Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pocket's 2012 Christmas Card Bloopers With Video

Unlike my sister Foley, a Yorkie in constant state of rebellion, I, Pocket, try to be a good dog and do what my parents want me to do. All I want them to do is to sit in a soft chair with either a lap or enough room for me to snuggle next to them. When they are doing other things I try to stay out of their way so they can be ready to sit sooner, or maybe toss me a ball.

I hate to be the reason for prolonged non sitting but this is exactly the situation I found myself in Sunday.  It was Christmas Card picture taking day.  I hate Christmas Card picture taking day.   Maybe someday we will find someone here in the Village of the Pruned willing to take picture of me sitting on my parents’ laps or squeezed between them in a love seat, but until that day it means that I am going to be sitting next to Foley and they are going to be begging me to do the right thing so the picture can be taken.

I just don’t know what the right thing is!  And when I don’t know what to do, like many great Americans, I lie down and keep my legs together, because studies have shown that no one has ever got in trouble by lying down and keeping their legs together.

Except I did.  Because each time I would lie down with my legs together Mommy and Daddy told me to sit up.  Then they would point their phones at me and look through it at me.  I don’t know why.  Who looks through a phone?  Who are these guys?  Dick Tracey?

We started on our brown loveseat.  I stayed up for a few pictures, but then they put me right next to Foley.  She was staying still with her tongue poking out of her mouth posing perfectly which is only fair, this is her twelfth Christmas card.  For her posing for a card is as natural as Lindsay Lohan  posing for a mug shot photo.

Then we moved to Daddy’s chair and at this point all I wanted to do is lie down.  During the picture taking Daddy kept hitting the video button by mistake and finally he decided to record my humiliation, so here is one minute of a long photo shoot with Mommy and Daddy trying to get me to stand.

Finally we were placed under the tree and they on the floor with us and I continued to lie down but then I got so tired of lying I stood and that is when they got their photo.  Those pictures are being processed and should go out next week.  Until then, if you don’t mind, I am lying down.


  1. Well done! We don't see a problem. We take turns looking the wrong way, putting tongues out, lying down....SHE has to take like 87 billion pictures. Don't ever make it easy for them, or they'll be making photos for EVERY little occasion....

    Hope they gave you lots of treats.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. Too right Pocket, my mantra, no treats no pose. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. I paused at 0:17 and it was the cutest thing ever :D

  4. You two scamps put a perpetual smile on my face! AND Pocket I have always been amazed at your writing and story telling skills. Pocket for Entertainer of the Year! I'm watching you from all the way up here.... xxxooo Reba

  5. Well....your shoot turned out lots better than mine did! Mom finally gave up and took individual photos and then had to Photoshop them together! BOL

  6. Here's Mom's trick...she has her finger on the button and says a magic word or two like "treat" or "walk" and I crank my head just at that moment and she snaps the pic. Voila..a perfect pose! Then I get the treat and a walk for being so perfect! I have her so well trained ;)

  7. Drop by, I've got something for you:)


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