Friday, December 30, 2016

Tails From Rainbow Bridge: A Year in Review

If Rainbow Bridge were a college football team, we would be congratulating ourselves on a fine recruiting class for 2016.  Some of the finest mortal dogs who walked the Earth joined our side this year.  But this isn’t a football team, and there is no winning here, and those who have joined us have left thousands of broken hearts in their wake.
There have been terrible losses for humans too, beginning with a man who called himself Prince and ending with a woman who played a Princess.  There has been a deluge of human tears crossing the river in dark clouds.  These tears have watered our gardens making them more spectacular as ever, but, even as I walk amongst these beautiful plants, I know they are the product of sadness.
We Bridge Angels tried our best not to let any dogs pass to the Immortal side  We built a great, big, beautiful wall and made the Chihuahuas pay for it.  (The bill is still outstanding).  But walls don’t work.  Pups came over it, under it, and straight through it.  All mortal beings are only given so many heartbeats and when they expire we cannot keep anyone out.
That is what I have learned in more than three years at the Bridge.  Everyone is going to join us at some time.  Mortals can fight it for as long as possible, and even postpone it, but the day will come.
I have gone more than three years without being able to feel my mom’s soft fingers rubbing my ears, getting those special belly rubs, even getting baths, which I hated, but now I would give anything for one of them.  Three and a half years at Rainbow Bridge:  That is a quarter of the time I spent as a mortal dog.  Three more quarters and I will be gone longer than I was there.
My advice to you humans is to savor every moment you have with those you love.  If you are holding grievances against a loved one try to mend it.  When you have a chance to tell a loved one that love them, do it.  Make time for love every day, because your money is never going to the Bridge one day.  But your loved one is.
I do hope our incoming class for 2017 is few and far between.  My New Year’s wish is that I could give you all an extra year of heartbeats.
But if a song ends I will be here to welcome the departed and try to bring comfort to the broken hearted.


  1. Those are such beautiful words, Foley! Mommy is getting all sniffy and that means your post really touched her heart.

  2. You said it perfectly. We will savor every moment - unfortunately, many of us have felt the crushing pain of losing our beloved dogs so we know to hold on tight while we can.

  3. you found the best words to describe this dark year of 2016.... it brought tears to so many families.... We welcome 2017 now and we hope so much that it brings good things to all people and pets of our slice earth...

  4. Dere were too many good dogs and people going there dis last year.

  5. Chihuahuas are such deadbeats. Here's hoping fewer humans pass over this year.

  6. We had a tough year losing our dear Ciara, but we know she is in a very good place. You said it all so well. Happy New Year, dear friends.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  7. An impawtent post and reminders. Luckily we are not mad at our pawrents and they adore us.

    Happy New Year!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Foley, we all love you so and your stories from the Bridge are magnificant....even if they do make our Mom cry. She loves the book and especially the part about Angel Morgan. We so wish we knew him but Mom says we both helped heal her heart and that he sent us and is inside of me, Jackson. I have a suggestion, why don't you and Morgan and Simba, and Tommy and the others open up a Love Shop just for baths, hugs, tummy rubs, ear scratches and all those things your hoomans gave you. It might help pass the time away. We don't want to leave Mom too soon but wish we knew you all. Happy New Year and sending paws and kisses to Angel Morgan. Jackson and Ginger

  9. Beautifully said. Each day is precious. Thank you for your loving words.

  10. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Many amazing souls have indeed left our planet. And more will arrive this new year! That is a great painting! Happy New Year!


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