Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ruger and Daddy are our February 28 Pup of the Week

The Pup of the Week meeting was quite acrimonious last night. Pocket and I spent half the night discussing the candidates. But as you can see we have settled on Ruger and Daddy and their foster brother Lambeau (honestly, we don't know which is which, please don't think we're anti-Shepdites.)

But first an honorable mention to two candidates who received serious consideration. First Jani: She was our town crier yesterday letting everyone know of the tragedy in Chile and warning us of the dangers headed towards the Pacific Rim.

Most of us dogs get our news right here, so it's greatly appreciated when dogs let us know when we, or our friends, are in danger. Although we live on the other side of the world we immediately hopped on the back of the couch and barked at the first sign of water.

Also we considered Puppy Malatesta for the wonderful work his family does in helping dogs who need rescuing. Truthfully Puppy and the pack could be pups of the week every week.

But the reason we have chosen Ruger and Daddy is that they took on one of the most difficult tasks any pup can take on: Fostering an abused and forgotten pup.

Three weeks ago Ruger's and Daddy's Mommy and Daddy Moe made the decision to take in a foster pup since Ruger did such a wonderful job teaching Daddy how to be a proper GSD. Site unseen they allowed Lambeau into their home, and Ruger began the strenuous task of German Shepard training.

Lambeau took to it like a German Shepard to tennis balls, which was a bit of a problem because he stole all the tennis balls from poor Ruger. Daddy didn't do much but bark at him, but Ruger hadn't taught him what to do when a newbie walked in the front door yet, never anticipating it would come so soon, so we really can't blame him.

Not that Lambeau didn't present problems. He had some abandonment issues that left his crate looking like the cage Richard Dreyfus escaped from in Jaws. And there were a few issues with him off leash at the dog park. But Ruger and Daddy worked with him, and Mommy and Daddy Moe got him to follow simple commands, and soon he was ready for his forever home.

I believe today was the day for Lambeau to be adopted. I can see the family coming home to that silent house when a member is missing, and there will be a tinge of sadness, but what the four of them did, two pups and two parents, was a wonderful thing, and that's why they are our pups of the week. Good job everyone.

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