pregnant.  They can’t resist me.  It’s a curse.  I feel bad for him.  You know he has to live with all of this.
Mommy said she took care of it so I couldn’t have babies again but who can trust a doctor if you know what I mean?  Right now he is sleeping in Meg’s room and I’m in Mommy’s and I like that.
Just hope that he goes home before we both give into sweet neutered temptation.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Moose is our December 6, 2015 Pup of the Week

Staying alive….staying alive.  Lately it has become so hard, for humans and pups, to stay alive.  The mortal side of the Bridge is filled with so many threats from illness, to crazy violent people, to those who think murder will lead to a plethora of virgins, which is true but unfortunately they all look like this.
Some of us have an incredible will to stay alive.
Have you met my friend Moose?  I have not written about Moose since March of 2013 which is a good thing because before then I wrote about Moose a lot.  He had been diagnosed with Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs (IMHA) earlier that year.  
That seemed especially cruel.  Moose has only been with his new family for six years.  Before that he had been in a neglectful and abusive situation which had made him scared and aggressive.  His loving family had made him into a calm, affectionate family pet.  And then came the illness.
It began with white gums and lethargy.  Moose was rushed to the vet and his PCV levels were down to ten from  normal level of 37 to 55.  The vet wanted to do a blood transfusion as a last ditch effort to save him but Moose’s parents did not want the pup they rescued to spend time in the hospital scared and alone so they took him praying for the best.
But Moose continued to go downhill, not eating, not moving, his numbers crashing, his breath becoming labored.  It seemed like the Bridge was calling.  But Moose disregarded the invitation.  He rallied, and began eating, then playing, and his numbers rose, and kept rising, and soon Moose was miraculously back to normal where he has stayed for more than two years.
Now Moose is a happy 12 year old boy.  But he could use some prayers.  He has an operation upcoming.  He is going to have a mass removed from his leg and some dental work.  His preoperative physical went swimmingly.  But he does have a heart murmur and is a senior dog so prayers would be greatly appreciated,
Moose is an inspiration for every dog who has suffered this terrible disease.  He needs more time on the mortal side to provide hope for the living.

Beat This Caption

  The TSA's drug sniffing cats project was a failure. The cats kept curling up and going to sleep in the luggage