Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Benji, the Prince of the Rescues

I admire people who foster dogs. They save them from a hopeless future, help them become family dogs, do the most challenging thing, say goodbye to them, and let another family have the extreme pleasure of welcoming them into a forever home.

 The Nazario's dogs' mom Christine has welcomed several dogs into her home, and with the help of her pups, she has made them ready for adoption. One of her best teachers is a Shih Tzu called Benji.


Benji became the head foster teacher in the family and a much-loved member. He has the adorable Shih Tzu look with deep brown eyes, and he looks like she could have come from the same litter as my sister Blake.

Benji himself began his life with another family. When they moved and could not take Benji with them, they were fortunate to be neighbors with the Nazarios, who happily took Benji into their family, where he lived for many years. It is never positive when your family leaves you, but it can be a blessing when a family like the Nazarios is your second family.

    This week, after giving the full measure of his devotion to his family, Benji, his body tired and his heartbeats expiring, went to sleep and woke up on the other side of the Bridge, looking up at the many dogs who had been his family members, lead by Maggie, another rescue.


Also, there were many dogs who the Nazario's had rescued and had gone to the Bridge after finding new forever homes. When you are a foster, you don't get to go back and thank the family who nurtured you. Often, you have hurried away with your new family with barely a chance to say goodbye. They do happen in dreams, but the complex reality of the world keeps humans from remembering them, so when a foster family dog passes, all the dog they rescued and many others join in, thanking and welcoming the new arrival.


Benji didn't think he had done much, he was just a dog to the best of his ability, but if you can accomplish that, it means a lot to parents and other dogs you have helped.


Now he has the difficult task of reaching his parents, the way he did all the dogs he helped, to give them the same lesson he had taught the fosters: He is here, will always be here, and will never leave them alone again.

    The more you love, the worse the pain and Benji's parents helped him. If he can't get through to them in their dreams, he will send fosters full of love, so they are rewarded.

It is the least they deserve.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Monday Question

Nail Trimming Do's and Don'ts | Lawrenceburg Veterinary Clinic 


 How do you feel about having your paws touched?

Who cuts your nails"

During the procedure do you cooperate are freak out?

River's Answer:  I don't mind having my feet touched. My groomers do my nails and I trust them.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Worst Day in a String of Worst Days



The text I got on my I-Paw first stunned me and broke my heart. The Powers asked me to gather two dozen dogs good with children and go to the human side. All dogs love kids, but I picked out the 12 with the most experienced, and we walked to the human side.

This was one of the worst days any angels had ever experienced, because it is part of a recurring nightmare, and each one is scarier than the last. We all stood, some crying, others looking down until we saw the woman leading 19 children by the hand, in a link, over the Bridge, as they often did, on field trips or coming inside from recess.  

There is often joy when a soul passes, and they are free of pain, stress, sickness, and can be young again. Coming to the Bridge is a reward for a long-lived life but a penalty for those who had barely started living.

There is no happiness when a child passes. The future they were to have and the children and grandchild that would have followed would never be. Generations have been snuffed out. 

    The hardest part is getting our tails wagging and putting on happy faces when the kids cross. They don't understand why they were there. Many said that they must have fled into the woods and were now going somewhere safe until their parents found them.

    We were the first to greet them because happy dogs, willing to play with a child, with wagging tails and giving lots of licks, always put them at ease. We did so, not showing our sorrow, while family, who preceded the children to the Bridge, were found.

    We did not have to stay with the children when the angels told them that they were now in the next life and could not go back to their parents, but we did because you do not leave a soul alone when you can help—rule number one of the Angelverse.

Finally, the children were taken away, and we left, slowly walking to our land. After a long day, we went to bed but known of us slept. Greif and insomnia are best friends.

We all hope we never have such a day again, but we will, and the new angels will be America. Our country has a meanness that has turned to violence, like Godzilla destroying cities.

I just don't understand why the government is feeding, supporting, and protecting the monster.

I'm just a dog.

I guess I am not supposed to understand human things.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Poetry Thursday


Each week Sammy posts a picture to inspire his friend poetry

Here is this week's photo

Stacey had prayed for a sibling for a long time

When she finally got one she promised to dress it sublime

She got her mom's high heels, and a fluffy dress

So sure the baby would look better than the rest

She stood the baby up and it took it's first walk

She was so pleased she hoped to teach it to talk

It clomping around upstairs got her Dad's attention

And he hurried upstairs swearing these kids gave him hypertension

He saw what Stacey had done with the baby

And saw paying for years of therapy

He said his daughter with little joy

That the kid in the heels was a little boy

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Peco and the Hard Part


Sometimes surviving is harder than passing over the Bridge.


