Sunday, April 10, 2016

Pup of the Week: Building a Wall for Paco, Josie, Smoochy, Macdougal, and Junior

My good friend Ladybug and I have been working on a secret project.  Each morning we begin construction on a great, big beautiful wall.  And each evening after we go to sleep The Big Guy knocks it down with a giant wrecking ball.
But we are still building the wall.  Why you ask.  We are building the wall to keep out the unwanted:  All dogs on the mortal side: Especially our dear friends.
We build the wall for Paco.  He has serious breathing issues.  His Mom is afraid to go to work.  Every time she leaves Paco she wonders if he will need medicine after he has an attack and she will not be there to administer the drugs.  And she is afraid of the day the medicine won’t work.   We want Paco to have a lot more days with his Mom on the mortal side. So we build the wall for Paco.
We build the wall for Josie.
She had two terrible attacks from an undiagnosed infection.  She spent many nights at the doctors.  Finally, after an array of tests, a tumor was detected.  It had perforated her colon causing the attacks.  In a way, the perforated colon was a blessing.  If that had not happened, the tumor would have remained undetected.  Josie had the tumor removed.  They are awaiting the results of the biopsy.  She may still have to undergo chemo.  So we build the wall for Josie.
We build the wall for Smoochy.

He escaped a sure trip to the Bridge in March.  But his bone cancer had turned him into a tri-paw.  His happy gallop is now a slow limp.  But Smoochy is determined to stay with his Mom as long as he can.  To help him we build the wall for Smoochy.

We build the wall for MacDougal.

He has been suffering from vomiting, back issues, mobility issues and to top it off a tumor on his bottom.   He has endured every test known in the medical world.  He has been shaved, poked, prodded, and ­probed.  Among his diagnosis have been cancer, gall bladder blockage, and other diagnoses which the doctor dismissed as quickly as they diagnosed them.  Now the doctors have settled on acid reflux.  The doctors could not decide if the tumor on his butt was cancerous and wanted to be more tests but after a month of Mac undergoing a myriad of tests his Mom decided no more tests and is concentrating on giving Mac the best days possible until it is his time.  To ensure it is not his time we build the wall for MacDougal.
We build the wall for Junior Johnson.
  The doctors diagnosed Junior with lymphoma.  His Mom is hoping it is a bad diagnosis.  Junior has undergone an operation to remove the tumor, and his Mom is waiting to hear from the vet about the next step.  She is very worried about her special boy.  So we build the wall for Junior.

We build the wall for every sick dog, every senior dog, every dog living heartbeat to heartbeat.  We know the Big Guy will keep knocking down our wall, but we will never stop building it to try to ke­­­ep dogs and parents together for many more days.

Break is over.  Time to rebuild the wall.


  1. What you are doing is very beautiful. But maybe the Big Guy knows best.

  2. You have to strive for what you believe in...Work and sweat.....If the wall falls during the nite... We start all over again... The Big GUY has to hear our pleas and cries for what our hearts beat for...This is for all of our Fur Friends that need to stay with their Mom's...that need to be healed..and not to have to make that Long climb up the stairs to the top of The Bridge.. We want them to Live with those that Love them so much and in turn LOVE THEM...We Pray each morning and each evening....Our evening prayers that the wall will still be standing when we open our eyes to the beautiful sunshine and the glorious gold rimmed clouds....The sunrise that is so beautiful at the Bridge...but Have Mercy Lord on our friends...and know that we are working hard to build this Bridge so all those that want to stay with their families..where the LOVE AND WARM Hugs can be felt.....The unconditional love hovers over them with Joy and Peace...Can stay on the mortal side of life....and feel each others hands that so gently touch us in their gentle arms and have Loved us an eternity.....

  3. *looks at the wall with tears in my eyes* Oh Miss Foley you are a saint, and all the love and prayers have kept me with my Mama for a little while longer. Every day more precious than the next. I walked in the 2 million dog march in Boston. Please those that can help with this cause. My wonderful brother Hershey was in the very first calendar. Mama says she is gonna make sure I am in the next one. My prayers now are for all of the ones that are suffering with this horrible disease and especially for those that are suffering with it that do not have a gentle hand of a Mama or a Daddy to hold them through their suffering. My tears fall every night praying for them. I have never known a harsh hand and I am so lucky to have Mama. *looks up at the wall in awe* Thank you from the bottom of this Labby heart. When My time comes and the wall has been knocked down by our all knowing God, and Miss Foley meets me at the bottom of the steps I will look back at my family and friends knowing I will miss them, but I know that My time at the Bridge will be spent with all of my friends who have gone before me.

  4. That is a wall we can support!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Our paws are crossed tight for all of these beautiful doggies. May they have many more wonderful days with their humans.

  6. I do support this wall and I hope it'll help all those puppies to get on well. I just wanted to tell you that thanks God my Junior is fine and as naughthy as ever, the photo is mistaken, I supposed you've referred to Junior de pit bull, Chelsea's brother. I hope all of them will live long with no sufferings. Love you♥ María Coppoletta (Luca& Junior's mom)


Wordless Wednesday
