Sunday, January 29, 2017

Pups of the Week: Star, Jazzy and Abby

Since her arrival at Rainbow, Bridge Jazzy has spent most of her time either ghosting with her mom or visiting her in her dreams.  She carried her mom’s heartbreak with her every step she took.  Her friends gathered around Jazzy to try to cheer her up. She had all her energy back after the effects of a four-year battle with cancer had vanished, and sometimes we could get her to run and play, but then she would fly off into the sun to ghost with her mom.
We all knew what needed to happen.  Her mom needed a new dog.
We told Jazzy that she had to go into her mom’s dreams and tell her it was the time that she bring a new dog heartbeat into her house. Those who don’t understand missing a dog would say "it has only been two months since Jazzy passed,"  just as they say that one year equals seven dogs years.  That isn’t true.  But what is true is one month missing a pup equals seven months without a dog.
Jazzy’s sister Star also was very worried about their mom.  Star had watched over her mom for years, but she had never seen her so blue.  They decided to divide their efforts.  Star would visit their mom in her dreams and try to convince the only part of her brain which remembers dream conversations:  “the subconscious” to get a dog while Jazzy worked on finding a new pup.
It took one dream visit for Star to determine the problem.  It wasn’t her mom.  It was her dad.  So she slipped into his dreams and yelled: “get Mom a dog” over and over until it penetrated his subconscious.  When he awoke, he suggested to his wife that they should get another dog.  
And that brought them to Abby, a seven-year-old short haired Chihuahua, who needed to be rescued.  Jazzy visited Abby and determined that she was the perfect dog to help heal her mom’s heart. 
Now Abby is home walking on the same floors and sleeping on the same floor, laps, and couch that Star and Jazzy walked and slept upon, and filling their parents lives with love again.  And now Jazzy can run and play with her friends.
But I know she is spending a lot of time ghosting because she loves to see her mom smile.
As do we all.


  1. We are glad this family has found a way to heal.

  2. When the time is right, that pup seems to find it home. We welcomed Misty in record time - but it is the right time and we know it had to make Ciara happy too. Congrats to Star, Jazzy, and Abby!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  3. WE agree with what Lightning and Misty said... when the time is RIGHT... the RIGHT ONE will come.

  4. What a great idea to enter a human male's subconscious. So glad it worked so well

  5. A bittersweet story. Sadness, happiness. Good that Abby has a furever home.
    Your Furend
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  6. What a wonderful story. Somehow, you always leave a smile on my face, even though sadness starts the stories. Thank you.

  7. it is so good that an angel came and found the way to heal a broken heart... what a touching post... hugs to Abby and her furmily...and a big hug to angel Jazzy...

  8. Yes it is so true. Thank you Angel Jazzy and Angel Star for your hard work. I miss you both but my heart is happy again with sweet Abby, who once shared a cage with Jazzy back in 2012 at the Rescue. I had just fostered Jazzy and was working on sharing Abby via Facebook and then she got adopted. Yay. Fast forward 4 years later and Jazzy went to the Rainbow Bridge on 10-30-16. Then in the beginning of January Abby was dropped off at the local kill shelter, her microchip later revealed that she was originally from the Big Dog Ranch Rescue and was sent back to them. I was immediately contacted because they remembered that Jazzy and Abby had shared a cage. I know Abby was sent by Jazzy and Star and I am so thankful. Thank you for this beautiful tribute to me and my beautiful babies.

  9. A beautiful ending to a heartbreaking loss!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


Beat This Caption

  The TSA's drug sniffing cats project was a failure. The cats kept curling up and going to sleep in the luggage