Friday, December 27, 2024

The Ruby Rose Report: The Griff Who Stole Christmas

It was 2:00 AM on Christmas Eve and I was about to accomplish what dogs, cats and kids had failed for centuries before. I was going to stay up to see Santa

I was ready to say hello to Santa I saw a green, furry, ill-tempered humanoid with a potbelly face, snub nose and cat-like face. “You’re not Santa,” I said.

“Of course I am,” the green creature said. “You run along and get to bed.” He then turned on the light and his expression changed. “I didn’t know you were a Griffon,” he said.”Me too,” he said then sat on the couch.

“You’re a liar,” I said. “I look nothing like you.”

“You have a wrinkly face, a downturned mouth, and bitter eyes, just like me. We could be related.” He continued: “I was the original Griffon, a victim of experimentation, over bred until my fur turned green. My breeders decided I was too hideous to become a family pet and I was dumped at the bottom of Mount Crumpett to fend for myself. I stole from trash cans and garages, until I discovered that the times when houses are most filled with food was Christmas. I began breaking into homes on Christmas and getting supplies for the year. But now I am getting older, and I need a successor. You showed great determination and guile to wait up for Santa. Ruby, with you frown so down, won’t you help me rip off this town?”

  I told him, while I was sorry for his past, I could not steal from families on Christmas.

“Oh, no, the way you talk it could only mean one thing, you’re a Democrat.”

I told him I was unregistered and politics has nothing to do with it. It was wrong.

“You are young and naive. The world is becoming more Grinchy every day. You could be a great leader.”

I didn’t want to be a great leader, I just wanted to be a loving lap dog.

“Well, I will not steal from another Griff.” He handed me a green card. “Call me if you change your mind. And so you know, the media got my name wrong. I am Mr. Griff.”

I tore up the card with my teeth,

I had learned a valuable lesson. 

Never sit up for Santa,

You don’t know who will show up.


  1. OMD, my dear friend!! I really don't know what to say... but mom always tells me that your experience is valuable so you're good!! :). Oh....she is VERY happy to hear your pawrents saw and enjoyed Mr. Manilow!!!

    Happy Holidays!
    Juno xoxo

  2. At least Mr. Griff has found a new angle.

  3. You made the right choice, Ruby Rose. We don't think you look anything like that mean green man.

  4. You're nothing like that devious green being, Ruby. You're a good girl with values!

  5. We are a bit late but we hope you and your family Ruby had a wonderful Christmas! And thanks for all the smiles and funny stories that we have enjoyed! Happy Holidays!

    Rosie and Redford

  6. Happy belated wishes for a truly un-Grinchy pawliday. 🎄 P.S. Adorably poignant story. We'd all do well to look closely in the mirror and smile more.

  7. You were brave to try it! Lee and Phod who hope you had the most wonderful day!

  8. Chaplin: "Hmm, maybe I'll stay up next year and see if I can meet Mr. Griff. I would be more than happy to help him steal."
    Lulu: "Sounds like somebody's angling to get on the Naughty list again ..."


Poetry Thursday

  It is Thursday and Two Spoiled Cats have provided the following picture to give us inspiration for this weeks poem  It was a piglet wed...