    Three years ago, Tommy's mom passed, leaving him heartbroken. She left her most cherished possession with him, her darling dog Peco Dee.


    In the beginning, it was hard for both of them as they tried to find their particular way through grief. Then they learned to walk it together, to help each other over the rough passages, until they came out the other side, no longer brothers, but as father and son.


    Peco was a well-known pup on social media. He began his own Facebook page, called Dog Euphoria, and drew 14,500 friends. He began posting while his mom was alive, and when she passed, her Dad Tommy continued doing so. Every day, Peco brought needed smiles to people, even if it was just a picture of his sweet face.


    When his mom passed, Peco was anxious to follow her into the dark, but his mom visited him in his dreams and said as much as she missed him, she wanted him to stay to help her son deal with grief. Peco was, above all else, a good boy, and he decided to stay with Dad Tommy until he was no longer needed. But, a dog like Peco is never not needed


    Because he loved Dad Tommy and was sworn to do what kept his mom happy, when Peco got sick, he tried to hide it from Dad Tommy, but his Cushing's disease grew worse. Dad Tommy did everything humanly possible to make Peco comfortable, fed, and warm as he battled the Dark Angels trying to send him to the Bridge, but you can only hold them off for so long. One day this week, snuggled on his Dad's lap, Peco drew his last mortal breath, taking himself and the part of his mom she gave him,  away from his shattered Dad.


At the Bridge there was a glorious reunion between Peco and his mom. He sped across the Bridge in the body of his one-year-old self, and, despite the thousands of dogs who had gathered to greet him, he ran right for his mom, jumped in her arms, and snuggled up on her shoulder. They stayed there, reveling in their common touch, breathing in their scents, stopping and looking at one another, trying to determine if this was real or a dream, and excited, with each passing second, to know this was reality  After three long years, The Peco and his mom were reunited.


Their thoughts were with the survivor, Daddy Tommy,  now without a mother or a best friend who he did everything with. We mourn those who pass, but sometimes we should mourn those who don't. For mother and dog, the pain is gone, but it is fresh and real for the survivors.

After Peco's welcoming celebration, he and his mom opened up to Euphoria City, a place where all pets are welcome. Peco was immediately made Mayor, and his mom Queen Mother. Sadly, Euphoria will rapidly grow; locations aren't new at the Bridge for long.


They wish Tommy could witness them together and see that they are happy. I know it would help him with his grief. And they could tell him about the bright future in front of him. But for now, they have to help him escape from the world of grief, which he is now walking alone.

That is why surviving is the worst.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Monday, May 23, 2022

Monday Question

 Do you enjoy anything odd for a treat?

I like ice chips. Nothing too big, but nice and cool on my tongue.

I don't seem to understand I am just getting water.


Friday, May 20, 2022

Jolie's Song is Sung


Jolie, Jolie, Jolie, Jolie
The Princess of our hearts, please don’t go
Jolie, Jolie, Jolie, Jolie
Off to Rainbow Bridge, you had to go

I don’t know why I am singing. It has been a sorrowful time here as I have had many good friends crossing over the Bridge, leaving the most broken hearts since Bobby Sherman married.

After a long battle with illness conducted to stay with her family and having a mom who could not bear to see her suffer any longer, Princess Jolie came to Rainbow Bridge this week.

Jolie was the Princess of her kingdom, which consisted of her house, yard, and neighborhood. It may not be as large as other kingdoms, but it is bigger than any nation when you are a tiny dog.

Your beauty is beyond compare
With stunning locks of black hair
With alert ears and eyes of deep brown pools
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your bark is like a steady summer rain
And no dog could compete with you, Jolie

While we are all royalty in our houses, Jolie was recognized as one. Convincing your parents that you are the house ruler is a challenging assignment to accomplish. Josie’s mom knew at first look all those years ago that her little pup was special and immediately accepted her as the Princess. Because of that, Jolie was known as Princess throughout the dog nation.

