Friday, March 24, 2017

Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Foley Finds The Popular Dog Ranking Unpopular

On Tuesday morning Fox and Friends announced this year’s most popular dog breeds.
I love Fox and Friends.  They have been very kind to me.  They are excellent people.  And they are the world leader in commercials for walk in tubs and carpet cleaners.  Every morning I like to start my day with a cup of tea, a scone, and Fox and Friends where Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and an ever changing parade of blonde female co-hosts with the on air life expectancy of a Spinal Tap drummer (the last of whom spontaneously combusted on the air, or at least that is what I read), give me a fair and balanced view of the world for people who are incapable of turning around and seeing what is on the other side.  I like to think of Steve, Brian, and that random chick, as my good friends and breakfast companions.
I had mixed feelings about seeing this year popular dog breed rankings.  All dogs are great and should not be ranked separately.  I don’t think people would expect to hear Steve Doocy say “The rankings of human beings have been posted and for the 500th straight year white people are the most popular species,” except in the privacy of his dressing room.  
When I last stepped paw on the mortal side of the River of Life Yorkie ranked number six.  In the past two years, they fell to number seven.  I sincerely hoped the Yorkies I left behind could regain our Top Six ranking.
Number one was the Labrador Retrievers, again.  I cannot complain.  They are great dogs.  They always aim to please their parents.  Number two was the German Shephard dogs.  I know how devoted GSD parents are to their pups.  A worthy ranking.  Number three was the beautiful Golden retriever.  I love retrievers too.  That was a tough top three for a Yorkie to crack.  The bulldogs placed number four and the beagles number five.  That is a great top five.  
I sat up.  We were at six.  I held my breath.  Number six was the Frenchie.  I was disappointed.  But Frenchies are great dogs.  Four years ago they were number eleven, so it was good to see them climbing.  I had no problem finishing behind the Frenchie.  I waited for number seven.  It was the poodle.  Poodles?  One of my best friends, Blazer, is a poodle.  They are beautiful dogs.  But over a cute Yorkie?.  I guess.  They probably just edged us by a few votes.
Surely we are number eight?  And it is….the rottweiler.  Wait.  What?  A small little ball of cuddle against brute strength.  I guess in these troubled time you might need a big dog over a comfortable little one.
We landed at number nine in popularity.  The biggest tumble of any dog in the top ten.  Sigh.  This is what happens when I leave Pocket in charge of a breed.
Come on Yorkies!  Get cuter!  More snuggly!  Be adorable!  Leave no heart unturned!  We need to rise and take our rightful position in the top five.  I want everybody up early and working on their innocent looks, their spinning tricks, and snuggle!  Snuggle!  Snuggle!
I hope they can pull it off.  I can’t believe my breed has fallen so far since I left for the Bridge.
I need something to cheer me up.  Time for Hannity!


  1. It isn't so good to be a popular breed. Puppy mills crank them out to make money.

  2. Jan is SO right, but we think every pup ranks at the top in the eyes of his loving human:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  3. Scotties are very rare here. That means they rarely need to be rescued, as well. People always stop us to say how wonderful we maybe not making the list has some benefits.

  4. I always knew that Poodles had to be ranked in the top 10, but was not aware that we had fallen so far as 7th...I will have to look into this,,, not that I'm disputing what you heard, but do you think that there has been a mistake made in their voting..Or however they reach the results..Possibly You and I could do some extensive rearching...And possibly turn this round, as how I look at it, we should be at least in the top 3...Your Friend, Angel Ladybug

  5. Guess pugs did not make the list?
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. yeah, it'll be a cold day in hell before Airedales EVER make the top 50! I don't knows why? Just because we are 60lb terrierist, who jump around like our tails are on fire, who bark at the wind or any random squirrel or bird or fly that comes into our line of sight....why oh why?? it's a mystery.
    Anyhu, congrats on tolerating the F& are a bigger man than me....
    Ruby ♥

  7. It#s maybe better to be the winner of the hearts than the winner of da charts... butt yorkies are super popular in our area alone in my street we have 3 yorkies... 2 grumpy older girls and my bff whiskey ;o)

  8. Ghostwriter has been disappointed that cocker spaniels are not so popular anymore. They used to be way up at the top. Now she can hardly find cocker spaniel breeders. She did notice that an American cocker spaniel won best in show at Crufts this year!

    Oh, and Dad watches F&F every morning too.

  9. We just think the ones with 2 ears and a tail are the best.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. Your description of the female blond anchors made my Mom snort white wine out her nose! We agree, Yorkies are great, that's the dog that Mom and Dad's Aunt Elsie and Uncle Harold had and they were great family members.

    Abby the Lab

  11. My mom was a black poodle, not "purebred", and my dad was a Maltese terrier, we think but there's no proof. That puts me as a non-dog fur the rankings. Pawever, I will never accept that and I know that I am everything a dog should be.
    Yur Furend,
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  12. I think that the rankings are silly. Every dog is a separate being with a separate spirit. I love Labs but I've met many other dogs (of other breeds) who I love like crazy too. Believe it or not, I think that the #1 ranking for Labs is bad for Labs. People don't realize that Labs are actually very high maintenance dogs who need lots of exercise and training. We adopted one of our Labs from a family who had two toddlers and no longer had time for their 10 yr old Lab. He needed walks and attention - and they just didn't have time. Anyway, that's part of why I don't like the rankings.


Wordless Wednesday
