Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pocket and I Got a Package From Santa Claus

You will never guess what happened to us today! Go ahead. Try. Nope, that's not it. Told you! When Daddy came in with the mail he had a package addressed to us with a return address of Santa Paw's Village in the North Pole. That's right! We made it baby! Thanks to a lowering of the standards of good vs naughty Pocket and I ended up on the nice list and Santa awarded us.
Now Mommy, much like the Mommy who puts down a new carpet after adopting an unhousebroken puppy, had to piss on everything nice. She said that it wasn't from Santa but from a mysterious DS or TB Mom and we need to tell this Mom how pleased they made us during a difficult time, that, while we don't know who they are, we are eternally grateful and love them for it, and could never do enough to show our appreciation for this wonderful gesture.
Yeah, right! Pocket and I got this because we are so bad ass we're good. Now, let us show you the goods are goodness got us.
First there is me, thoroughly enjoying my new Santa hat:
Then there is Pocket, thoroughly enjoying her new Santa hat while in a deep depression about having her picture taken
We also received a very funny sign that I posed with because too much posing doesn't do poor Pocket any good.
And finally we got the most stunning, succulent, most delicious, treats that have ever made a dog channel Gordon Ramsey.  We could not describe how good they were, not would a picture do them justice, so here is a video of us gobbling them down.

If you believe, as Pocket and I do, that these came from Santa, or if you believe that this comes from a TB or DS friend with all the qualities that Santa possesses, either way, neither Pocket, nor I, nor our parents are worthy of your friendship. We are humbled by your generosity, and hope, over the coming year, to pay back your generosity tenfold.


  1. We're with Pocket on the hat thingy...but if we had a tartan hat like yours, we might model.

    Those were excellent treats....nothing wasted there.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. Pumpkin Treats!! That is a REALLY good furiend!!


  3. Wow, mails from Santa?!! I love the nose art sign too :D

  4. Nose art , well funny. What a great load of swag. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Sounds like Santa brought you some cool things
    Benny & Lily


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