Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday Question

If your parent(s) could get another dog of a different breed than they already own what would it be?

Pocket:  My Mom and Dad lost their Shih Tzu Blake 19 years ago.  They have always talked about getting another on.


  1. after we lost our huskies, the staff wanted either a giant schnauzer or a black russian terrier( don't google it, there is not much to say about that hahahahaha)

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  3. Mom likes maltie-poos (That's maltese/poodle mixes, not a lot of poop.). But she says a house is not a home without a miniature schnauzer. XOX Xena and Lucy

  4. Since we'd never-ever-ever be able to choose it would be off to the shelter for a mutt, a mongrel, a misfit, the one with the sad "take me home" eyes ... or maybe, just maybe: several of those!

  5. I think we'd have to see who showed up in search of that home.

  6. Gail always says her fantasy dog is an Alaskan Malamute, but I'm not sure she could cope with all that shedding!
    Toodle pip!

  7. We've always had cocker spaniels. But if we had to choose, maybe we'd like a cavalier spaniel.

  8. Labs and flat coat retrievers have always been our favorite pups. I don't think hubby will ever have another pup after losing our precious Little Bit.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  9. We have only owned one K9 in our married life: Toto the Mighty Mini Dachshund. What a pal and play mate he was for our 3 y.o. daughter and an absolute riot to be around. So my answer is Dachshund. Now a days a cat suits my lifestyle better.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. noe dawgs in TT any mor at de moe mint but we haz had bulldogs, rottweilers, shepherds, collie, sheep dog, wire haired fox, and mutts !! ☺☺♥♥ we haz all wayz switched breedz with de eggs ceptshun oh two bullies ina row ♥♥

  11. The Hubby and I were discussing what kind of dog that would fit in well with Manny and CB, while we were watching the recent dog show on TV. I'd like one with pointy ears that flop over, and not too big. Was that specific enough?

  12. An Irish Wolfhound or a Lakeland Terrier. Something that doesn't shed.

  13. Mama always said she would really like a Golden Retriever.
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  14. Dad would probably want another Siberian, but Mom says she would be happy with any pup in need.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  15. I had a dog up until I got married. Jack. He was a red hunting dog with sable colored muzzle. His hair matched my red hair almost perfectly. I had dogs all my life until I got married at a very early age. Then, after perhaps 10 years, we got a cat. My husband did not care for dogs but liked cats. I loved Jack but my Dad wanted to keep him rather than he go with me far far away. So my thought would be to try to find another medium sized dog like Jack if I could.

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