Monday, March 9, 2020

Monday Question

This is a human question, not a dog question, but if we know more about our parents then we know more about one another.  What does your parent do for a living, or what did they do?


  1. Pocket: Daddy is currently working in direct to consumer sales and is writing for a local radio station. He may end up hosting a show. Before that he worked as a housing manager, newspaper columnist and radio broadcaster. Mommy is currently retired She worked as a teacher's aide and as an x-ray technician.

    1. Your folks have interesting backgrounds, Pocket and River. XOX Xena and Lucy

  2. Mama was a bookkeeper and Daddy is in IT at a local credit union :-)
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  3. SHE does nuffin. But before we knew HER, SHE was a teacher--years k,1,2,4,5....then an Itinerant Teacher for blind/vision impaired kids: K-year 12.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Gail retired two weeks ago. Before that she was a geophysicist (don't ask!)

  6. he works online like a slave for some green papers and she works online too, with wasting that papers to support dog stuff stores...

  7. I worked in the Physics Department at NC State University,
    now I am a professional retiree. The most entertaining job was Angel Madi's Mom and being her typist for our blog
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Dad is a retired pharmacist. GW is a nurse in long term care. Dad and GW owned a pharmacy for 10 years and then sold it.

  9. Both are retired. Dad was a Supply Chain Manager and Mom was a Therapist.

  10. My Mom is an accountant for a construction company and the office is only 2 miles from home. She visits me at lunch time - but doesn't share her lunch with me!!!! Enjoy your day, Alex

  11. de food gurl haz werked in ree tail all her dayz; up front N center az well az bee hind de seenz doin office werk.... all we noe iz... mor often N knot... her comez home with flamez shootin out her @$$ !!! :) ♥♥

  12. Mom has spent many years being the Office Manager for various churches and faith-based organizations. She currently works for a Jewish Synagogue. She also makes $$ grooming dogs from home in the "groom room." Dad is an IT/Network professional and loves his job as IT Director at a paving company. He also teaches dance and MC's at local events.

  13. Hubby and I were both deputy sheriff's. Been retired for many years. Thank goodness for that.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  14. My father was an electrical engineer. My mother stayed home to raise their six brats, of which I was one of the bratiest!

  15. Mom was a teacher for most of her career, but when the kids were high school and college age, she worked in the insurance world so she could make more money to help out with college expenses. Dad is a lawyer and worked most of his career in the insurance field. Right now he has his own business and works as a contractor for other firms. Both are basically retired.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber


Monday Question

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