Thursday, December 22, 2016

River Song's Christmas Time Rap

It’s Christmas Time at the Tanner Brigade
And in Blogville where we rock the escapades
Everyone is happy, merry and cheery
Santa Paws is coming, it ain’t just a theory
There are presents to open for all dogs around
Smiles everywhere, you can’t find a frown
The trees are all decorated with festive lights
You can see everything even on the darkest nights
One thing’s for sure, Santa is coming to town
Please remember us, we live by Beantown
Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, arf
Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, arf
I see Hobo and Wylie down in Florida
Decorating their home, even the corridor
Checking out Enzo at the garage
Cutting up his Christmas cards, making a collage
In Jacksonville are my friends the friendly Cowspots
Making their house look like something out of Camelot
Up at Rainbow Bridge we are checking out Leo
Making the stars bright like he’s Galileo
Across the pond is our bestie Lou ee
Wearing a Hattie hat, he’s more than a bit screwy
Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, arf
Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, arf
Ho, Ho, Ho, to my new friend Geordie
He draws great cartoons and is very funny
Fifteen years, still going strong, there’s my man Pokey
He ain’t digging this jam cause he keeps it low key
Got to give a shout out to my big sister Pocket
When we’re waiting for Santa Paws we are going to rock it
That dog with the big red coat, we can’t miss
Saw him under mistletoe giving Hattie Mae a kiss
Acting as his elves are Hailey and Zaphod
You don’t think I can bust that rhyme? Now you’re in rap awe
Zaphod Zaphod Zaphod Zaphod
Rap awe, Rap awe, Rap awe, Rap awe
Look over there, who is making those toys?
It Hannah Banana with a face full of joy
And there is Tommy looked towards the sky
He’s heard of Santa Paw and wants to meet his guy
It’s even Christmas in the summer time
Look at Down Under Daisy listening to Australian bells chime
I think I hear Santa going HO HO HO HO HO
Or am I being tricked by my bestie Briscoe?
Don’t matter no way, having a happy Christmas time
I’m getting tired so here I end this rhyme


  1. O M D O M D What a grand and Glorious Christmas RAP this is... We LOVE it... been through it TWICE.. ALREADY.
    O M D what a super job you did... with the RAP... butt when we Saw your Picture we thought YOU were WRAPPED... Just sayin.

  2. We are impressed with your rhyming skills. Please make a video.

  3. Yes, we want to see the body moves that go along with this great rap song!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  4. Wow! That was great! Definitely going to be a big hit! You nailed the elf look too!

    We hope you have a Happy Holiday!

  5. BOL! OMD, that is FABulous!!!! I agree, you gots to do a's the only way to truly do your creation justice!
    Ruby ♥

  6. That's a great RAP. We're stoked that we got a mention! Should do a video. We're sure it would go viral.

  7. Wow you are talented! Great song!

    And that picture had us all barking out loud!

  8. LOVE your outfit River!! and your rap is great!
    Merry Christmas!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  9. Wow, you got some rapping skills! We loved it! Merry Christmas to all of you!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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