Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday Question

Do you have bad breath?
Do you get anything to combat it if you do?
Have you ever had dental work done?

 Pocket:  Neither one of us have had bad breath since we were puppies.   We used to get our teeth brushed but it freaked us out so now we have something added to the water.  I have had two cleanings and several extractions.  River still has a virgin mouth.  She has never had a dental.


  1. When I was quite young the vet noticed a wee bit of discolouration on my teeth and recommended Gail brush my teeth and give me Dentastix to chew. She follow the instructions (I get my teeth brushed about twice a week, and the dental chew once a day to keep me quiet while my furs are being brushed). So no more discolouration so far. And I never ever had bad breath. The very idea!
    Toodle pip!

  2. if we had sardines in oil... YES!

  3. Having good teeth is very important to combating bad breath. Our Little Bit didn't have bad breath because dad brushed her teeth every morning. She enjoyed it too.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your peeps. ♥

  4. Sometimes, when a cat yawns, their breath is smelly.
    Sweetie has a bad tooth, and it must be extracted...hopefully, it's something that can be done during the quarantine time, so I can nurse her while home.

  5. I don't have bad breath, well, not since I had half of my teeth stolen.

  6. I need a dental VERY much but while they didn't mean to,Vet's terrorized me a few weeks ago by not letting mommy come in with me due to the virus concerns. But I need a dental and to get my toofs cleaned.

  7. I try not to have bad breath...maybe coffee breath though.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Jakey has pretty bad breath, and Arty has horrible morning breath! My breath is sweet and clean cause I let Mama brush my toofies almost every night! Both the boys have had dentals...but not me(they should let Mama brush THEIR teef).

  9. No, we don't have bad breath...and we haven't had dentals.

  10. Several times a week, Mom hollers, "who wants their teeth brushes?" and we both come running. Xena always jumps on the chair and goes first. Then she gets off the chair, Mom moves it to the side, and it's my turn. You have to have a routine for these kinds of things, you know. And no, we have lovely, fresh breath. (I'm 4 and Xena's almost 3.) XOX Lucy

  11. Lightning had bad breath for a while and was supposed to get his teeth cleaned. But then he had his first CCL tear and it got postponed. Eventually he did get it done, and oh what a difference - no more bad breath at all!!! Mom wishes she had done it a long time ago. Timber doesn't have bad breath unless he has a fishy dinner:)

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  12. We don't have bad breath but Mom started brushing our teeth when we were puppies. When Sebastian came to live with us his breath was awful. Dad called him "Fishbreath". He didn't want his teeth brushed so Mom had some liquid stuff she squirted in his mouth. It helped a little but he had to have a cleaning. That fixed the problem.


Monday Question

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