Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Monday question

We can agree that pets are not good at New Year's Resolutions.

But, if you could have your parents make one that would make your life better what would it be?

Ruby's Answer: While I had a perfect life I have noticed after concerns about my weight were raised that the treat portions have shrunk. 

I want my parents to not make decisions based on how big I am but how big my appetite is.



  1. I would like more walkies every single day!

  2. Mine Mommy never-ever gives enough foods or treats, and that vet lady told her I am over-weights! My resolution for the New Year (I already can open the 3rd drawer where my foods are) ... Work On Those Cans! I Know I Can Do It!

  3. We agree with more treats! You can never have too many treats.

  4. ruby…ewe shuld eat mor fizh…N call it a treet 🐟😺‼️

  5. Sorry to read that your treat amounts have dwindled, Ruby.
    The veterinarian's scale must be on the fritz.

  6. BOL BOL Ruby Rose
    I expect angel Madi would say spend more time feeding me than yourself.
    Hugs and Happy New Year's Eve

  7. Definitely more treats, but also fewer trips to the vet for "issues".

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. Me and Chia want to get back into Freestyle. She thinks she can be better than me, but she's not seen me trot my stuff! XOX Xena

  9. Lulu: "I will sign onto this resolution! The other day I caught Dada breaking my fish skin treats in half, or even into thirds! Who does that?!"


Poetry Thursday

  It is Thursday and Two Spoiled Cats have provided the following picture to give us inspiration for this weeks poem  It was a piglet wed...