Friday, January 1, 2016

Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Happy New Year

It is a New Year here at Rainbow Bridge and we just got done celebrating.  On the mortal side of the Bridge people celebrate making it through the year, happy to be gathered with their loved one.  But for us on the immortal side of the river we celebrate who is not with us because that means they are still with you.
All the dogs who are in their mid teens, or who are sick, or recovering, and all the humans who got diagnosed with the dreaded C word last year and are battling to stay on the mortal side, or have had injuries or other illnesses, we give thanks that we have not seen you last year and pray we don’t see you this year.
One of our favorite traditions here is to gather around the giant Willow Tree that was in Apollo’s yard and at the stroke of midnight we sing our version of Auld Lang Syne:  “Should mortal acquaintances become sick/ And need medical treatment/ Should mortal acquaintances become sick / Stay the hell away from here / Please stay the hell away from here my dear/ Stay they hell away from here / We’ll drink a glass of Foleytinis my friends / If you stay the hell away from here.”
We do look over you (you have no right to privacy as far as we are concerned) and we are worried by what we see.  Besides nature becoming exceedingly angry we also see people becoming more ruled by hate and fear and making rash decisions.  I may have done too nice  a job of describing our existence here.  You don’t really want to come until your body is too worn out to carry you through your days, and if you send someone else here who isn’t harming you then there really is a wall to keep you out.
My advice to humans is if you find yourself in a situation where you are disagreeing with someone and you are losing your temper mention your dog.  There isn’t a lot that humans agree on but they do agree that dogs (and in some cases cats) are wonderful.  We are life’s great equalizers.   Use us.
We wish we could tell you what the New Year will bring.  We can’t. We can only pray it will be a lot better than the last one.  


  1. You might want to cut back a little on making the R.B. such a cool place to go. The mortal side can be awful for a lot of people today. (Not us)

  2. Happy New Year to all of you. You are so right about dogs being a unifying part of our world. Shyla goes to some of my medical appointments with me. The formerly silent waiting rooms become filled with conversation, all centered around Shyla and the other peoples' dogs!

  3. You have said this all so well, Foley! I think we need you back on this side again! You could teach the humans a lot!

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year full of good health, peace, and lots of treats!


  4. Foley wishing you a very Merry New Years, thank you for reminding us, all the good still here in this hardshell of a world. stella rose


Monday Question

  What is your favorite treat? I love my Blue Buffalo Sizzler with bacon.