you think watching over your loved ones while on Earth is hard wait
until you pass to the Eternal side of the Bridge. You never rest. The
other day Daddy was moving furniture for his 85 year old father who is
recovering from a broken hip (he is another big resource drain for us
angels.) Daddy was foolishly trying to bring a big bureau down the
stairs by himself. He started to lose control of it, and both he and
the chest would have hurtled down the stairs crushing him underneath it.
All the pups he has ever loved and lost appeared around him and held
up that bureau until it was eased to the ground. (Of course he thinks
he did it, typical human.)
is what us Angels do. Those near death experiences you tell tale about?
Us Angels are what keeps them near and not death. The very day I went
to the Bridge I was called into action. On the trip back from the
hospital after saying goodbye to me my Daddy made a right hand turn he
had made 1,000 times before when some idiot in a truck passed him on
the right as he turned right. He still doesn’t know how the truck
missed him, but I do. In my first angelic act I grabbed the wheel and
turned hard to save both my parents. The other Angels were quite
impressed, it being my first time.
humans, and all dogs, have Angels, and this week, our Pup of the Week,
Uva, a three year old chihuahua, proved that to be true.
as always, some backstory. A few days ago Uva took ill. She got a
nasty case of Colitis. Like my sister Pocket, Uva is a very nervous
little dog. She came in contact with some fleas, and the constant
biting, jumping, and aggravation scared her, and, much like with Pocket
when she gets nervous, her insides turn to water.
Mom had to take Uva to the vet. Because it was nearby Uva and her Mom
walked. When they arrived there were cats in the office who were bigger
than Uva and, being a nervous dog, Uva got very agitated. She slipped
out of her collar and then out the door, onto a busy street.
not only did Uva need aid, so did her Mom, who, like her precious pup,
ran into the street without looking, then came to a stop in front of a
speeding taxi, who just missed hitting Uva’s Mom. The other drivers.
having their busy schedules detained by seconds, yelled and cursed at
our friend’s Mom.
Angels were around her, too, as somehow her tiny body was seen by the
busy motorists. Uva stopped in the road and her Mom ran to her,
gathered her in her arms, and brought her back to the vet’s. while her
angels were greatly relieved that their numbers were not added to by
one. The vet treated her for her Colitis and she should be back to her
old self soon.
please, heed the story of Uva and her Mom, and remember, there is no
luck, no good fortune, just your Angels, who you once took such good
care of, looking over you and your pack and returning the many favors
owed to you.