Friday, December 30, 2016

Tails From Rainbow Bridge: A Year in Review

If Rainbow Bridge were a college football team, we would be congratulating ourselves on a fine recruiting class for 2016.  Some of the finest mortal dogs who walked the Earth joined our side this year.  But this isn’t a football team, and there is no winning here, and those who have joined us have left thousands of broken hearts in their wake.
There have been terrible losses for humans too, beginning with a man who called himself Prince and ending with a woman who played a Princess.  There has been a deluge of human tears crossing the river in dark clouds.  These tears have watered our gardens making them more spectacular as ever, but, even as I walk amongst these beautiful plants, I know they are the product of sadness.
We Bridge Angels tried our best not to let any dogs pass to the Immortal side  We built a great, big, beautiful wall and made the Chihuahuas pay for it.  (The bill is still outstanding).  But walls don’t work.  Pups came over it, under it, and straight through it.  All mortal beings are only given so many heartbeats and when they expire we cannot keep anyone out.
That is what I have learned in more than three years at the Bridge.  Everyone is going to join us at some time.  Mortals can fight it for as long as possible, and even postpone it, but the day will come.
I have gone more than three years without being able to feel my mom’s soft fingers rubbing my ears, getting those special belly rubs, even getting baths, which I hated, but now I would give anything for one of them.  Three and a half years at Rainbow Bridge:  That is a quarter of the time I spent as a mortal dog.  Three more quarters and I will be gone longer than I was there.
My advice to you humans is to savor every moment you have with those you love.  If you are holding grievances against a loved one try to mend it.  When you have a chance to tell a loved one that love them, do it.  Make time for love every day, because your money is never going to the Bridge one day.  But your loved one is.
I do hope our incoming class for 2017 is few and far between.  My New Year’s wish is that I could give you all an extra year of heartbeats.
But if a song ends I will be here to welcome the departed and try to bring comfort to the broken hearted.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Getting Back to the Old Normal By Pocket

I am a dog who needs normalcy.  For most of the year I know what to expect day to day.  But then comes Christmas season and there is nothing normal about Christmas.

I am used to breakfast, chase ball time, a walk, lap time, sun time, supper, lap time, snack time, lap time, big bed time, and sleep time.   That is all I want.  I understand there are unscheduled times my parents have to leave the house.  But at Christmas, the entire schedule breaks down.

To signal the beginning of this period of great unrest my parents bring in the Tree of Unease and decorate it, then put lights on it to remind them that the Troubles are ahead.

Then comes shopping days.  These are one of the days I am crated.  Once the Tree of Unease is erected the shopping day grow longer.  The more my parents are the more anxious River becomes.  When anyone in our home becomes anxious I feel it, for I am an anxiety conduit.  And when I become anxious my tummy does flip flops.

But no one becomes more anxious than my mom.  With three children, their  spouses, and fourteen grandchildren to buy for, Mommy grows more frazzled every day, as she strives to make sure that every child feels equal and gets what they want.

First comes the buying, and then comes the dreaded wrapping, a tradition I do not understand.  I have seen the unwrapping, done in a few seconds time, while the wrapping can take several minutes.  I am going to spend time in my kitty condo this year working on some packing camouflage that does not involved scissors and tape.  I am sure Mr. Wonderful will back me when I appear on Shark Tank.

There have been some spectacular days during these troubling times.  We have so many terrific friends.  Koda, Josie and the Boyz; Marshmallow and her pack; Leo; Cali; Angels Tupper and Max and their pack; Freddy, and others who I apologize for not remembering, who send us wonderful gifts and treats.  These gifts fill my heart with love and eases my trouble tum-tum.  But, as more gifts are wrapped, and mommy grows more anxious about money, the anxiety overwhelms the era of good feeling.

The baking began on Friday.  I hate the baking.  The stove’s timers constantly beeping, the banging of pots and pans, the wicked microwave spinning and radiating.  I look for somewhere to hide but there is no escape.  I skipped both breakfast and supper that day.  The Tree of Unease signaled the three days when River Song and I would be left alone for a longer than normal period.  That time was upon us.  I did not eat either breakfast or supper that night.  When my parents returned home safely five hours after departing I had a small plate of turkey and kibble then a large smelly poop.

