Friday, June 7, 2024

The Ruby Rose Report Nature Friday

It is time for another garden inspection which dovetails nicely with my good Arty and Rosie’s nature Friday. 

The Clemenzas are blooming around the light post in Blake’s garden. Mommy says they are clematis, but I like the name Clemenza better.

Blake’s garden is yet to bloom but the flowers look like they are about to burst open.

In River’s garden, the Wild Woodland sage is setting up a summer of purple reign.

The Great laurel azaleas are showing off in Foley’s garden. They are also known as Lady Eleanor Cathcart. Daddy’s mommy, the original owner of the Saint Anthony statue was also a lady named Elanor. Coincidence? Clemenza says there is no such thing as coincidences.

Foley ordered her garden to be surrounded by pavers. She says it makes it look like a magical English garden. Whatever. At least she won’t be hounding our dreams now.

Also, she wanted her garden solar angel to be higher than Saint Anthony, which was accomplished by an orange driveway snowplow marker and tape. When Saint Anthony heard about him not being lower, he said “what a bitch.” Foley took it as a compliment.

Mommy just planted new guinea impatiens. Last year they lasted until the middle of October, longer than the Yankees (side Yankee burn.)

The hundred-year-old Ruby Rose bush has a lot of promising buds. I make sure it is pruned, and healthy. The responsibility of a 100-year-old bush is daunting for a little dog. Just ask Eva Marie Saint. 

Finally this morning Daddy bought this hanging plant at the supermarket. Then he bought a slab of bacon at the nursery.

He often gets confused.

So that’s where we are in the first week of June.

I will be back with a further update.

Your intrepid garden correspondent,

Ruby Rose


  1. Thanks for the great garden tour - and we are all for your clever name -
    We are enjoying our Lavender grow - and think we'll update its pot soon - and it is time to put on the gloves and trim back the roses in the back -


  2. Your gardens are beautiful, Ruby, and not a weed in sight. I have never had good luck with azaleas and yours is so pretty!

  3. You sure have lots of pretty blooms in your yard, Ruby Rose.

  4. Your garden is so pretty, you should be darn proud!

  5. Gail and I enjoyed this tour of your June garden.
    But I must know, did you get some bacon?

  6. all you flowers and gardens ar so pretty, Ruby Rose. Mom is wishing she bought those New Guinea impatiens too and maybe the rabbits wouldn't eat them all like they are doing to our African daisies.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. Ruby Rose the gardens are beautiful what a tribute to your angels Love Dallas and Belle

  8. RUBY Rose what lovely pictures of your garden and flowers around your property.
    BOL BOL dad bought bacon at the garden shop and a hanging basket at the grocery store. Well that is just too funny
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Wow Ruby, you are taking wonderful care of your gardens...they are so very beautiful!!!
    Rosy & Sunny


The Ruby Rose Report. Club Humpers

  I. am a night dog. When the covers are turned down it is my time to play. When I am done I lie in the bed, in the fugue state we dogs slip...