Friday, September 4, 2015

Tails From Rainbow Bride: Catching up with Bauser

I have an extraordinary life here at the Bridge.  While my friends lie in the sun, play, or watch their Mom’s channel on the television to make sure they are all right I have to go to work.  I am a Judge and I have to swear in new pups who arrive at the Bridge and decide on minor disputes that may occur.

I have a distinguished black robe that I wear while I am performing my duties.   Under it I wear a beautiful bandanna.   The one I am wearing today reads “Judge Foley Monster.”  The letters are written in red with a gold border.  I had it made especially for me.

I didn’t create the design myself.  I sent a butterfly messenger with my bandanna request.  The butterfly flew it to the home of my old friend Bauser.  Bauser is another dog with an extraordinary afterlife.

He works everyday too.  He makes bandannas just as he did every day on the mortal side.  But he can do something on this side he could not do on the mortal side.  Each day he gathers the ordered bandanas in his mouth and he runs.

Seven years ago Bauser suffered a serious injury to his back.  He could barely walk never mind run.  The surgery was expensive and Bauser’s Mom did not have the money to pay for it.  She was a talented seamstress and wanted to use that talent to raise money for Bauser.  And that is when Bauser’s bandannas were born.  They were handmade with love and were absolutely stunning.  Soon all of the dogs who were lucky enough to know Bauser and his Mom were sporting the most handsome bandannas in town.  They also became very popular gifts for birthdays and holidays.  Every dog was thrilled to open the box and see a Bauser bandanna enclosed.  Soon enough money was raised and Bauser had his operation which was a complete success.

There was still a demand for bandannas and he and his Mom continued their business for four years until Bauser went to the Bridge after a battle with cancer.  As soon as he arrived here word spread that the mortal side’s best bandanna creator was now immortal.  Bauser scouted locations and found a wonderful cloud for his business.  He then set up a big spinning wheel and eschewed a sewing machine to do every bandanna by paw.  The requests came flying in from butterflies and birds and Bauser quickly got to work.  Somehow he filled the request for every pup at the Bridge.

The sad thing is that new pups arrive daily.  Bauser sends one of his messenger butterflies to the new pup asking what bandanna they would like and on their first morning he goes running like the wind past them leaving them their new bandanna.

So thanks to Bauser all your angels are sporting nifty bandannas.  I wish you could see a picture of us.  It would be magnificent. 


  1. WE can see you and Bauser. We can.
    stella rose

  2. That Bridge has so much beauty in it- for you to look at!

  3. We are surprised that there are working dogs there, but i guess old habits are hard to break. We loved this story.

  4. Yes, wonderful story!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. We hope Angel Greta got a pink one!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. So wonderful. Thank you all.
    -Angel Bauser and mom

  7. Of course we can see all of you. My brother Weenie who passed away in 2013 told us all about him and even had a bandana for him too.

    Love..... Mommy's girls


Wordless Wednesday