On Saturday there were bags and boxes of gifts removed from the front room.  My tummy began doing flip flops as soon as I saw them.  I was going back into my kitty condo while River nervously roamed the house.  This time we were there for four hours.  All I wanted was my mom’s lap.  When she got home I happily snuggled with her.

Sunday morning there was more baking, beeping, radiating .  Mommy was tense as she tried to do several tasks simultaneously.  Then came the packages, the kitty condo, and unwanted isolation.

Our parents were only gone for three hours, but River’s separation anxiety kicked into overload.  She knocked over several items jumping from tabletop to tabletop and she even spent time on my crate.  When my parents got home I still had my appetite, but my tummy was suffering from Post Christmas Stress Disorder.

Monday morning I left several small deposits around the house as I flushed this disorder from my system.  I have been doing better since then but I am worried what will happen in June.

That’s when my Pre-Christmas Stress Disorder kicks in.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Baron is our Pup of the Week

Is there a better Christmas gift than a puppy?
Is there any sadder sound at Christmas than the silence of a missing heartbeat?
Odie, Scooby and Rusty, my angels, and friends, knew the answer to both questions was no. After Odie had passed to the Bridge, preceded by Scooby and Rusty, their parents were going to be without a dog on Christmas for the first time since they were married.
During their last mortal years, Scooby and Odie had walking issues and could not be left alone. Their parents gave up many opportunities to travel because of their injured boys. After Odie’s passing his broken hearted parents decided to have some adventures of their own while their Angels secretly looked for their successors.
The Boys, Rusty, Scooby, and Odie, knew even if they found the perfect pup, the pain of losing The Boys would have to be excavated from their parents’ hearts, and a new foundation lay before the memories a puppy would bring could build towers of love in their hearts. The Boys slipped in and out of their parents' dreams and spent lots of ghost time next to them while they were awake, looking for a sign that their parents were ready. When the Christmas bells chimed, the Boys' parents realized they did not want to spend the holidays without the soft sound of paws on the floor.
They contacted their local rescue and said they were looking for puppies. Being long time adopters, the process should not have been a problem for The Boys’ parents. But there were constant communication problems with the foster parents and the rescue. The Boys’ parents were told they would have two rescues by Christmas, then backed off and said they would only be getting one.
This frustrated the Boys’ parents but when they found the reason why they knew it was for the best. The foster family had a blind dog. When the female rescue arrived the blind dog bonded with her. When she was with him, he was happy. When he was without her, he was morose. The foster parents knew they could not separate the girl dog from the blind dog, and when that was explained to the Boys’ parents, they knew they could not take the girl.
Before the Boys’ parents could adopt a dog the Rescue needed to inspect the house. When the inspectors met the Boys' parents, they knew they could not find better adopters if they tried for a thousand years. When they got to the back yard, where there were memorial stones at Rusty, Scooby and Odie’s graves and next to each stone a small Christmas tree with special ornaments for each lost dog the inspectors knew they had found the right home.
And soon the Boy’s parents were introduced to Baron, a young pup who went from a foster house to one of the best dog homes in the world. Baron is sleeping in the big bed, getting the best food and treats, and meeting the neighborhood dogs. Soon he will be walking and meeting more dogs.
He could be getting his Brother as soon as next week, and the Boys’ house will be back to being a two dog house. The lives Baron and Brother will have! Two young dogs who have gone from the Rescue to the Jackpot.
Merry Christmas Baron. You are both the greatest gift even given, and are the recipient of a splendid gift as well. Love.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Visiting a Shelter with our New Angels

Line up new angels.  Santa is here, and it is time for us to help him visit the shelters and bring toys to the unrescued.  Everyone get on the sled and hold on.  It is kind of foggy out.  Who has the biggest smile?  Jazzy!  Won’t you help Rudolph lead the sleigh tonight?

Does everyone have on their special outfits that Whitley made for us?  We are the best-looking elves Santa has every had.  Whitley certainly knows her fashion.  

Okay, we are about to take off.  Everyone hold on.

Rudolph, I know you are great at leading the sleigh, but no one knows the way from Rainbow Bridge better than Leo.  Tonight, my brother, you are our leader.  Show us the way and let’s fly.

Gracie Mae you come over here and sit next to me.  I know you are a smart girl and will be able to repeat my instructions to the others perfectly.

