Friday, January 20, 2017

Tails From Rianbow Bridge: My Dinner With Ladybug

A little birdie landed on my window sill with a message from my good friend Angel Ladybug.  She invited me to lunch at the La Bridge Cafe.  I knew  I would have to get a makeover since Ladybug is the most stylish dog at the Bridge.
I made an appointment at Angel Lovey’s spa.  She did my hair, my tail, buffed my nails, and put a beautiful bow in my hair.  I know, despite Lovey’s Herculean efforts, I could not hold a candle to Ladybug.  My suspicions were confirmed when I saw my friend sitting in her corner table.  Her hair was beautifully done, bright colors sparkled throughout her body, her wings were illuminant, and her halo glowed.
Ladybug had already ordered a lovely buffet.   There was bruschetta with bacon, Canapes over kibble, Deviled eggs filled with sausage, and freshly cooked pigs wrapped in bison.  I grabbed a canape and watched Ladybug delicately eating a pig wrap.  She did everything with significant grace.
“Foley, darling,” she said lightly damping her mouth with a clean napkin.  “We must do something about this wicked weather.  Our friend Enzo hurt his leg slipping on ice, and his parents are buried under seven feet of snow.  Someone placed a broken ice machine on a cloud over Enzo’s house, and they are getting buried.”
I wholeheartedly agreed without her but left out the part where I had moved the ice machine to create more room on the dance floor which caused the water line to come loose and begin to pour water over Enzo’s mountain which quickly turned to snow.  Now the water line was frozen in place.
Our Foleytinis arrived, and I took a long drink.  I tried to explain to Ladybug that I could not get the minions to remove the ice machine on Sunday (no work on Sunday, Blue Laws still apply), Monday (holiday), Tuesday (recover from holiday), Wednesday (training day), Thursday (Sleep day), and Friday (Inauguration prayer day).   And then it was the weekend again.
Ladybug took her angel phone from her purse and reached the head minion.  She laughed, and cooed, barked and giggled, then said thank you.  She told me the ice machine would be removed forthwith.  “You just have to know how to talk to the minions Foley.”
We both took another sip and ate another sandwich.  I had so much to learn from Ladybug.  She is the wisest Angel I know.  
And I have a lot to learn from the lowly minions too.  Mostly about how to move an ice machine without causing a blizzard.
So Enzo and family.  I promise I will do better next winter.  


  1. Can we stop all the snow and frigid cold weather please??

  2. We got really hungry and thirsty reading this. Yum, what great food at the RB.

  3. It sounds like you had a totally wonderful visit!!!

  4. I've heard great things about the restaurants across that bridge, but haven't been invited yet to take a peek either. The menu sounds yummy. So happy you had such a nice visit.

  5. You mean you're responsible for the ice and snow piling up over some of our friends' heads? We're glad you had lunch with Angel Ladybug so they will have opportunity to thaw out.

  6. Oh that was sure one of that angels of can learn a lot... specially how to handle ice machines :o))))

  7. Am so glad that we got to have lunch yesterday...Very productive Meeting.. I might add...that Angel Aren took notes of our meeting so they will be filed with all the other papers that are on my desk..Aren has been working very hard to get things organized so have added to her load I guess..Well, Foley, I guess I know how to handle Men...You know, they try not to work around anything that has "Work" related issues.. But getting their attention works especially when you giggle and Wink at them..Of course they couldn't see me winking, which wasn't a wink anyway, as I had acquired a piece of Lint from my napkin...Don't ask...You might had noticed my winking when my call to the Minions was finished and we continued our lunch...Yes the buffet was delicious ... Now I have to admit that I had met a couple of the Minions at the last party that I had attended..I have to say that after a couple of drinks and you know how I love those Foleytini's,,I tend to promise things that I have no recollection of the day after..So the head Minion seemed to be very excited when he heard my Dainty and soft voice..I only use that under certain circumstances you must understand..Now I haven't heard that all has been solved as yet..But then again we haven't heard any plea's of help from Enzo or any other of our Earthy friends..and Foley, under no circumstances admit to anything that you have done unless questioned..I have learned that the hard way..Oh and it has been brought to my attention,,,That Flooding may be the next issue..At this time I don't see how we can be of any help.. Do you have any idea's..She whips out her misty mirror, looking at her eye lashes which must be plucked next trip into "Gertrude's Glorious Therapy Center"..Oh Darn..just look at he time...Looking at her Sassy Cell Phone that she just got in the Mail...HMMMMM!!! Oh MY Dear... We must do this again.....I so enjoyed your company..another thing on our agenda should be How Slow our mail comes from EARTH TO BRIDGE..I swear..It took all but 3 days for me to receive my new Bows..You know there's nothing like the BOWS from BOWS, BUNIONS & Beer..It seems that Gertrude has had to branch out some to pay her lease...Oh My...there is so much competition at the Bridge anymore..Don't you agree...And it is nice once in awhile to get something shipped in from out of the country..I mean the Bridge..Everyone is trying to make a extra Kibbles in today's economy....

    1. Thank you for your sound advice. I don't know what we can do about the flooding. Maybe a giant pool? I will think about it. Use birds to fly your bows back and forth. Air mail always works better. Love you

  8. So there is a way to control all this snow? Our mom would be very interested in that!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


Wordless Wednesday
