Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Tanner Biigade Musical: Act III

The Tanner Brigade Act II

Scene I

Where Sophie and Tanner are married and say goodbye

“Cover Me” sung to “Cover Me” from Rent
Live In My House
I'll Be You Shelter
Just Pay Me Back With One Thousand
Be My Partner
And I'll Cover You
Open Your Door - I'll Be Your Tenant
Don't Got Much Baggage
To Lay At Your Feet
But Sweet Kisses I've Got To Spare
I'll Be There - I'll Cover You

I Think They Meant It
When They Said You Can't Buy Love
Now I Know You Can find It
With pretty dogs on the world wide web

All My Life
I've Longed To Discover
Something As True
As This Is

So With A Thousand
Sweet Kisses
I'll Cover You

If You're Cold
And You're
You've Got One
Nickel Only
When You're
Worn Out
And Tired
When Your Heart
Has Expired

Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six
Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Minutes Of Love

I'll Cover You

Scene II
Returning from their raid on the castle and accompanying Tanner to the Bridge Foley and Pocket realize they need a new home
“New Home” Sung to “Home”
Another bad blogger day
Is come and gone away
Where we play and roam
I think we need a new home

I was once surrounded by
Thousands of profiles I
Still felt all alone
I think we need a new home
Where no one bad can go

And I’ve been thinking about the kind messages we got from you
Each one a line or two
“I’m fine baby, how are you?”
Well I would send back the same kind words to you
But they were surrounded by blogs cold and flat
And you deserve more than that

Another doggy site
With good friends
I’m lucky I know
But because of one mean dog
I think we need a new home

I think we need a new home
Where no one is mean or cold
I think we need a new home

And I feel just like I’m stuck in someone else’s drama
Where too many dogs were willing to fight
When everything wasn’t going right
And I know just why you could not
Stay there with me
‘Cause this like a bad dream
But you always believe in me

Another doggy place has come
And gone away
I miss Benji in Rome
And I wanna go home
Let’s get a new home

I was once surrounded by
Thousands of profiles I
Still felt all alone
I think we need a new home
Where no one bad can go

Let’s get a new home
DW had a good run
Baby, I’m done
I need a new home
Let’s get a new home
It will all right
We’ll all be home tonight
Scene III

Where Foley Monster founds and invites friends to Tanner Bub Land”
“Tanner Bub Land” sung to “American Land”
Come to this land of Tanner Bub so many will be happy here
I'm going now while I'm still young my darling meet me there
Wish me luck my lovely I'll send for you when I can
And we'll make our home in the Tanner Bub land

Over there you can dance and bark whatever you feel
And puppies dear, the smiley face, will make your comment heal
There are groups to join and friendly chats are right at hand
Come make your home in the the Tanner Bub Land

There’s blogs to be read and forums for all your big ideas
You have friends nearby and others to invite that you hold dear
There’s no mean comments everyone is there to lend a hand
When you make your home in the Tanner Bub Land

I went to Ning and typed in the words Tanner Brigade
I set the site to private so we’d never worry about a Princess raid
I emptied out the address book to say to good doggies from sand to sand
Come make your home in the Tanner Bub Land

There’s blogs to be read and forums for all your big ideas
There are event tabs where you can have parties with all those dear
You can put pictures in blogs and comment with just a flick of a hand
When you make your home in the Tanner Bub Land

The Bama Bunch, the Sham’s & Karma Pack, the 3L Brothers, too
Hobo Hudson, the Lambies, Hattie Mae, Moses and Matilda too
Came across the web to find a new homes
With nothin but the need to bark and freedom in their souls

They bark about their training, their Moms, their dislike of thunder
They bark about peace, love, understanding and support
They bark about good times, sunny days and long walks at dawn
And not a single one of them bark a word to put you down

There’s blogs to be read and forums for all your big ideas
There are event tabs where you can have parties with all those dear
You can put pictures in blogs and comment with just a flick of a hand
When you make your home in the Tanner Bub Land
When you make your home in the Tanner Bub Land
When you make your home in the Tanner Bub Land


“Don’t Stop Barkin!” sung to “Don’t Stop Believing”

Just a small town dog, livin in a lonely world
Sitting at the midnight computer goin nowhere
Just a city boy, born and raised in Pocatello, ID
Sitting at the midnight computer goin nowhere

A web site to sit and be friends
Who you can stay with until the end
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting ready to type on the Tanner Brigade
Sweet souls searching in the night
Sharing laughs, tears and emotion
Typing, somewhere in the night

Freedom to bark is our right
To keep it we’re prepared to fight
No one can silence us now
To no Princess should we bow
No bad words is what we choose
We’re not here to sing the blues
Oh, the brigade never ends
It goes on and on and on and on

Dont stop barkin’
Hold on to the freedom
Tanner’s people


  1. WHOO HOO!!! you gals are pawsome!! We love it!

  2. Woot! OMD, that was awesome. If you two don't get a Tony for any category you're nominated in, we'll go storm the Castle Gates of Broadway!!!

  3. Boy, that was very moving. You made us cry. You made us smile. Brava! -12, Chappy, and Whiskey

  4. This was an awesome 3 part Musical!! We are touched and just love it very much. T.


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