Here we are at the first shelter.  Sandy!  Don’t let all the dogs out of their cages!  Oh man!  You can’t go running down the road with all of them Sandy; we don’t have time.  Well, Ok, they look happy but be back before we are done putting gifts in all their cages.

Ciara, take all these gifts and place them in the cages.   Did you make them all cookies?  That was very sweet of you.  You can leave a plate next to every bowl.

Rain make sure you leave some money on the desk for supplies later in the year.  Thank you for taking all the food, Quincy.  You can stack it up in the storeroom.  And Clyde you can leave a biscuit on their pillows.  

Here comes Sandy bringing the dogs back from their run.   And here is sweet Sarah Jane to give them all big hugs and kisses.  The boys really like giving Sarah Jane a kiss.

Go ahead dogs.  Dirty Harry is in the corner ready to give a speech about how hard it is to live on the street and why you should take every bit of kindness from humans you can.  No one understand the life of a street dog better than Harry.  I know you are cold from being outside.   Dot has some hot chocolate for you all to warm you up.  

Is Dirty Harry done telling you his story?  OK.  How many senior dogs do we have here?  I want you all to sit with Bella.  Before she was an angel, she worked with senior humans and has proven to be a great therapy dog for seniors and humans.  She can make your aches and pains disappear.

Don’t chase those cats.  Those are AJ and Cotton.  We have to take care of our kitty friends too.  Sometimes we have to curb our instincts and let cats do their good work.

Hey, some of our dogs who have gone outside get back in here.  Odie!  I am appointing you captain over all the dogs.  You are a natural leader, and I know the dogs will listen to you.  Plus you are much bigger than me and have a tougher bite.  Now we will have some order in here.

Alright everyone, stand back, Paco is bringing out the plates of food.  There is carbonara, manicotti, pizza, lasagna, and bolognese.  Odie make sure everyone forms a line.  No pushing.  I know the food is spectacular.  Remember your table manners.  

I want to thank my wonderful friends Presley and Rabbit for cleaning up all the dishes.  Presley is licking every plate clean so that we can use it on our next stop.   You are such a good boy Presley.

Every dog needs a good nap after a meal, and no one is better at snuggling than Chelsea.  She went over to each dog and snuggled with them for five minutes until they were in a sound sleep.  Take it from me; no one can put you to sleep like a Yorkie.

We then woke all the dogs for treats.  Lexi had made treats for them.  She was delighted to pass every rescued dog a treat and see them happily woof it down.

My new friend Easy, who loves all animals, took the time to make sure all the reindeer were fed and received water and a loving rubdown.

When it was time to leave Junior ran around making sure all the dogs were put back in the right cages, and there were no signs of our visit besides the new toys that no volunteer would recognize.

Alright, everyone, we have thousands of shelters to go to tonight so let’s get back to the sleigh.  Wait a minute?  What happened to the sleigh.  Leo, why are you pointing at the moon?  Oh man!  Smoochy has flown it to the moon.  He looks so pretty against the moonlight.  You fly Smoochy!  We will wait for you.

So look at the moon tonight young pup.  You will see a glow around it, and a big black dog and a sleigh silhouetted against the moon, and you will know your angels are watching you.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

River Song's Christmas Time Rap

It’s Christmas Time at the Tanner Brigade
And in Blogville where we rock the escapades
Everyone is happy, merry and cheery
Santa Paws is coming, it ain’t just a theory
There are presents to open for all dogs around
Smiles everywhere, you can’t find a frown
The trees are all decorated with festive lights
You can see everything even on the darkest nights
One thing’s for sure, Santa is coming to town
Please remember us, we live by Beantown
Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, arf
Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, arf
I see Hobo and Wylie down in Florida
Decorating their home, even the corridor
Checking out Enzo at the garage
Cutting up his Christmas cards, making a collage
In Jacksonville are my friends the friendly Cowspots
Making their house look like something out of Camelot
Up at Rainbow Bridge we are checking out Leo
Making the stars bright like he’s Galileo
Across the pond is our bestie Lou ee
Wearing a Hattie hat, he’s more than a bit screwy
Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, arf
Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, arf
Ho, Ho, Ho, to my new friend Geordie
He draws great cartoons and is very funny
Fifteen years, still going strong, there’s my man Pokey
He ain’t digging this jam cause he keeps it low key
Got to give a shout out to my big sister Pocket
When we’re waiting for Santa Paws we are going to rock it
That dog with the big red coat, we can’t miss
Saw him under mistletoe giving Hattie Mae a kiss
Acting as his elves are Hailey and Zaphod
You don’t think I can bust that rhyme? Now you’re in rap awe
Zaphod Zaphod Zaphod Zaphod
Rap awe, Rap awe, Rap awe, Rap awe
Look over there, who is making those toys?
It Hannah Banana with a face full of joy
And there is Tommy looked towards the sky
He’s heard of Santa Paw and wants to meet his guy
It’s even Christmas in the summer time
Look at Down Under Daisy listening to Australian bells chime
I think I hear Santa going HO HO HO HO HO
Or am I being tricked by my bestie Briscoe?
Don’t matter no way, having a happy Christmas time
I’m getting tired so here I end this rhyme

