Wednesday, July 13, 2016

For my Brother Leo By Pocket

I know Foley writes her Pup of the Week blogs where she often honors pups who crossed the River of Life.  I have respected her wishes.  Having lived with her for six years, I know never to cross her.
But I cannot let the passing of my brother Leo go by without comment.  I love all my online friends, but Leo was very special to me.  When Foley lay alone spending her last days in an oxygen tent, Leo did what I could not.  He forced his way into her dreams so she would not be alone.
I have been Foley’s little sister for a long time.  She has always been a bright, shining star that still attracts attention from Rainbow Bridge.  I am happy to let Foley have the attention.  I am passive and quiet.  But Leo always treated me as Foley’s equal.  When Foley passed, and I was worried about taking her place Leo assured me that I could do it.  
Shortly after Foley passed we received a package from Leo’s mom.  It was a beautiful painting of my sweet sister.  That portrait meant so much to my mom.  While Leo’s magnificent mom did the artwork we knew Leo was her muse, and Leo’s love for Foley came through in that painting.
Several times a year Leo and his mom would send River and I gifts from both Leo and Foley.  Leo did it because he didn’t want me to think Foley ever forgot me.  It was the sweetest gesture any dog or mom ever made to me.
We were shocked when Leo was diagnosed with leukemia.  He was our rock.  He was the soul of our group.  I could not imagine life without that sweet, brave boy. 
And now I have to imagine it.  All of us who loved Leo are in mourning.  I don’t know if we will ever be the same.  We say that when a dog leaves their mom, he takes their heart with them.  Leo took a part of my heart, and of River’s heart, and many of our friends.
We will soldier onward.  Leo would not want us to collapse as a group.  But, after losing so many others, Leo’s passing is like a wrecking ball crashing against a fragile wall.
We will withstand it.  We are strong.  We will do it for Leo.  

I wish I had better words.  Maybe Foley will.  But we will always love you, Leo.  To the moon and back.


  1. So sad to hear about Leo's passing. He and his Mom were so sweet to Hagan when he was terribly ill. We will miss him so much and are sending prayers and hugs to his wonderful Mom

  2. Oh gosh. Leo and his Mom were great friends of Jack and I that we had in the DS days. I am so sorry to hear of his passing. Leo, say hello to all of our friends for us. My condolences go out to his Mom. Am so heartbroken for her.

  3. We don't have any wonderful words to let you know how sorry we are that your friend is now at the rainbow bridge, he sounds like the most wonderful old soul, and he had to have had the kindest heart to step in at the places and times he was needed the most. There are not a lot of Leo's left in this world, it makes it hard to lose him even more. All our hugs to you and yours Stella rose and momma

  4. We don't know Leo, but he sounds like quite the gem of a pal. We are so sorry for his family's loss and yours too. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  5. We wish we had known Leo, he sounds like a wonderful furiend. We send pug hugs and prayers out to his family and to you too. we know he will be missed terribly
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. This was a very sweet and touching tribute to a special friend. You DO have the words.

  7. We don't know Leo but he sure looks like a great fella to be furends with. We send out prayers of comfort to all who mourn him.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Leo sure sounds like one special boy. Run free sweets
    Lily & Edward

  9. My deepest sorrow for Leo's loss. He was a very special friend at DS, he (and his mom) always had the right words for anydoggy in pain. We'll miss him a lot! My thoughts are with his family and above all his sweet mom. Love from Luca, Junior and mom María

  10. Leo will be in our hearts and thoughts forever .. <3


Wordless Wednesday