You protect us all in our sleep.
From the bottom of our mortal hearts, we wished you were one we could keep
Now we cry when we say your name

More angels came to greet the Princess than any other dog ever before. When she crossed, I gave her a tiara and scepter and gave her a comfy throne to sit upon.

And I can really understand
Why the Bridge takes what we love
But I hope you knew what you meant to us

Jolie left behind three siblings, who are still wondering where she went and peeking around the house for her despite her visiting via dream dates. She left her life partner Pippin, but their relationship is unchanged since they only met on dream dates. And she left her devoted mom.

Jolie, Jolie, Jolie, Jolie
The Princess of our hearts, please don’t go
Jolie, Jolie, Jolie, Jolie
Off to Rainbow Bridge, you had to go

Her mom will miss her the most. Her pack had multiple dogs, but Jolie had a special spot. Shakespeare wrote a coward dies many times as a hero but once. Our parents worry about us going to the Bridge many times although we only do it once. After each close call, a parent begins to believe maybe the ill dog will win and be with them forever. But then comes that final rogue wave of illness, and suddenly, the baby is gone.

You could have been with any dogs, but you chose us
You must convince us all we can love again
But today, it seems like you’re the only one for me

Jolie spends her night curled up on her throne, reaching out to all she loves hoping to make a dream connection. She is a youthful puppy again, so you may not recognize her at first but look deeply into those eyes, and you will see a princess.

I hope to dream talk with you
And find the happiness I left with you
Now I walk the halls hoping it comes true

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Poetry Thursday


 Welcome to Poetry Thursday presented by Two Spoiled Cats



Here is the photo chosen for us



 And here is our poem 

Two sisters, long haired and strange

Heard their favorite singer would be playing and tickets they did arrange

His manager always looking for some freaky ladies

And would be willing to do acts that they perform in Hades

Soon the three were in his hotel room all nude

And, in crude terms, they all screwed

They tied him up with their hair so long

And twisted in knots his mighty schlong

Once secure they drank his blood

It was the a torrid night for the young stud

To recover he spent a week in the hospital

And was treated for several diseases termed transmittal

Two years later he came back to town

And the sister wondered if they should go down

Unsure of what to do the two discussed

If the singer could possibly ever remember us





Wednesday, May 18, 2022

A Rainbow Bridge Westie Reunion


When I arrived at the Bridge, I knew that I had chosen to become a judge, which meant I would be giving the angel oath to dogs who passed over the Bridge. I viewed it as welcoming souls to their new life without pain and suffering, but I had not counted how much the job would deal with those things.

Some passings are joyful, like Pokey, who reunited with his mom despite leaving a thousand broken hearts behind on the mortal side. Others are sad because pets are separated from their parents, and other passings provoke outrage. That was how I felt when I heard about the newest angel crossing the Bridge.

Bentley had been at the Bridge for less than a year. His passing broke his mom Madison's heart, but he knew that he left her in the capable paws of his brother Winston. Little did he know that Winston's song would soon be ending.

When you love someone, you give them a part of your heart,  including their pet siblings. And when Bentley came to the Bridge, Winston found it difficult to go on without part of his heart. He took ill shortly after Bentley left, and, despite battling the illness for nine months, he had not been whole since his brother's departure, and finally, the weight became too much for him to bear.

Bentley came to my cottage and told me that sweet Winston had followed him into the dark. My thoughts went to where Bentley's already were, with their mom, who a year ago had a house filled with sounds of dogs, barking, panting, drinking, eating, breathing, and now had the overwhelming silence which can only be heard when familiar heartbeats are silenced.

When Winston saw Bentley standing next to me on Hobo's Landing, he scampered up Enzo's escalator, running from the river to the cliff where we awaited him. Bentley met him at the top, where they hugged and cried together while their friends cheered.

We had a fantastic welcoming dinner for Winston, but I knew it barely raised a smile. His thoughts were with his mom. It is horrid for a dog to be homeless, but next to that on the list of sorrow is a dog lover living in a home without a pup.

Winston demanded that Bentley help him find a new dog for their mom immediately, but Bentley advised him that finding the right dog was more important than speed. He promised to start looking the next day, whether their mother felt like she could handle living with, loving, and losing another soul or not. That is the hardest part of being a pet parent: Opening your soul and heart even if you know they will be crushed when the dog leaves. But, somewhere, a pup needs a home, Momma Madison had proven herself to be a great dog mom, and it was her angels' job to bring them together.

