Thursday, January 23, 2025

Poetry Thursday


Timmy, Joey, Tommy and Bob

Spent all day raising hell in the neighborhood

Tearing through gardens, riding their bikes into traffic, basically up to no good

Parenting them was an impossible job

They slept late and ditched school

They stole candy and made prank callsign Bob’s bedroom,

 Then they heard a giant boom

And saw four naked fat men drinking in a pool 

They hurried outdoors not believing what they had seen

And Bob yelled at the fast bastards to get out of his yard

But the men paid his words regard

And said they were the boys as adults from the future in a blow up pool time machine

The boys were not sure what to believe

Tommy inquired about what their future held in store

‘’It’s great,’’ his future self said - ‘’we’ve been to jail, got divorced and each lost three toes in the war.

But now thanks to time travel we can get a reprieve.’’

‘’How are we going to get rich?’’Joey asked excitedly  ‘’through bets? Or the stock market? Or predicting what will come?’’

Future Joey said they had a full-proof  way to raise their income

Handing his former self money he ordered him to buy as much Bud Light as they could get.

Bob asked how they were going to get rich buying Bud Light

‘’We take it to the future where it costs ten times as much and sell it for much more’’

The boys looked at one another and said they had to go indoors

Seeing their future selves filled them with fright.

And that day was when the boys stopped fooling around and getting the best grades in school.

And Tommy’s mother slipped outside and thanked the men who were pretending to be the adult boys

To scare them straight, it had been a brilliant ploy

Suddenly in a flash they are gone, leaving only behind Bud Light cans, and she wondered if it was really a blow up time machine pool 


  1. BOL!!! Great poem! Maybe some kids of today need that kind of 'reality therapy'!

  2. Lulu: "Anything can be a time machine with the right technology!"

  3. woah that was so super great!!!! you are a fantastic poem writer

  4. WOWZERS what a poem! Great job!! Thanks for playing with poetry with US!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  5. That sure was a very creative story you wove from that picture. We loved your poem.

  6. HA! I think they are the only ones still drinking Bud Lite.

  7. Didn't see either parts of that ending coming! Fun story.

  8. BOL BOL you always delight and surprise me with your poetry
    Hugs cecilia


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