Monday, July 17, 2017

Monday Question

How old were your parents when they got their first pet that was more their pet than their parent's pet?
Daddy: Ten years old - Barney the dog.
Mommy: 19 years old - Nico the cat


  1. Mommy - probably in high school.

    Daddy - umm, Mom says he thinks we are all HIS dogs, but he doesn't do any of the work:) BOL

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  2. Mom didn't have a pet that was all her own until Barkley when she was forth (mumble mumble). Working as a pilot meant having to board a dog constantly and she didn't want to do that.

  3. Ghostwriter had parakeets: Topsie, and Buddy when she was in grade school. Dad's "big brother" was an Irish Setter named Kelly.

  4. Daddy 10 years
    Mommy no childhood pets

  5. My Mum had a white rabbit called Oncas when she was 9. Then she got Poncas and they had all little Woncas's. She got her first, very own, dog when she was 10. He was a Dalmatian and she called him Mike. She trained him herself and she also showed him when she turned 12. He was a great dog. Dad didn't have any pets until he met Mum so he was ancient when he got his first share dog.

  6. My momma got Whitley when she wuz 15 (almost 16). Da other pets had been family pets.

  7. our mom had pet white rats when she was about 10. They got a dog for Christmas but she became more their mom's dog
    Hazel & Mabel

  8. the mama got her furst pet with 6 years... a guinea pig named Felix ;o)

  9. Always an assortment of pets in the family. But the first, for HER was Maggie a stray puppy when SHE was 5.

  10. Mum can't remeber a time when she didn't haf a kitty cat pet at home butt she wasn't a dog owner until long after she wuz married to Dad
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  11. Dad and Mom both had pets for as long as they remember, and that's a long time.

  12. Mom got Teddy when she was in elementary school but cannot remember what grade, likely 6th grade.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


Wordless Wednesday