Even though the dog and human relationship ends the same way, I have never heard anyone regret going through it, only those who never had and wished they did. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Aslan Changes the Rules


At first, the Bridge was designed to have each species in its specific area. But, as the age of humans began to arrive, they chose to live with other lifeforms. When they went to the Bridge, they told the angels that it would not be Happily Ever After if they weren't allowed to live with everything they had loved while mortal. That is when there was intermingling in the areas, and everyone lived happily ever after.


But, it is not just humans who go to the Bridge while we wait for our parents, dog, cats, and other pets to live in their own sections. But animals love more than just their own kind. Dogs and cats can be as close as two of the same type, so some dogs lived in Kittyspace, and cats lived with us in Doggyspace. Then my cat friend Paddy O'Malley suggested we create land in between.


The Bridge is constantly expanding because of a continuous line of souls crossing over, especially in the age of COVID. Creating a new village was easy. The first two to make a home there were my friends Barnum and Bailey, both dogs, who wanted to get a home ready for when their sister Siamese cat Aslan crossed.


While they all had their special spot in Momma Cynthia's heart, Aslan had just a touch more than the rest. There was no jealousy from the other animals. They wanted their mommy happy, and Aslan did that for 14 years. She was a velcro cat who always wanted to be with her mom, who was delighted to oblige. Her appetite was spurred by anything her mom ate, and she always got a bite.

Unfortunately, Aslan became ill, and, living in the same state as my parents, Momma Cynthia ran identical problems my parents did with Pocket: Getting a vet to see her. Momma Cynthia knew Aslan was losing weight but didn't think it was life-threatening. It was too late to stop the disease's progress by the time she was seen by a vet and received a lymphoma diagnosis. Aslan went downhill quickly. Knowing she was suffering, Barnum and Bailey came down and brought their sister to her final forever home, taking away her pain. 


Both dogs and cats warmly welcomed Aslan. Buddy, who had been appointed the In-Between Judge, swore Aslan in, and then we had a party for the first members of this new land. Aslan kept up a brave face, but we all knew she was missing her mom and anxious for her brothers to teach her how to visit.


We walked with them to their new home, and then they entered, where they would live until their mother came for them, and then they could move to Happier Ever After.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Pocket the Princess


I was sitting on a pony trying to balance while holding a lance as a giant galloped towards me, intent on knocking me off and sending Pocket and me to boiling oil and prison. 

The only advantage I had was my lack of size. I bent over the horse's neck as the Giant passed me, and his lance grazed over my head. 

This occurred several times as the Giant came closer to knocking me off with each pass. Also, I had no offense, so it was a matter of time before I was knocked off. 

Pocket knew we were in danger, so she ran across the field and nipped at the Giant's horses' hooves. The stallion, not familiar with such a tiny dog, was startled and reared up on its back leg. The Giant was unable to hold on and crashed to the ground. We were victorious. 

The Giant, who was undefeated, challenged the outcome saying Pocket illegally interfered. The king was ready to make a ruling when a prince stepped forward and said Pocket was the bravest soul he had ever seen. He was smitten and declared he wanted to make Pocket his Princess. 

To my surprise, Pocket graciously accepted the offer, and suddenly we were both whisked away by a bevy of handmaidens who prepared Pocket for her royal wedding. She insisted that I be her maid of honor. 

I was worried my sister was rushing into marriage, But I was comfortable knowing it was a fairytale wedding that always ends happily ever after. Pocket said the entire family could move into the castle where we could live peacefully, at least until the tide came in and washed us away. 

The wedding was approaching when the Queen asked Pocket to meet her for brunch. I accompanied her and became frustrated when everyone assumed I was her servant. Princess Pocket was going to be a tough title for me to swallow. 

We went into the parlor for tea, and Pocket jumped up on a chair. "excuse me," The Queen said, "we don't allow dogs on the furniture." 

Pocket immediately realized she could not live in a castle and be regulated to the floor. She whispered to me the wedding was off. We were in for the door with the Queen's men and the lovelorn Prince in pursuit. 

This time we used our size to our advantage. We slipped and darted through the legs of our pursuers, who were hampered by their armor. We made it outside and saw the knights were going to pursue us. We had no choice but the back kick sand on the castle until it collapsed, saving our land from marauding knights. 

