Monday, May 18, 2020

Monday Question

How do you react when people come over the house?
Pocket:  First, I run to the door, and River, who can see out the window by standing on her two back legs, looks out the window, and we both bark thirty barks a second.  We have a porch so people go on that first and then to the front door.  We continue barking and then stand right in front of the door.  When the door opens we rush on to the porch to greet our friends and sniff their paints and feet. We continue this for another 30 seconds and then we lose interest and lie down. 


  1. At first Lightning makes a lot of noise, then he gets nervous and hangs back, and finally IF it is family, he comes over for some petting. If it is not family, he retreats to his bed. Now Timber is a whole different story - he LOVES everyone. He tries very hard to control himself, but the jumping gets the best of him - he is so exuberant!!! But Mom tells him OFF, and he is a good boy and listens.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  2. Shyla makes a ton of noise, and then she gets shy and hides away. Hachi is the pack security guard, and he'll kill anyone who comes through the door (just kidding, sort of). R snoozes through it all.

  3. da nelly is in killer mode and I place a bet who will win that battle hehehehe

  4. Xena: Wow, 30 barks per second, I've only gotten up to 28 per second. Then I get jealous when they pet Lucy and not me.
    Lucy: I wag all over and can't wait for the person to come in and pet me.

  5. Zoe and I don't mind visitors, we stay and we're social. The others hide for hours!

  6. Manny and CB are always ready to investigate a visitor! Sweetie, not so much, and The PO'M routinely hides when someone strolls into the backyard who he doesn't know. But he comes out again shortly, 'cause he's hoping for snacks.

  7. in de cat werld: me mackerull N cuzin daz hide til we noe de coast iz kleer; thiz could bee meer minitz ore yeerz later

    me tuna; eye am a show off N like ta greet peepul, use de box while they R ther, eat sum snax, ignore, may bee drink sum water, look out de window, greet them again N show off sum mor :) ☺☺♥♥

  8. Our Little Bit would bark her head off until the door opened and then it was meet and greet. Anyone. Friend or foe.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  9. Gosh, I trot over to the door and greet them with rubs!

  10. Wow...we could be twin households! The only difference is that the peeps put a baby gate in so that we are barred from the front door until our excited dies down a bit. BOL!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  11. We just become a pack of MAD dogs....Barking and jumping and telling them to go away.


Beat This Caption

  Oh hey Larry. What are we doing? Just wrestling. Don’t be silly Larry. She’s my best friend’s wife, and I’m a dog. Don’t be foolish Larry....