Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday Question

With the virus foremost in everyone mind's, we want to know if anyone in your family or extended family has to work and if anyone you know has got the virus.  If you have any stories please share them.

Pocket:  We have been lucky.  Neither of my parents has to work, although working helps with some bills, there are many more suffering worse.  Everyone in our family, and our extended families, are not working through the crises.  We have not heard of anyone getting sick that we know.  We pray it continues that way


  1. Our pawrents are retired but our human siblings are working.
    They all have jobs that are considered essential. We don't know anyone that has gotten sick, there are only a few reported in our county so far.
    Mabel & Hilda

  2. our old aunt is positive, she is in isolation now with her husband and we hope for the best...

  3. My human cousins, Jonathan and Annabel, are working from home in London, and Ben, one of Gail's godsons, and his fiancée Robyn, also both London-based, are currently recovering from the virus.
    Toodle pip!

  4. I am working from home, while The Hubby is retired. All other full time employee relations are working from home, and no reports of any positive tests.
    Be safe, y'all!

  5. We're hunkered down here at home. So far we don't know anyone with the virus but a friend had a heart attack and was in the hospital so we're worried about him.

  6. Our Mom and Dad are retired so they were home lots anyways, now they are just home more.

  7. Dad is retired. My GW works part time at a small nursing home. We are trying to keep a positive and hopeful outlook on that virus thing.

  8. Mom isn't working...two other of my brothers are working from home..a Teacher and a Software Engineer. The other is not working at all. So far, everyone is OK, but me, Katie Isabella, who is at the vet and mom is waiting on a call to come and get me. I'm dictating this through thought waves to mommy.

  9. Mom's been working from home since the Synagogue building started falling apart. You may have read about that on our blog. Dad still goes to his not at home office 2 days a week, but works from home the rest of the time. We're all well, and we don't know anyone with this stupid, awful virus.

  10. SHE is retired. Most family members are retired, or at home because of work closures.

  11. HUbby and I are retired (him 1999) me April 1, 2011. tomorrow is my 9th year since retirement
    Hugs cecilia

  12. All my clan is staying in and everyone is fine so far. I'm hoping that will continue.

    Being retired it's easy to stay in.

    Have a fabulous day and stay well. ♥

  13. Our parents are also retired but they are now home ALL the time. Dad is missing the gym and church. Mom is missing church and going shopping. They both really miss seeing the kids and grandkids. All the big kids are working from home while at the same time trying to manage home schooling. It is quite the challenge.

    We are all very ready for our old life to return.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  14. Oh, and we don't personally know anyone who has the virus, thankfully.


Monday Question

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