Friday, October 7, 2022

Friday Fill Ins





Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.


Here are my answers, it is the first time I have done a Friday Fill In - Ruby

Here are this weeks questions:
1. When I turned over the pillow I found a stale treat which I ate.
2. My favorite breakfast is early
3. I’m so glad I live in a world where people spend so much money on overprice dog dogs and treat.
4.  My day is not complete without zooms.


  1. Ha! You did a great job, Ruby.
    Sometimes we find treat crumbs under things, too...and we know that we also are spoiled to the max, so that sometimes petcretary wonders if her budget can stand it. Of course it can, she just needs to stop getting things for herself and pawppy, BOL!

  2. I wish that I would find a stale treat and I agree with you, Ruby - the earlier the better for breakfast!

  3. Nice find, a stale treat, Ruby!
    Maybe you'll find a few more, with diligence.

  4. Those were fun answer sweet Ruby Rose, zoom on!

  5. EXCELLENT answers Ruby! I too love eating the treats I find under the pillow! And we too get turkeys in the yard - gosh they make funny noises! Purrs Marv

  6. Oh man, I loved these fill-ins! I'll take a treat however and whereever it's found.


The Ruby Rose Report: Stinky Unwashed People

I prefer a house that is quiet, and since my parents are wildly unpopular it is always silent here, since the only people who come over are ...