Thursday, December 26, 2024

Poetry Thursday


Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday

I am all for Christmas cheer

To celebrate all friends and family far and near

But there is one thing about Christmas I can’t persevere

My neighbor who hangs so many lights he needs advice from a engineer


I am usually not much of a poster

But living across the street from this guy has been quite the roller coaster.

When your down he’s your biggest booster

But during Christmas it's like being Cosmo across from Kenny Rogers roaster


I suppose I could stand it if they were lit just to Christmas Day

But it's Martin Luther King Day at the earliest when he puts them away

His yard is so cluttered and in disarray

Last year he found a family of migrants living in the sleigh


Last year I asked him “can I make a suggestion to you?

To make things less bright on our Avenue

Perhaps you could take down a display or two?”

And he replied I didn’t know you were a Jew.


I’m not Jewish (not that there’s anything wrong with that

I had an Aunt who insisted Judaism was practiced by her cat)

I corrected him and said such a display was not in the Christmas spirit

And he said: “You’re worse than a Jew, you’re a Democrat.”


This year I bought light blocking curtains and thick blinds

The darkest material known to mankind.

But in gaps, seams, and hole the bright light did find

And it slowly drove me out of my mind


I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

I hope it brings you health happiness with no fear

And please raise a glass to me in good cheer

From the little house ho thanks to my neighbor can been seen from high above the atmosphere


  1. Wow - his yard is definitely overdone with the Christmas stuffs! I wouldn't like living next to him either!

  2. That's a great poem. We just saw that Seinfeld episode recently with Cosmo and the bright lights.

    I have a hard enough time getting to sleep in total darkness
    can't imagine living next door to this house
    Hugs cecilia

  4. D is good - it starts DOG - and DEMOCRAT -

    Great things to be!



Poetry Thursday

  It is Thursday and Two Spoiled Cats have provided the following picture to give us inspiration for this weeks poem  It was a piglet wed...