Monday, September 25, 2017

Monday Question

Do you spin around before you lie down to sleep?
Do you kick you back legs after you poop or pee?
Do you kick your leg when someone scratches your belly?
Pocket: I spin around a few time very settling down. I don't kick my back legs after doing my business or kick my leg.
River Song: I spin, shake, spin again, and fuss for five minutes before sitting down. Occasionally I will kick my back legs after doing my business. I don't kick my leg.


  1. My dogs do all of those things, they are very primitive.:-)

  2. We all do one or more of those things, especially the circling before lying down. The belly scratching kick is unanimous. Misty is the only leg kicker after potty time:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Dui goes round and round before he will lie down--we thinks he just gets dizzy and collapses! He also does the kick back....usually getting lost in the moment and has to be dragged back to the walk. Roxy always has to dig, or rearrange the blanket before she will lay down.

  4. I don't do any of those things, but hey, I'm willing to give them a try!

  5. I don't do the kicks after my business, butts the other two yes! Sometimes I do it ~ I likes to mix it up ☺
    Ruby ♥

  6. Barkley always did the kicking thing after he pottied. Abby just wanders off.

  7. Both of our dogs do the spinning thing before they lie down. Neither kicks back after they go potty. But Shyla, a girl, lifts her leg to pee!

  8. I do a circle rain dance before I lay down but Stanley doesn't. Stan kicks his legs up when he poops but I don't. That makes us even.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. I do all that... and the humans say I'm crazy...

  10. I kick my legs back after doing business. I like to rearrange my blanket and roll around in it before taking a nap. No spinning around, though.

  11. I do spin when i pee, and kick my back legs, i spin when i lay down sometimes, but as far as the pooping, heck I don't know anything about that. stella rose


Monday Question

  What is your favorite treat? I love my Blue Buffalo Sizzler with bacon.