Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday Question

Has had COVID-19 affected your family so far?
Pocket:  Everyone is fine at my house.  Daddy isn't working for the foreseeable future.  Since retirement is his main source of income he can afford to sit this one out, and his job requires in store sales.  He would like the company to lay him off since no one can work. Mommy is going to be home a lot. All entertainment, restaurants, bars, most movie theaters, are shut down here.  They are still going to have to make supply runs but hopefully they can just pick up and won't have to go into stores. My parents aren't afraid of the illness but they sure do respect it.


  1. we are grounded since last night, but we are happy to have enough tp for the 15 days...

  2. Mommy works from home, Daddy still goes into the office 2X a week and works from home the rest of the time. Everything is pretty much shut down here, too, including church and dances, which are the main things that take our pawrents away from us. Yay! We are with them 24/7! XOX Xena and Lucy

  3. Our peeps are both retired so they will be sticking close to home for the duration.

  4. We are retired so we're staying home. We are doing well at this time.

    Have a fabulous day and stay well. ♥

  5. We're staying home except weekly food pickups after calling in our order. Mom is a hermit anyway and Dad uses up his energy chasing us around the yard.

  6. The Hubby is retired, but is used to being home alone all day!
    Now that I'm working from home, we are figuring out our places, and Da Boyz are enjoying having four hands to pet them instead of just two during the day.
    The cases of illness keep rising in our state, so staying home is worth it.

  7. I'm retired and staying home, hubby works in the banking world, so will be working. Everything has pretty much been cancelled(volunteer organizations, church, etc), so I am working on LOTS of home improvement projects!

  8. I can't find any toilet paper...for the last 4 days I have been on a tp trek once a day. I have some but I don't want to wake up one day w/o. I don't want to hoard...just one one extra pack
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. COVID-19 equals MORE DOG TIME!!! We're not affected much. SHE usually has one back-up for most things. And these days we lead a mostly self-isolation life anyway..BOL!

  10. Our peeps are pretty staying at home too. Just out to get meds at the pharmacy and some doctor/therapy appts. It is nice to have them home, but we know they are worried. Stay safe and healthy.

    Happy St. Paddy's Day!!!

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  11. Dad is retired. But my Ghostwriter is going back to work tomorrow at the nursing home. We have enough supplies and are doing ok.

  12. hay ewe dawgz....we iz tryin ta deel with it; canna due otherwize we guezz......heerz ta healtheez two everee one at yur houz ~~~ :) ☺☺♥♥


Monday Question

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