Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Beat This Caption


\What do you mean you are deciding not to get the vaccine?  Can you do that?  How come I can't?  I am tired of living under an oppressive regime that doesn't care about my rights.


  1. we too... but the mama said that more simple... it started with an f ;O)

  2. "Your enthusiasm is not appreciated this morning!"

  3. I'm Inspector Wiffenpoof; Scotland Yard. Step into the vehicle please...we are taking you to the Yard, No, not THAT yard. You should have relieved yourself before you were captured.

  4. That's perfect. You tell them.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a woof woof day. ♥

  5. Yepper, our vaccines sure aren't optional!

  6. we heer ya dawg dood....we never ASK for ray beez vacceenz
    but....we gotta get em any way ~~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  7. Keep it down. You woke me up from a good dream.


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