Friday, February 17, 2017

Tails from Rainbow Bridge: My Vacation with Luca and Fred

I am a very empathetic dog.  I am not afraid to suffer if my parents are suffering as well.  But I only have so much empathy.
Since the Northeast has turned into a freezer, I have moved up to the mountains so I can understand what they are experiencing and be a better angel.  For two days I plowed through the snow when I went outside, warmed my wet and cold paws by the fire, and shivered in my little bed.  By the third day, I knew what I needed:  A vacation.
My friends Luca and Fred share my philosophy.  They experience the weather that their mom is encountering.  Their mom lives in Argentina where it is currently summer.  I called them and asked if they would like a visit.  Being gracious hosts, they both said they would be happy to see me.
I packed my bag and slid down the mountain all the way to the beaches by the water.  On the way down the mountain, it became warmer, and I removed my boots, jacket, and scarf.  By the time I reached Fred’s villa, I was butt naked.
Fred was the first Angel I had ever met.  I became friends with Luca and his brother Junior when I made my first foray into social media.  They told me about their wonderful brother Angel Fred and arranged a dream visit between Fred and I.  It was my first trip to the Bridge.  I loved everything about it, and Fred was a very accommodating friend and showed me every wonderful section of the Bridge.  I knew right away it was a great place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.  Unfortunately, years later, time would run out, and I would arrive.
Fred and Luca met me on the beach.  The sun was strong, the air salty, fish rose and dove back into the sea.  They had three lounge chairs lined up, and I sat next to them, and we watched the waves break.  “You want to go surfing?” Fred asked.
I definitely did not want to go surfing but I am a good guest and did not want to disappoint my hosts.  I paddled out from shore with Fred on one side and Luca on the other.  Then a wave came.  They both stood up and rode their surfboards.  I stood up and the surfboard went out from under me.   I was caught in the wave and thrown onto the shore.  Luca and  Fred were both laughing.  I guess we can’t expect a little five pound dog to surf they said.  I blew seawater out of my nose.  I was determined to do it.  But Fred has a better idea.  They gave me a little board to lay down on and strapped it to Luca’s board.  When they rode the wave I followed.
When we were, done we had some Foleytinis and rice on the beach.  The only rice I ever had was the kind our parents feed us when we have diarrhea.  This was spicy and rich.  I had been rice ripped off my whole mortal life.  
I fell asleep under a warm, full moon on the beach and woke up to the high tide lapping my paws.  I looked out at the peaceful boats on the horizon and the sun rising.  Luca and Fred were chasing each other in and out of the water.  I stretched.  The sun’s warmth felt so good,
I curled up to go back to sleep.  There are still many more weeks to experience the winter my parents tolerating.  For now, I would stay on the warm beach.
I know my parents wouldn’t mind.  Even Angels need a vacation.


  1. A beach vacation sounds nice. It has been blustery and rainy for two days here. But we will pass on surfing.

  2. yes... angels need a vacation too... and maybe the angels will go to stuarts beach once together, because he had to go before the plan to see his beach again became true...

  3. That beach vacation sounds wonderful. Glad to know that angels can enjoy a holiday too :-) Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  4. Yes, even angels!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. You know... Fred loved swimming and going in the sea jumping and getting wet, Luca was a very special Lab doggy, he didn't like the wáter but he entered the sea from time to time. Beautiful story and a lovely vacation Foley had with my two angel boys. THANK YOU! Even though I can't stop crying it's a marvellous and magic tale which I'd very much like to be real. You're a terrific writer. Congrts!! And thanks again! To have my two fur-angel boys together in this story means a lot to me and you let me feel them close to me again♥♥♥


Wordless Wednesday