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Beat This Caption

If I need to come back there, trust me, you two kids are not going to be happy. Now face forward, keep your hands to yourself, and your mouth shut.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Pup of the Week: Wishbone The Survivor

Every television season some island dwelling reality star is deemed “The Survivor.”  Spending 39 days on an island with a medical staff and camera crew may be surviving to some, but we dogs know true survivors, and no one fits that term more than my good friend, the resilient Wishbone. 

I first became friends with Wishbone when he was just a pup.  He was a coon hound in the South who wouldn’t hunt.  His original owner deemed him worthless.  Damn fool.  He didn’t know he had the most irrepressible dogs in the world.
Wishbone was saved by Dog Rescue Hall of Fame member Paula Malatesta.  But Wishbone had never learned to trust a human, and was born to run, so the first chance he got, he bolted from the Malatesta’s yard.  Paula looked for him for days but Wishbone had learned how to avoid humans.  On a Sunday, after church, Paula saw Wishbone and gave chase.  She tumbled down a hill.  Wishbone stopped to check on her.  Before Wishbone knew what was happening he was back home.
A few years later Paula took very ill.  Her family knew her devotion to saving dogs was taxing her health.  They decided that, to save Paula, they had to surrender the dogs to a shelter.  As the dogs were being rounded up Wishbone ran out of the yard.  But he didn’t go far.  When Paula was released from the hospital Wishbone returned home to be with his mom.

Paula knew she had to find Wishbone a permanent home.  She reached out to her friend from New Hampshire Tiffany Provost who was very happy to give this wonderful boy a home.  Shortly after my passing, my parents, River and Pocket, got to meet Wishbone and his Mom at Pokeyfest held at Pokey’s home in Woburn MA.  My parents fell in love with Wishbone immediately.  

The one thing Wishbone could not outrun was time.  As he aged his spine began to fail him.  Every movement was painful.  His parents knew he was suffering.  Their vet told them that she could operate.  Wishbone’s parents knew he was a survivor and believed he could win his ultimate fight.

His operation was successful, but there was still a risk. If the day after his surgery, Wishbone did not have to feel in his back legs, he would not be able to walk again.  I flew lots of prayers up the mountain to the Big Guy for Wishbone.  His sister Annie flew up twice as much as I did.  Thankfully, our prayers were answered yes, and Wishbone would walk again.

At first, recovery was slow.  Wishbone’s mom had to take him outside with a sling.  Wishbone did not have full control of bladder and dribbled a lot.  Wishbone took up a lot of his parents time, but they were committed to his recovery.  

As Wishbone healed he was in no mood to rest.  He was crated for his own good but when it was time for him to go outside he dragged his mom outside.  His mom had to something called “expressing” him, which doesn’t sound nice for either one of them, but they learned how to do it together.  His mom wanted him to go one the deck but Wishbone is a strong dog and he wanted to go in the yard so he often pulled his mom off the deck.  He was supposed to be in his crate, but since he could not move on his own, he was allowed 

