Sunday, December 29, 2024

Foley:s Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Don't Get a Dog If......

On Christmas people want to make their loved ones' creams come true: And sometimes that dream is a dog.

Whenever a dog finds a new home an angel gets its wings. And when that dog is abandoned or returned the wings are ripped from the angels. 

We don’t want that.

I am here to help. Not everyone should get a dog for the holidays and if you answer any of thesethese questions “yes,” you should question if you are ready for a dog, and if you answer four of them find a new home for the dog immediately.

  1. Do you consider yourself a selfish person? 
  2. Take a look at your floor. Is it clean and pretty? Now picture a big puddle of pee or a steaming poop pile on the floor. Does it make you mad?
  3. Do you have a favorite pair of shoes? Do you store them somewhere low? Would you be unforgiving of a soul who destroyed them?
  4. Have you been to a pet store lately? Have you asked yourself how much food, toys, and a bed could be? Whatever that amount is multiply it by ten.
  5. Are you going somewhere on Christmas or in the coming days? Do you have a plan to crate the dog or leave it in a small area? Have you figured a dog can’t do that much damage?
  6. Does it bother you to get out of bed about 15 minutes earlier and stand outside in the bitter cold while your own and my dog do everything but pee?
  7. Would it bother you if after standing outside for 15 minutes in the bitter cold without the dog doing anything the dog pees as soon as it gets inside?
  8. Will you let a dog on a walk smell an inch of ground like they are Nicolas Cage examining the back of the Declaration of Independence? 
  9. Do you mind being pulled around your neighborhood by a Tasmanian Devil-possessed dog who causes you to trip a dozen times?
  10. Do you treasure your quiet time after work and get angry if it is interrupted by incessant and unnecessary noise?

If you have answered yes there is still time for you to become dog worthy. And don’t be fooled by how much the dog loves you. It is going to love you more than you have ever been loved?

If you cannot reciprocate that love you owe it to the pup to find a soul who can.+ 


  1. This is great advice for any perspective pet owners (including cats).

    1. It is. Cats come with a set of "gonna happen's" too.

  2. Millie and Walter are right. Great advice, Ruby!

  3. No animal should be "wrapped up" as a holiday gift (or Easter present, either) ... it's too often done on a whim, without serious thought and often does not work out well.

  4. AMEN 10000% true. If a human wants to live in a spotless, cold home.
    They should live alone.
    Pets add such joy and warmth to a home.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Great Advice Angel Foley from Dallas and Belle Lawson

  6. There was a time not long ago when every blanket in the house had a hole in it; I cherished the memories every time I saw those holes.

  7. Lulu: "Our Dada answered 'No' right down the line here. He even laughed and snorted at the question about clean and pretty floors!"

  8. Oh Ruby, you are wise beyond your years!!!


Poetry Thursday

  It is Thursday and Two Spoiled Cats have provided the following picture to give us inspiration for this weeks poem  It was a piglet wed...