When we got home, I could tell Pocket was disappointed at not being a princess. I brought the pack together, and we did a coronation ceremony naming her princess of the family. I have never seen her so proud. 

After it was done, I congratulated her on being a princess and reminded her that I was the Queen. 

She was happy with that as long as she could get on the furniture. 

Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Sandcastle


Pocket came home covered with sand. Blake, who never gets angry, was annoyed that she had to clean the floor again after doing it a few hours earlier. Out of all your dogs, she is the most like her mom.

Pocket doesn’t like getting dirty, so her being sandy is strange. The next day she got up early and slipped out of the house. I am a sensitive sleeper and heard her jump down, so I followed. 

She walked down to the beach and stopped by a massive sandcastle. I didn’t mean to expose myself, but I was shocked when I sat it and barked at Pocket, asking if she had built it. 

Pocket was startled when she heard me, then ran into the sandcastle. I followed her into the entrance and found myself in a giant foyer lit by candles on the wall. I called her name and then saw a suit of armor on the wall moving, and I told Pocket to take it off and stop being silly. Suddenly the knight removed a sword and thrust it at me. 

“Pocket! What are you doing?” I asked, then I heard a yip behind me, turned and saw Pocket hiding in a corner and frantically motioning at me to join her. I looked back at the knight, who had lifted his sword in the air, ready to cut me in two, I ran to the corner almost getting cut in half when he swung.

“Pocket, what have you done?” I asked 

“I don’t know. I built this castle and came back to play with it in the morning, and the place is filled with knights, maidens, and kings. None of them will listen to me.” I asked Pocket an important question: Had she wished her castle were real. She sheepishly admitted she had. 

When you’re an excellent angel like Pocket, and you wish for something to become real, sometimes if you do it when the sun is at a certain point in the sky, and the winds carry wishes, it is granted. That is when the real troubles start. 

The knight cornered us, and the king appeared. He asked what we were doing there, and Pocket tried to explain about her imagination. One of the Queen’s ladies declared Pocket a witch. The king announced they would boil her in oil when I suggested a trial by combat. 

I had no idea what combat Pocket could win, but it would buy us time. Then she asked if she could have a champion participate for her l, and they said yes. I hoped she would pick a big, hulking man, but she chose me.

And that is how I ended up on a pony with a lance in my hand, ready to do combat with a giant called the Beast. Pocket would be boiled in oil and put in prison if I lost, and I would probably be with her. The Beast began galloping towards me.

Darn it, Pocket, you’ve done it again.

To be continued

Friday, May 13, 2022

Sabrins Lends a Paw


I thought there would be no money or an economy to worry about when I crossed the Bridge. For the average Angel, that is true. Yet every civilization has a currency that it uses to function, and for centuries it was managed poorly. But then Hobo Hudson came to the Bridge. 

Hobo went from a dog who spent all his time tied to a tree to becoming part of a beautiful family, an author, and an extraordinaire business dog. His investments in the bone market were equivalent to JP Morgan. He became the richest dog in town and strengthened the dog economy. 

When he got to the Bridge, I told my old friend it was time for him to rest, but after a couple of days, he grew restless and needed to put his mind to work. He inquired about the Bridge's governing budget, and I told him I didn't know but would check. I discovered our accountant, a wise owl, had flown the coop, and the position of Bridge Treasurer was open. I recommended Hobo, who was gratefully welcomed and soon got to work balancing the books. Within a day, I heard him barking that there was no fixing the financial problems, and he hadn't sounded happier. 

But, lately, the happy sounds have become growls, and the financial situation has become bleak. I went to visit my good friend and asked what was wrong. He said the accounting issues were beyond him, and only one soul he knew who was better at bookkeeping than he was was his sister Sabrina. But, she was still with her parents.

Hobo knew she had been ill, fighting off kidney disease for a long time, but she was a stubborn Siamese and did not want to go to the Bridge. I encouraged Hobo to talk to his parents in their dreams, and help her cross over, so Sabrina's pain ended, and Hobo got help.

Hobo's dad said it was up to Sabrina, so Hobo visited his sister's dreams. They fought, with Sabrina arguing their parents could not handle it if she left, until Hobo, a master debater, convinced her that watching her suffer was harder than losing her. Sabrina agreed to go, and upon awaking, she gave her parents the sign that it was time. They took her to the vet, set her free of her pain, and took it on themselves.

