Monday, January 13, 2025

Monday Question

 Do you have any toys or games to stimulate your mind?

Ruby's Answer: I have a Tornado Treat Game and a snuggle mat


  1. the door of the fridge... the only noise we follow immediately... ;o)))

  2. Molly left behind lots of fun interactive games. Who doesn't love toys that dispense treats?!

  3. We're both a bit older and don't play with any toys. If Walter gets a stuffed toy, he destroys it in five minutes so mostly he gets to play with the paper stuffing that comes in boxes from Chewy.

  4. Manny loves his ribbon wand, and CB the NekoFlies wand.
    Henry only plays by himself with random toys.

  5. Our babies have tons of toys and many we play with them. It's so important to keep them active, mind and body.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Ruby Rose. ♥

  6. knot reel lee ruby…de gurl buyed one of thoz treet boxez once N put kibble in it ( noe treetz a loud heer ) and it went un touched 🙀🐟💙‼️

  7. No games here, unless you want to count Mom. We depend on her for our brain stimulations:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. The kitties have all kind of toys and puzzle games too!

  9. We all have treat puzzles. But they usually only come out on holidays...Mom says she doesn't want us to overeat and get fat. Phthhhh. Chia
    I think Freestyle dancing is like a game for me, and now for Chia. We have to think about what we're doing, keep beat to the music, follow Mommy's hand signals, and always remember to look good! XOX Xena


Monday Question

Have you ever slept anywhere except your home? Ruby's Answer: I have not. My parents travelling days are through. I did spend a night at...