Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Crappy Weekend By Pocket Dog

How was your weekend?  Mine was pretty crappy, most of it coming out of my butt.  And it was crappy for Mommy and Daddy who became very worried about what was coming out of my butt.  Heck it was even crappy for River who, for the first time in her life was thrust into the role of caring sister, and did a good job.

As many of you know, I am a very nervous dog.  When I get nervous things in my lower end turn to liquid, and when it does I become like a leaky faucet, if your faucet was hooked up to the sewer line.  

Last Wednesday Mommy and Daddy rearranged the living room so their chairs were closer together and Mommy was facing the TV without having to turn her cranky neck.   There was some, what I would term tension between Mommy and Daddy over cleaning the floors, and that tension turned my bottom end innards to water.  This lasted a couple of days.

On Sunday Mommy turned on the stove to make Daddy breakfast.  I hate the stove.  It’s electric and it beeps.  Last year one of our smoke alarms began beeping and I didn’t react well at all.  Ever since then I have been very sensitive to beeping sounds.  On Sunday the stove beeping sent me over the edge turning everything in my body to liquid.

It started out as my normal nervous diarrhea but my system was so sensitive that everything in me wanted to come out.  Then something happened that scared my Mom very much.  I was straining so hard that cherry red blood started to drip out of me.  It felt like my entire insides was throbbing.  Mommy and Daddy googled what to do and saw:  PANIC! so they did.

They called the emergency vet who told them to keep an eye on me, that I wasn’t in any imminent danger, and to take me to my usual vet in the morning.   I still had the runs at night, but the blood stopped.  And it is here that I have to give a shout out to my sister.  At 2:30 AM I woke up and had to poo.  I got out of bed, went to the pee pads, and left a poo puddle.  I am too small to jump into bed so all I could do was just sit on the floor and look sad.  River saw me, woke Daddy up, and he picked me up and brought me back to bed.  So thank you River, that was very sweet of you

In the morning we were off to the vet first thing.  I wasn’t crazy about this because I got my appetite back but I knew it would make Mommy and Daddy feel better if I went to the vet.  I soon regretted it.  I got a thermostat up the butt and had a slight fever.  Then the vet took me away and stuck a needle in me for blood.  Finally the vet gave me a shot to make me feel better and told my nervous parents she would call the next day with the lab results.

When I got home I still had the runs, leaving a big puddle behind Mommy’s recliner.  I had another little puddle shortly after that, and since then my system has been down which I am told is a good thing.

This morning the vet called to say my bloodwork came back normal and she thinks I suffer from stress colitis.  With medication I should be back to my normal self in a few days.  Mommy and Daddy are not going to give me any mediation for my nervous condition but try to treat it naturally by keeping me out of stressful situations, thunder shirt, and some natural remedies..  So dinner time means walks time (or a drive if it’s raining.)

Thank you to all the Facebook Moms who helped our Mom through Sunday and Monday with great advice and to our DS and TB friends for their many prayers.

I love you all and I am dedicating my first firm stool to all of you.

Love you and thank you.


  1. Oh no poor you. We send healing vibes and POTP and we so hope you are better soon. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Oh, Pocket, we were so worried about you and your poo. Glad it will be back to normal in a few days. We'll continue our prayers.

  3. Pocket we are so happy to read you are doing better, sometimes going to see the frankenvet is a good thing....hugs
    stella rose

  4. WooHoo....thank you FUR da dedication. Me feels so honored. No buddy ever dedicated dat to me before. {clearing throat} Ok...hopes we get dat dedication real soon.


  5. Oh Pocket we are so sorry to hear that your Poop Shooter went WILD...
    We gladly accept the Honor of having your furst Firm Shooting dedicating to us.

  6. Pocket, sweetie, you need to chillax. Bless your poor little butt.

  7. Well, they just have to make sure you aren't stressed, Princess.

  8. I hope your feeling much better tonight!


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