Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Ruby Rose Report: When I Get a Treat


There are certain times a day, or things that occur during the day, that I should get a treat. To mavke sure I don’t miss one I have written them down.

  1.  When I am forced out of my warm bed, and put on the cold floor to start my day.
  2. When my parents take medication in the morning I get a treat.
  3. If anyone puts anything in their mouths I should have something edible placed in my mouth.
  4. When my parents sit down for breakfast, and my butt has been warmed from the floor grate, I get some treats.
  5. After I ate breakfast I got to my snuggle mat to self-soothe myself with a treat, a reward for eating that kibble.
  6. After Mommy showers, she feeds the washing machine with dirty clothes. If the washing machine eats, then I eat. I get a treat. 
  7. At lunchtime, my parents have light faire, crackers, and cheese, and I get treats. If I don’t I stand on Mommy’s chest and won’t move, If I am not eating then no one is eating.
  8. If I go to the kitchen window, look out, and don’t see anything, I bark for whoever is there to show themselves. To get me to stop I get a treat. 
  9. If I go to the kitchen window I see something outside and bark at it to go to sleep I get a treat.
  10. If I walk into the kitchen determined to bark at something, and my parents want silence, I get a treat.
  11. If I follow one of my parents into the pantry or bedroom and am not quick enough to follow them out the door, so I get stuck in there, for upwards of a minute before they realize I am missing, and after freeing me I get a treat.
  12.  When my Mom begins to make supper I get a treat.
  13. When my parents are eating I get treats,
  14. When I am eating my parents don’t get treats.
  15. To get in the recliner with my Mom at night I get a treat.
  16. When my parents have a little desert I get treats in my snuffle mat and tornado.
  17. When it is bedtime and my Dad is taking his pills I get a treat.
  18. I get a pig’s ear to chew at bedtime. It is not a treat. It'sv the severed body part of a pig who snitched on the cows. Don’t mess with the cows.
  19. When my half hour of ear chewing is done I get a treat.
  20. After that I am thirsty I get down, drink water, and stop by the snuggle mat for treats. Then I go to sleep and dream about treats,


  1. It's a shame that you don't have many opportunities for a treat at your place sweet Ruby Rose!

  2. Our day is similar to yours, but you seem to get lots more treats than we do, Ruby Rose.

  3. Can I come and live with you, Ruby? You get way more treats than I do!

  4. A most excellent if demanding (on your human) set of situations! I love the washing machine treat given when it eats the clothes. But surely when it regurgitates them nice and clean you should give back your treat?
    Have a wonderful and treat filled week.

  5. Ruby, you have it ALL down just the way you need it to be. Well trained parents. I have to tell you that #18 just about made mom not swallow her coffee right that she was sipping...and start that awful horking if she mis-swallows.

  6. Poor Ruby Rose, you are so misTREATed:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. I get one when I send Mom off to The GKP -
    after diplomatically reminder her they are UP ON THAT ROLLING COUNTER THING -


  8. Java Bean: "Ayyy, can we copy and paste this for our own use?"


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