Monday, July 11, 2016

Monday Question

Did your parents go see the Secret Life of Pets?  Are you afraid they will learn any of your secrets?


  1. Our little bipeds are so excited to see that movie. Lucky for us, they are super busy this week with camps and dance and baseball, so maybe we are safe at least until next week:) We hope those pets don't give away too many of our secrets.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  2. Not yet, but rumor is they are going this weekend~

  3. We are safe till it comes out on dvd. Our peeps never go to the theater
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  4. No. We'll have to censor her movies. Sounds like something we don't want HER to know.

  5. WELL our mom was going last Saturday wif the grandpoops girls but plans changed I fink it is on her calendar for this sat. we are worried. stella rose

  6. Oh I have not seen it yet but Lee saw the library was getting several DVD copies so she put it on hold. Do you thing I will learn anything?
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  7. I think our parents are already wise to us.

  8. So far we have prevented them from watching it.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. WE are working VERY MUCH HARD... to keep MOM focused on the Fact that the New STAR TREK movie (BEYOND) is coming out and TRYING to keep her from Noticing... this Secret Lives of US Expose'. HOPE we succeed.

  10. Not yet. We hear it's wonderful
    Lily & Edward


Wordless Wednesday
