Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Beat This Caption

Can you please hurry it up?  I got two more rolls to go tonight and I don't want to fall behind


  1. But Mom, the cat did it. She's trying to frame me!

    1. Hello, are you guys ready to make real cash??? No dulling moment anymore. No more depending on a cheap check every week. Get thousands of dollars or any currency of your choice and make this life worth living for. Order for a blank ATM card now. How does it work? Our cards are loaded with a balance of $5000 to $100,000.00 with different daily withdrawal limits depending on the card you are buying and you can use the blank atm card to shop online and withdraw cash from any ATM machine closer to you.★ Is this real? Yes, as shown in the video we withdrew cash multiple times without any issues. You can do it too.★ Can I be traced? No, your withdrawal/transactions are completely anonymous.★ Can I trust this method? Yes, we have not had any issue when doing this for the past 5 years now.★ Are people using this ATM card? Absolutely, a lot of people {our trusted customers) have quit their jobs to withdraw money on a daily basis. ★ How do I get my card? We will ship your Blank Card /w Pin a few hours after receiving clear payment through a courier service International and give you the tracking details of your card, 2-4 business day delivery service. Once you receive the card you can start cashing out. ★Is this real? YES: we are 100% real and have been doing this since 2015 Contact us to order a working blank ATM Card that you can use to withdraw a minimum amount of $1000 and maximum amount of $10,000 daily withdrawal limit. Online maximum purchase limit is $30,000 Contact via email: mrmichealblankatmcard@gmail.com

  2. therefore we always buy the big packs with 20 or more rolls LOL

  3. In one end and out the other!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. If you didn't want me to play with them, then you shouldn't have left them where I could get at them!

  5. No I can't beat that one. Excellent.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  6. Think we've all been there! Toilet paper shreds so nicely.

  7. GOOD WERK puppy :) ♥♥♥ tho ewe iz knot reel lee a puppy !! :)

  8. Anyone making a shopping run to Costco this week?

  9. Hahaha, we love your caption!

    Kiki and Rosie

    This is the happiest moment of my life having no longer to worry about paying bills as i have been settled for life. A lot has been said about atm hacking and blank card for cash withdrawal but it all seemed like a myth to me until i eventually lost my job few months back and the world seemed to be moving backwards. I went online in search of jobs and means to an end and there i found comments about harryblankatmharckers and how they deliver this card in less than 7 days with no risk involved and a far much lesser price compared to what the card itself can give you, i then made contact and purchase one from them with almost my last dollars I took the risk and in exactly 6 days latter my card and a manual was delivered to my home address here in California and that same evening i used the card was able to take out $5000 for a start its been just 3 weeks and my life has taken a new shape. I simply want to say thank you to this electronic company and help spread their fame abroad. If you ever are in need of this card contact them via email :dicksonharryblankatmharckers@gmail.com .....
    Don't mail them if you not really ready for this card is gonna cost you money to buy the card note that,they offer card to firms, orphans,individual and business personnel's mail them immediately .....

    This is the happiest moment of my life having no longer to worry about paying bills as i have been settled for life. A lot has been said about Atm hacking and blank card for cash withdrawal but it all seemed like a myth to me until i eventually lost my job few months back and the world seemed to be moving backwards. I went online in search of jobs and means to an end and there i found comments about harryblankatmharckers and how they deliver this card in less than 7 days with no risk involved and a far much lesser price compared to what the card itself can give you, i then made contact and purchase one from them with almost my last dollars I took the risk and in exactly 6 days latter my card and a manual was delivered to my home address here in California and that same evening i used the card was able to take out $5000 for a start its been just 3 weeks and my life has taken a new shape. I simply want to say thank you to this electronic company and help spread their fame abroad. If you ever are in need of this card contact them via email :dicksonharryblankatmharckers@gmail.com .....
    Don't mail them if you not really ready for this card is gonna cost you money to buy the card note that,they offer card to firms, orphans,individual and business personnel's mail them immediately .....


  12. BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD AMOUNT TO START A GOOD BUSINESS or TO START LIVING A GOOD LIFE….. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email (williamshackers@hotmail.com) for how to get it and its cost . ………. EXPLANATION OF HOW THESE CARD WORKS………. You just slot in these card into any ATM Machine and it will automatically bring up a MENU of 1st VAULT $1,000, 2nd VAULT $2,000, RE-PROGRAMMED, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on either of the VAULTS, and it will take you to another SUB-MENU of ALL, OTHERS, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on others and type in the amount you wish to withdraw from the ATM and you have it cashed instantly… Done. ***NOTE: DON’T EVER MAKE THE MISTAKE OF CLICKING THE “ALL” OPTION. BECAUSE IT WILL TAKE OUT ALL THE AMOUNT OF THE SELECTED VAULT. email (williamshackers@hotmail.com) We are located in USA.

