Sunday, December 13, 2009

Apollo is Pup of the week December 13th

There are several customs that humans observe that make little sense to me. One of them is to wait until a loved one passes to Rainbow Bridge before they tell pay tribute to them.

We dogs prefer to let our feelings known before the bus to the bridge comew calling. So that is why we have chosen the wonderful, smart, powerful and loyal Apollo Shultz as our Pup of the Week.

Poor Apollo got some very bad news this week: Pancreatic cancer. It’s a one-way ticket to the Bridge, and we can hope, and pray, but there’s not much we can do about it.

As always Apollo took the news bravely and stoically. His concern was with his Mom and family. He knows he will be fine. Our friends at the Bridge at waiting for him, ready to run free, to play, and to live without interference from any mean humans.

Apollo’s main concern is, of course, his family. He hasn’t asked for us to worry about him, but only to take care of his Mom, Shakira and Ace.

This summer, when his crazy neighbors tried to poison him, Apollo managed to fight back, to surprise the doctors and his family and rally to good health again. Cruel that cancer now strikes him down, but our Apollo takes it all in stride. He is our rock, our
King of the mountain.

So here it to you, Apollo Schultz, friend, companion, bodyguard, confidant, love bug, snuggle baby, big brother, little boy, role model, brave, strong, indomitable of spirit, and pack leader. Long may you run my friend, long may you run.

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