Saturday, May 22, 2010

The May 23 Tanner Brigade Pup of the week is the Tanner Brigade

Here's to us.

On the one year anniversary of our founding the state of our union has never been stronger. I know the President says this every year and then spends the next hour telling us why the state of the union sucks; our state of the union is wonderfully, beautifully, spectacularly strong.

Let's just look at what has gone on in the last few weeks.

The Ning Weasels cornered Foley and demanded $200.00. We thought we could raise the money, or at least come close, but thanks to some generous dogs, and one incredibly generous dog who does not want to be identified, we have raised close to twice as much, and with money coming in, we are probably going to be able to pay for two years. While other sites are folding up their tents, we are building cement homes to last for generations.

But it isn't just the generosity of the Brigade that has earned us this week's title. It has been a very difficult last few weeks for many of our members, and, as Mommy and I read all the supportive posts, me because I love to see what my friends are doing, and her because she has absolutely no life, we could not be more touched by the kindness and support shown.

We found out the terrible disease that Ms. Gina has. Like all good pup's Mom's she was most concerned about her love, Pepsi. You would think there wouldn't be much we could do, you know, so separated by miles, but simple words can carry so much weight, can do so much, and these simple words can lift people from the darkest holes. People have a lot to say about what the Internet age has meant, but I think it means the rebirth of the written word as a means to convey emotion, support, love, freedom. There was such great expression in the words written in past centuries and we lost that with phones, movies, television, and the decline in reading. Now it has returned, and while none of us our Dickens, we still can use words to do what they were created for: to convey love.

And sympathy. When our good friend Ms. Laura was tragically attacked by poor Cooper, lost a huge chunk of her forearm, had to go to the hospital, had to endure sweet Cooper being sent to the bridge, and facing lengthy, painful, hospital stays and operations, the Brigade rallied around her, instantly forgiving Cooper, while sending verbal bouquets of words towards her, arranged with sympathy, support, tears and love.

And when we posted the question if the attack had changed the mind of Brigade parents about rescuing a dog we learned how many rescues we have, and how much they have worked, with patience and love, to make these pups part of the family, and to help them forget the fear and torture that they endured before they found their forever home.

There are so many great members here I wish I could say something about all of them, but there are a few I would like to recognize. There is Erin, who makes our site look better than any other site on the web; the wonderful, wise, determined, diva Hattie Mae who never fails to raise a smile; the wit and wisdom of Lily; the wise advice of Hobo; Shiloh's space giving us a glimpse of our future; our clowns: Ruggie, Matilda, all the playful pups; the wonderful contests put on by Luca; the great, treasured art work of Zoe Boe's Mom Ms. Connie; The generosity of spirit of the wonderful Sandy and her pack; the beauty and grace of Baarney and Tabaatha; the dearest friendship of Cali and Hurley; the determination in the face of darkest times of Pepsi; the adventures and heartbreaks of Pokey Lunn; the sacrifice of the family for all of us of Buddy and his Washington pact; and the strength of our leader the great Tanner Bub.

I am sorry for those who I have forgotten, don't feel slighted, I could say something wonderful about all of you. I am like the person who just won the Oscar who is being played off and is leaving pups out. I just adore you all.

So raise your Foleytini's to our 20 foot painting of Tanner Bub in salute to our leader, to ourselves, to a great year, and many more great years in the future.

Thank you all

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