  13. Get A Blank ATM CARD And Cash Good Money/Funds Pay Your Debt directly today in any ATM machine around you anywhere in the world. contact cryptoatmhacker@gmail.com.. It's 100% guaranteed secure with no worries of being caught because the blank card it's already programmed and loaded with good funds in it, in such a way that's not traceable which also have a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you, i am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact Mr john and also on how you are going to get your Card, Order yours today via Email: cryptoatmhacker@gmail.com


  14. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS (williamshackers@hotmail.com)… It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $50,000.(fifty thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : (williamshackers@hotmail.com). Tell your loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how my life changed for good…Love you all …the email address again is email (williamshackers@hotmail.com)…

  15. I want to share my testimony on how i got the blank ATM card. I was so wrecked that my company fired me simply because i did not obliged to their terms, so they hacked into my system and phone and makes it so difficult to get any other job, i did all i could but things kept getting worse by the day that i couldn’t afford my 3 kids fees and pay my bills. I owe so many people trying to borrow money to survive because my old company couldn’t allow me get another job and they did all they could to destroy my life just for declining to be among their evil deeds. haven’t given up i kept searching for job online when i came across the testimony of a lady called Judith regarding how she got the blank ATM card. Due to my present state, i had to get in touch with Hacker called OSCAR WHITE of oscarwhitehackersworld@gmail.com and he told me the procedures and along with the terms which i agreed to abide and i was told that the Blank card will be deliver to me without any further delay and i hold on to his words and to my greatest surprise, i received an ATM card worth $4.5 million USD , All Thanks to OSCAR WHITE , if you are facing any financial problem contact him asap email address is oscarwhitehackersworld@gmail.com or whats-app +1(323)-362-2310

  16. Get your Christmas blank ATM card now from Mr Oscar White !!!

    I just got mine few days ago and am very glad because with this card i can withdraw $5000 per day and have been able to pay all my bills and my wife surgery , it has been so hard for me ever since i lost my job 4 months ago , i try to apply for loans but i was rejected twice before a friend of mine gave me Oscar white mobile number and email address to contact him about the blank ATM card . at first i was scared if the card is real , i took the risk and today am happily rich and i can purchase whatever i care to have , thanks Mr Oscar White ,If you are also in need of money kindly contact Mr Oscar white @ whats-app: +1(323)-362-2310 email: oscarwhitehackersworld@gmail.com

  17. Hello, are you guys ready to make real cash??? No dulling moment anymore. No more depending on a cheap check every week. Get thousands of dollars or any currency of your choice and make this life worth living for. Order for a blank ATM card now. How does it work? Our cards are loaded with a balance of $5000 to $100,000.00 with different daily withdrawal limits depending on the card you are buying and you can use the blank atm card to shop online and withdraw cash from any ATM machine closer to you.★ Is this real? Yes, as shown in the video we withdrew cash multiple times without any issues. You can do it too.★ Can I be traced? No, your withdrawal/transactions are completely anonymous.★ Can I trust this method? Yes, we have not had any issue when doing this for the past 5 years now.★ Are people using this ATM card? Absolutely, a lot of people {our trusted customers) have quit their jobs to withdraw money on a daily basis. ★ How do I get my card? We will ship your Blank Card /w Pin a few hours after receiving clear payment through a courier service International and give you the tracking details of your card, 2-4 business day delivery service. Once you receive the card you can start cashing out. ★Is this real? YES: we are 100% real and have been doing this since 2015 Contact us to order a working blank ATM Card that you can use to withdraw a minimum amount of $1000 and maximum amount of $10,000 daily withdrawal limit. Online maximum purchase limit is $30,000 Contact via email: mrmichealblankatmcard@gmail.com

    Has anyone here heard about blank ATM card? An ATM card that allows you to withdraw cash from any Atm machine in the world. No name required, no address required and no bank account required. The Atm card is already programmed to dispense cash from any Atm machine worldwide. I heard about this Atm card online but at first i didn't pay attention to it because everything seems too good to be true, but i was convinced & shocked when my friend at my place of work got the card from guarantee Atm card vendor. We both went to the ATM machine center and confirmed it really works, without delay i gave it a go. Ever since then I’ve been withdrawing $1,500 to $5000 daily from the blank ATM card & this card has really changed my life financially. I just bought an expensive car and am planning to get a house. For those interested in making quick money should contact them on: Email address : besthackersworld58@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +1(323)-723-2568


Monday Question

Have you ever slept anywhere except your home? Ruby's Answer: I have not. My parents travelling days are through. I did spend a night at...