All the members of the Hudson Pack are known at Rainbow Bridge, and cats and dogs attended Sabrina's welcome party. My cat counterpoint Paddy O'Malley and I were up to mischief, organizing dozens of speakers to welcome Sabrina, which we knew was a frustrated Hobo, who only wanted to get back to work .

By morning, Sabrina and Hobo were hard at work, arguing, laughing, and then silent as they both concentrated. I knew not to disturb them. They were two sibling geniuses who would make all our lives better by balancing our budgets.

I knew not to bother them but did order a case of bone beer to Hobo to mellow him out.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Poetry Thursday



Each week Angel Sammy posts a picture to inspire us to write a poem

This is this week's picture

And this week's poem 

I built a new pharmacy which I put all my money on

But where have all the customers gone?

I set the new hours, we would be up by dawn

But where have all the costumers gone?

You can buy polish for your french horn

Food for your swan

A chess set with an extra pawn

But where have all the costumers gone?

You can buy medicine to make you yawn,

swan, fawn and to help when you're withdrawn

 Supplements that will build your brawn so you looks like a 1992 Mo Vaughn

But where have all the customers gone?

Then I learned there was a new CVS across the lawn

No chairs no ice cream,no copies of Manon

Just a place where out of networks customers are drawn

That's where all the customers have gone. 


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Beat This Caption

 Being insecure about his hair, and unable to afford a toupee, before his big date Claude had to improvise

Monday, May 9, 2022

Monday Question


Do you get the same kibble, canned food, or homemade food a week, or do your parents give you variety?

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Max's Law


Abandoned by his family and left to his own devices on Texas streets, Max vowed never to trust another human. He would have continued on that path for the rest of his life except for the determination of one mom. 


When Mama Gail saw Max on the streets, she tried to lure him into her home with food left for him on her steps. He would gladly partake of it if another stray didn’t get it first. When Mama Gail approached Max, he skedaddled. And yet the lady persisted. 


Slowly Mama Gail built trust with Max until he relented and joined her happy pack of dogs. He perfectly fit in the pack and Mama Gail’s heart. 


Max was still filled with wanderlust and always attracted to the open road making his mom diligent about closed gates and open doors. But he now loved and trusted another human, something seemingly impossible when he ran the streets. 


Max came into Mama Gail’s life in middle age, which means his time with her was limited and made their appreciation even stronger. 


When Mama Gail found the lump on Max’s paw, all his friends who became invested in his story prayed for him like he was one of their own. Unfortunately, it was a fast-moving aggressive form of the disease. His mom tried medication, but Max, who used to run the streets daily, could now barely walk. His mom gave him back his youth and vitality while taking on all his pain and sending him to the Bridge. 


Max was now going to his second forever home. When you are a homeless dog, you have no one waiting for you when you pass. When max relented and entered Mama Gail’s house, he guaranteed a family for eternity. 


We angels worked hard to convince Max that he should abandon the streets and go into Mama Gail‘s house. We have been invested in our friend’s life since. When Max crossed, we turned out in the thousands to welcome him and give this brave dog a howl salute. 


Max’s mom’s angels greeted him when he crossed over. They were experienced and devoted to helping his transition by teaching him the ways for an angel to visit his mom. Hopefully, she still has remnants of her childhood heart that allowed her youthful self to believe in what adults are conditioned to think impossible. 



The only question we had for Max was if he wanted to live in a house or roam the streets. He probably told us his roaming days were over. His loving mom made him a house dog, and once he knew her devotion to him, he never wanted to be on the streets again. 


Max taught all the mortals a lesson. Never give up on a stray because when you finally coax it into your house, it will reward you with overwhelming love and be yours for eternity. 


At the Bridge, it is called Max’s Law. 

Friday, May 6, 2022

Friday Fill Ins




Here are the fill ins from out friends  Four-Legged Furballs and 15andMeowing.  

My answers are in red 


1. I am running low on patience with my family when it comes to late dinner time. I am a well oiled machine that means constant maintenance. 

2. I never run out of attitude.
3. I work best when my belly is full and I am not annoyed.

4. It is impossible for me to be caught me by surprise. I know all and see all. I am like a Ninja. A very small, sleepy, well fed Ninja. 





Beat This Caption

  The TSA's drug sniffing cats project was a failure. The cats kept curling up and going to sleep in the luggage