Friday, February 21, 2020

Foley and Serenity the Dog Who Saves Kittens

I wish I had been nicer to cats when I was a mortal dog. I probably would have been if they weren’t so obnoxious. My former neighbor, Tommy’s cats, would come onto my porch and taunt me by dancing around. Oh, that burned my fritters. And then there was the cat who bipped me on the nose for no reason. I can honestly say I would have been better to cats if they were better to me.  But I do regret not getting to know the cats and appreciate them for the beautiful little souls they are. 

Maybe I didn’ get along with cats because I lived a pampered life.  If I had been out on the street (horrors) and had to rely on cats to survive, I might have had a different attitude.  A sweet stray dog named Serenity in Ontario, where it is so cold nipples never sag found some abandoned kittens in the snow.  Instead of doing what comes naturally, making a kitten salad, Serenity shared the only thing she had to offer, her warmth. He wrapped himself around the kitties to save them. 

A person saw them together and contacted the Pet and Wildlife Rescuer, who brought them to a warm and dry shelter.  The cats needed flea and worm treatments. While they were being tended to, Serenity came into the room to check on her adopted children. Seeing how much of a bother, it is to actually have children finding little ones in the snow, even if they are a different species, maybe the better course.

Thanks to the shelter’s Facebook page, Serenity began to draw international attention.  A spokesperson for the shelter said that the kitties would have died without Serenity intervention.
The shelter tried to find if Serenity and the kitties belonged to a family, but no one came forward. At this point, Serenity has been placed for adoption separate from the kitties because they need time with a foster family for two months before they will be ready for adoption. 

Serenity is filled with life and love, which causes her to be overly exuberant, and that disqualifies her from going to certain families:  The placement workers believe Serenity would be happiest as an only dog, or as a partner to a submissive dog. Serenity, encouraged by her fame, needs to be the top dog. 

Of course, she would be the perfect pup for a family with a cat. The workers also believe that Serenity would be best in a home with no small children. She is a little too rambunctious to be with humans smaller than her, who could get hurt.  The lucky soul who adopts Serenity will be asked if they would like at least one of the kittens when they become available for adoption.

I could surely learn a lot from Serenity.  I am going to instruct all dogs to be kinder to cats, as I should have been, at least until they a bipped on the nose, then the cats are fair game. 


  1. WE all have regrets, my sweet. We all do.

  2. We hope serenity gets to have a kitten when she finds her furever home. We want a kitten, but Dad's too allergic to them. Xox Lucy and Xena

  3. Sweet Serenity is very special and deserves that special forever home!

  4. That's a nice story. Serenity is a good doggie keeping those kitties warm.

  5. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Cats are a MENACE! I am NOT Serenity. But that's okay, I don't live with Cats anymore!

  6. Serenity sounds like a sweet soul.

  7. We have many cats in our neighborhood that live on the streets, we try to be very nice to them and not chase them! Serenity sounds like a VERY special pup.

  8. What a fabulously affectionate dog, to cuddle up with the kittens! May they all find their furrever homes soon.

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