Friday, February 11, 2011

The first ever video of Pocket playing ball (with Foley cameos)

When I heard of the triple headed scheme (more like hoople headed scheme) that my Daddy and Pocket had cooked up I decided to get under the bed and not come out until night time.  Their plan was to have Pocket try out for the Red Sox (or at least the Furminators) by showing how well she could field, catch, and run after the ball.  And Daddy was going to do a video and post it here.  The only problem was none of those involved could do any of these things.  But that didn't stop Daddy from using the camcorder on his phone and Pocket using, well, whatever Pocket uses, and  trying to make a video.  When I heard them begin filming I decided to come down and take a look.  Which is the only reason, dear reader, to continue on with this post.  For the rare glimpse of the beautiful Foley Monster.  Here is their first attempt, where Daddy tries to throw ground balls to Pocket while capturing it on video.  What you should see is Pocket fielding the ball and giving it back to Daddy.  What you will see is lots of video of our rug, Daddy's fingers, Pocket missing the ball, and a rare Foley Monster siting.

The next part of the tryout is her trying to catch fly and bouncing balls.  Pocket doesn't have much luck here.  Part of it is her inability to stop her mouth from moving and her non stop barking.  Once you've seen her misplay the ball  there is no need to see it again, but, about half way through there is another appearance by me, Foley Monster, and I put my ears in three different positions in about two seconds.  So cool.  Just watch up to that point.   Here it is.

By the third video Daddy had lowered the camera to get a Yorkie eye view of what occurred.  By this time I was bored by the entire proceeding, as you can see from my reaction.  Daddy decides to try Pocket as a soccer goalie but as usual it was hopeless. 

Personally I see the entire experience as silly, except for the few seconds I appear.  I fully expect to get nominated as Best Supporting Actress in a badly taped sports tryout.  Look for me at the Oscars.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha...thanks for those videos, they did make us laugh!! Pocket is really barky and Daddy sounded like a sports commentator!! Cute...really cute and fun.


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