Monday, April 13, 2020

Monday Question

What have you missed the most since the virus began?

Pocket  We miss going up to strangers on the streets and getting lots of attention.  Now we just bark at them. 


  1. We have really missed going to our classes and agility practices and seeing all our doggie friends.
    Mabel & Hilda

  2. we miss our walks... we are only allowed around our crib and that really sucks. but the staff is too stingy to pay 139 every time we leave our kraal... humans pfff....

  3. We haven't really missed out on anything. SHE misses Morning Tea on Thursdays with friends.

  4. Xena: I miss going to my Freestyle class.
    Lucy: I miss people petting me when we go for neighborhood walks.
    The Mom: I miss my son.

  5. WEll I miss not being able to just up and go w/o a thought or a worry. Staying home doesn't really bother me as I'm short answer is Freedom to roam
    Hugs cecilia

  6. You have to do what you have to do. Good job.

    Have a fabulous day. My best to your peeps. ♥

  7. We're sure gonna miss all the quite in our neck of the woods.

  8. We missed traveling in a wheelie house to far away parks with Mama and Daddy!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  9. We miss seeing the rest of our family most, especially the grands. And then we miss not being able to walk with Mom.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  10. Our days haven't really changed much but Mom misses easy access to chocolate.

  11. We miss saying hello to other humans too! We can't understand why they won't cross the street to say hello and to admire our beauty!

    Kiki and Rosie


Monday Question

Have you ever slept anywhere except your home? Ruby's Answer: I have not. My parents travelling days are through. I did spend a night at...