Thursday, January 2, 2025

Poetry Thursday


Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday

Lulu the panda was the hit of the zoo

People lined up for hours just for a view

But Lulu choked on a piece of bamboo

And without her the zoo administrators didn’t know what to do.

They needed a new panda bear

But that there was only one place to work they were aware

They contacted China but what they heard left the workers to despair

China did not have a panda to spare

But, this was just propaganda

The truth was China was lousy with many a panda

The premier had sent out a memoranda

Stating the pandas wouldn be hidden in his farm in Madagascar

There were hundreds of pandas hidden on the farm

Where they were kept safe from harm

Hiding them was working like a charm

China maintained they had very few without raising alarm

But suddenly and without warning the pandas went on strike

There was much they did dislike

When the situation they snuck away ghost like

They sailed across the ocean and two weeks later 10,000 of them were marching down the Jersey turnpike

Their appearance turned the world upside down

Soon the once rare pandas were all around

A group of 69 took over Chinatown

And the zoos went out of business, and their owners had nervous breakdowns

Panda were no longer rare

,They were now the most common bear

 And every country had the same nightmare

To get rid of the pandas or soon they would be anywhere


  1. That photos is 100% pandaMONIUM
    Hugs cecilia

  2. We don't know what we'd do if we saw pandas marching down our street. Probably run home and lock the doors behind us, BOL!


Wordless Wednesday