Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1, 2012 Pups of the Week - In Memorium

Baron aka Bear:
The first friend we lost this year was one of our biggest and most kind hearted. He was our Bear Bear. He had fought so hard to stay with his Mom. But his temperature shot up to 104 and his breathing became labored. He had pneumonia which is a very scary diagnosis for an older dog. He got some medicine but he did not improve and he went to the bridge. Baron was a fiercely loyal GSD. He was his Mom’s heart dog. Loved and respected by those who knew him both on line and in real life his passing to Bridge was felt by all those who loved him. There will be plenty of Bears in the future, but none as powerful, proud, beautiful, and loyal than Bear Bear.

Jackie Pool
The dog community lost a giant when Jackie Pool succumbed to cancer on February 13, 2011. A warrior who fought to free dogs from puppy mills, who fought to find them homes, she was a model for dog lovers everywhere. The year before she passed her pup Saffron had to fight for his life and Jackie did everything in her power, spent many sleepless nights, with her sweet boy, so he survived. She was a fountain of information about dog health and helped anyone who had a question. A beautiful woman and a tremondous spirit her name, and the kindness she showed dogs, will live forever.

We are all Mama’s dogs but occasionally there is a Daddy’s dog and Bo was the ultimate Daddy dog. He was with his Daddy before he met his future wife and her pack. I don’t think there is a stronger bond than that between a dog and a man who live alone. When Bo had growths on his body and his breathing suddenly became labored his parents prayed for the best, but the worst happened, and happened very quickly, leaving them in shock. But just before he passed Bo brought his family his final gift, a new dog, Nikki, a stray who somehow wanded into their lives. Bo left his family with a great gift, and a wonderful new friend.

The Malatesta Six

If there was a top story in the online world occupied by dogs and their families it was the tragic death of the Malatesta Six. By name Chiwennie, Charlie Bear, Yacotaco, Gravy, Walker and Paula Malatesta’s heart dog, Brandon, they, while Paula lay in thie hospital, were, without her knowledge, taken to and pound, and put to sleep. While no good can ever come of such a tragedy, all we can do is try to understand want happened, and try to insure it never happens again. The online dog community showed, when something occurs that touches the better angels of our nature, just what a powerful group we can be, and how we can reach down to someone who is truly in the bowls of hell, and give them hope once again. And it made many of us realize that we must have provision in our wills, or proxies filed with lawyers, to protect these sweet pups if we are incapcatated. While we can never make sense of what happened, we can deal with it sensibly, and try to make a better world.

Ruger Ru

We started the Tanner Brigade on the morning after Tanner died. A few months later Tanner’s Mom bought a new dog, Ruger Ru, and Ruger was the symbol of a new beginning for every member. We were with him every step as he grew from a minature version of Tanner into a big, couch eating, hole digging, squirrel chasing, big ball of fun. It was a shock when we learned that Ruger too sick suddenly, and then the next day he was gone. To lose any dog is horrible, to lose one when he is still just a baby, is unbearable. Our hearts are still broken.

Snicker Doodle

A beautiful little dog down in Arizona who lived to be 16, Snicker suffered through the long hot summer with breathing problems and heat stroke. There were many a night his Mom sat up with him trying to cool him off. Then, with the weather finally cooled, in one of the cruelest twists, Snicker’s little heart began to give out and she passed away before Halloween. A sweet dog, always with a kind smile, a kind word, she left her poor Mom heartbroken. Snicker was the type of dog we would all like to be.


Even older than Snicker, Doxie spent 18 years with his Mom, being her heart dog every single day. Doxie had many illnesses at the end of his life, but he clung on to his Mom, and this life, for as long as he could. Doxie and his struggles were a big part of our lives since we began doing social networking with pups. He always seemed to be a loving spirit who would be here forever. And in a lot of ways, he is.

Fuzzy Bacon

Fuzzy was lucky enough to be adopted into the Gustavon clan, along with 12, Chappy and Whiskey. Unfortunately Fuzzy had aggression issues and despite months of classes and training with the family, the evils in his past could not be overcome by love. Fuzzy had to be put down for being ovelry aggressive after he attacked another of their dogs and their Dad. If the Gustavons could not train and love the aggression out of Fuzzy no one could. But the Gustavons have not stopped taking in dogs who need a new home, as they have a new rescue, Blue, living with them

We remember all these blogs, and send love out to their families. They, in their own way, made the world a better place, and they all will be missed. May they run free at the bridge.


  1. what a nice tribute
    Happee New Year!
    Benny & Lily

  2. and if you have known love like this, each loss touches you and you have to remind yourself that we, who share our lives with our dogs and who love our dogs and are lucky enough to be loved by them are indeed lucky, ALWAYS have provisions in your will for your pets, BUT also have a DIRECTIVE which bridges what happens in between the reading of the will and whatever takes out of of their lives. That means, network, have a fierce family member who feels like you do about your babies. Give them a durable power of attorney for the care of your pets. Make it known. BE PREPARED, please. This old lawyer has seen too much...


Wordless Wednesday