By the end of November, a couple of weeks past his surgery, he was showing progress.  One back leg was ready to go but the other impeded his walking.   He had left the confines of the bedroom to sit with his mother by the Christmas tree and there was no more dribbling in the house.
By the beginning of December Wishy was going through the night without getting his mother or to poop or pee, or messing his bed.  He got a big hug and kiss from his mom for that achievement.  `
Last Monday Wishbone gone his staples out.  Poor Wishy had to be dragged into the vet’s office.  He is a smart boy and thought he was going to be left there again but this time he got to go home after a short visit.   He also got a good verdict.  The vet was impressed he had come so far in three weeks.  The vet said with PT he should be back to normal when was healed.
That Saturday Wishbone went for his first PT meeting.  He received cold laser treatments and his mom was given some homework to do.  The PT aide also put him on an underwater treadmill which most have been very cool.  He did a great job on the treadmill.  His mom planned for four treadmill sessions a week, and then she learned that it was $200.00 a session.  She was willing to pay it but Wishy knew the family had bills too and convinced her, with his soulful dark eyes, that he could get by with only two visits a week.
By Friday Wishbone had become the master of the treadmill.  Aiding him in is mastery was peanut butter.  At first he did not want to move, but his therapist tempted him with the tasty treat and Wishy began moving.  Many dogs would find the underwater treadmill, with the noise, and the water rushing around him, scary, but Wishbone is a survivor, and he kept walking, in pursuit of that peanut butter.
Wishbone, who was on ordered crate rest, rehabbed with stepping foot in his crate.  He was told to stay in his bed, and his did.   Being born to run his being locked in a cage may have broken his spirit.  His understanding with his mom is so strong that she knew not to crate him, and he knew not to leave the bed.
Each day Wishbone will get better until he is himself again ready to take on every challenge with strong legs and spirit.
It is so nice, the week before Christmas, to not have to write about an arrival, but a survival.
To Wishbone:  Long may you run.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Advantages to Being A Small Dog by Pocket

We had our first snow of the season on Sunday.  Snow is the bane of a small dog’s existence.  Our little legs get buried in the cold and wet.  We kick it up on our undersides.  And our most personal parts freeze.
We tend to complain about the negative aspects of our size.  But this is the season of thanks.  There are many advantages to being small and I have decided to embrace each one.
When you are small, you can sleep in bed with your humans because you don’t take up as much room.  You can snuggle up against your parents and get right in the sweet spot by their waist. When they become overheated you can move down the bed too, cool off.
In the morning Daddy gets up first.  He gets dressed, and he picks me up.  I love being picked up.  I know big dogs do get picked up, but it is always awkward.  Legs are going every which way.  Parents never get a good hold.  It is like watching a giraffe and elephant dance.
But for us little dogs being picked up is perfect.  I can snuggle in the crook of his arm.  I stay with him while he brushes he teeth and I lick off the excess toothpaste.  I hate tooth paste but second-hand toothpaste is great stuff.  Then I am carried back into the bedroom, and we get River to go outside.
River gets to be picked up too.  She is twice my size, but she still manages to be carried easily.  When we are both being carried together, it is like we are royalty.
There is no better place to be than our parents’ laps.  We small dogs can take up an entire lap, depending on the lap size.  There is nothing like being set perfectly between two legs.
At night, before my parents go to sleep, and I am curled up at the end of the bed, they take turns putting their arms around my entire body, putting their head on me, and holding me.  You are never safer than when every inch of your body is being covered by a loving human.
I know there are lots of things we small dogs can’t do that big dogs can do, but we have so many advantages.  I wish my big dog friends could experience what I do in a day.
And I wanted to give thanks for the one who made me small because the is perfect for me.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Beat This Caption

Hold it right there buddy!  I am not done talking here.  You just quiet down 'til I'm done then we'll listen to your piece.  Remember there is no interupting here.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Junior Johnson is our Pup of the Week

