Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Question

Has your parents made and changes to your life or schedule since the heat dome has arrived?

 I am a mostly indoor dog finding the habit of passing bodily functions in public revolting, but I do go on walks, just not when it is 90 or above I only take a quick stroll around the outside of the house, not on the pavement, and If I am going to be in my stroller, or the car, I have a cooling mat to sit on..


  1. It hit 27°C (that's 81°F) in Aberdeen. That's heat dome territory in Northern Scotland. Gail opened an extra window at night...

  2. we have a heat thingy since yesterday... and we changed something... we go out now 87 times at night... the staff is super happy LOL

  3. We still walk early in the morning but we have the ac to come home to and mom doesn't turn it off until the temps go down to the low 60's overnight. Last night was a joy to turn off the ac and open the windows but the ac will go back on today. Hurry up Autumn!

  4. Sweetie stays in her air-conditioned suite, while Da Boyz have both a/c and outside air to breathe as they choose.

  5. No changes for the inside kitties. The outside ferals get fresh cool water multiple times each day.

  6. The only thing that gets changed when it's hot outside is that we don't get to spend time wandering around our yard and only go out for "business" runs.

  7. I make sure I change their water more often when it's hot out, but the kitties are in air conditioning so they are fine.

    Have a fabulous day, Ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥

  8. BOL BOL
    We have become cave dwellers...all blinds and sky lights have solar reflecting shades which are all drawn.
    I am changing the water in the birdbath several times a day.
    Please tell Mom I have the answer to the Parading ducks on tomorrow's post.
    Hug Cecilia

  9. da tabbies o trout towneJune 25, 2024 at 12:16 PM gurl setz out a box fan sew eye can catch sum floor breeze 😺😺‼️

  10. Glad you have ways to keep cool. We have central a/c and the cats aren't allowed outdoors.

  11. We are lucky to have AC....and Mama takes me for early morning walks.

  12. This is one time we are in complete agreement with the Momster's rules. We walk early in the morning, like starting at 6:15 a.m. We only go outside for potty breaks. Mom even sets the timer in case she forgets to bring us in. And we love to lie as close to, or even on top of, the cool air vents in the floor. Misty likes to spill the water from her water bowl onto the tile floor and then lies in it:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber


The Ruby Rose Report. Club Humpers

  I. am a night dog. When the covers are turned down it is my time to play. When I am done I lie in the bed, in the fugue state we dogs slip...