I sat down, quill in paw, to write this story.  Then I put the quill down and looked out the window.  Then I curled up in my seat.  Then I put my paws up on the window and looked at the sky.
I did not want to write this story.  If I wrote it, someone would read it.  And once something is read it becomes real.
Now I need to do it:  (Sigh.)  Junior Johnson has arrived at Rainbow Bridge.
And now it’s real.
Junior had battled cancer for months.  We all knew he could be arriving any day.  We flew prayers up the mountain to the Big Guy every day asking for more mortal days for Junior.
On Wednesday I stood on a cliff overlooking the River of Life.  There was a long line of dark clouds on the horizon.  That is when I knew Junior was coming.  Those clouds were filled with our parent's tears.  Junior Johnson’s deluge was due to arrive.
I saw Sandy and Jack.  I asked them to put together a team to assemble tents at the greeting spot.  Reyah agreed to inform the other angels.  No one would want to miss Junior’s arrival.
We admired the way he lived his life, totally devoted to his mom, family, and sister.  When he was diagnosed with cancer, he never bent to the disease.  He stood tall and took every punch cancer unleashed, and he never relented.
He did not have to stand alone.  
Next to him through the entire ordeal was his mom Kristi.  She gave every second, and every dime, she had to make him well.  His cancer hammered her too, and she stood straight into the storm.  She was determined not to lose her boy to this terrible disease.
But we are only given so many heartbeats…...
Junior had borrowed, stole, and created more than his allotment, but finally, they expired.  His mom, no longer able to watch him slowly fading, sent him to us, along with oceans of tears.
The tears pounded on our hastily erected tents as Junior crossed the River of Life to become forever immortal and then rode the escalator to the top of the white cliffs where we dogs remain until joined by their family.
The sound of the rain was silenced by the sound of applause as the angels stood clapping their paws together for Junior, recognizing him for his bravery, for his perseverance, for the pain he endured to stay with his mom, to be the true meaning of the word dog.  
Junior, forever a gentleman, greeted each angel warmly, with kisses and hugs, but a touch of impatience, because he was still a dog on his mission, and that mission was caring for the woman whose heart his departure shattered, his mom.
He sought out veteran angels to know how to get into his mom’s dreams, and to her side, even if she didn’t realize it.  Since that terrible day came earlier this week, Junior has spent every moment allowed with his brave mom looking for a way to ease her burden.
None of us are happy that Junior is here.  We wish he were still mortal and with his mom and sissy.  
But we are proud that Junior is a dog.  His very life may the word dog better and gave all mortal dogs something to live up to.

Friday, December 9, 2016

My New Book Tails From Rainbow Bridge is Finally Available For Purchase

Finally it is done!  After six years, five computers, four paws, three proofs, two edits and one determined Yorkie my new book:  “Tails From Rainbow Bridge” is now available for purchase.
Here is the finished product.  
Do you see the lovely art work done by Molly’s mom Pat Turner?  That is a rare picture of me at Rainbow Bridge.  We owe her a big thank you.
Do you see who wrote the book?  That is right.  It is written by Foley Monster.  No humans involved.  I talked with my parents and they agreed that I should get full credit, although I do thank them for their help.
Also I must thank Hobo and Wyllie Hudson’s mom and dad, Bruny and Walter, for performing the important job of editing, and Tommy Tunes and Freddy Girl’s dad Steve Kundzala who enhanced many of the photos in this book.  Also a thanks to all the parents who gave me permission to use their photos.  I have acknowledged them at the end of the book.
This book is for all the dogs I have written about, and have passed to the Bridge, from 2010 to 2015, as well as some very special humans, whose stories I have included.
The price of the book is $11.00.  This is because of the size and the pictures.  I am only making two cents for each book and I have to make $100.00 before the publishers will pay me so I don’t think I am making any money off the book but that is OK, as they say, I couldn’t take it with me.  I did this so the parents who have lost their pups will have something to remember them by.  Also it might help a friend who has recently lost a beloved dog.  Hopefully it will be a thoughtful and caring Christmas Gift.
There is a great rule of thumb for authors:  If you want to be successful don’t kill the dog.  Unfortunately that happens in every one of my stories.  But it isn’t a sad book, because every dog’s life goes on, as mine has, just in a place you mortals cannot access yet.  While there are sad stories I hope you find it life affirming.  It is stories of endless life and endless love.
Here is a list of the dogs and humans whose stories are told in Tails From Rainbow Bridge

Tanner Bub
Teddy Bond
Lady Bug
Gina Busch
Jackie Pool
Jackie Pool
Ruger Roo
Star Max Christian
Charlie and Lady
Reba and Amber
Foley Monster
Stonewall Jackson
Green Acre 20
Max and Raider
Tommy Tunes
Hagan and Greta
Dodie Ricca
Crickette Anne
Princess Bailey
Otis Campbell
Zoe Boe
Fonzie Tuxedo

I have started working on a book for the dogs who have passed to the Bridge this year.  As long as my connection to the mortal Internet stays working I will be honoring dogs who come to the Bridge and their parents.
Because every dog and parent deserve to be recognized.

Beat This Caption

  The TSA's drug sniffing cats project was a failure. The cats kept curling up and going to sleep in the luggage