Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday Question

 How much outside time do you get in the summer?

Since I am a civilized dog who does her business inside on a pad I am out, at most for a half hour walk 'n' roll, and then some days about an hour sitting with my parents looking at the gardens.


  1. I get my 20 minute walk and I'm outside numerous times during the day for business. Mom doesn't want me to have accidents inside the house.

  2. All three inside-only cats stay inside, Ruby.
    Henry, however, is always outside.

  3. The only outside time kitties get here is trips to the Vet!

  4. if ewe can call goin in de garagez out side time, eye like two chillax out ther a bunch. de cuzinz boomer N daiz hada screened porch…they wood be out ther de live long day 😺🐟‼️πŸ’™πŸ’š

  5. We do our business outside a few times a day and on nice days (not too hot and not too cold and not raining) we spend about an hour enjoying our yard while our dad does some gardening. Our backyard is about an acre that is fenced in so there is lots of area to explore.

  6. I will answer this. I am an avid least 40-45 min a day; however, when the H's arrive (heat, humidity) I usually average about 35 min. 3 times a week and that is very very early morning
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. In the Summer...when we're home
    We are out in the morning and evening for 10-20 minutes. Rosy gets about 30 minutes in the backyard in the morning. Unfortunately, Sunny is only allowed out on the leash in 5-10 minute increments because her knee is acting up.

    This changes when we get out in CeCe to cooler climates where there are multiple 30 minute walks a day for Rosy and stroller rides for Sunny in between shorter potty breaks.

  8. We would be allowed to go outside as much as we like, but here in Kansas it gets too hot for us Northern breed dogs to be out for long in the summer.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Last summer I got to be outside in Yard whenever I wanted. And then I got one or two Walks a day at places like Lake or Mountain. This summer, Bad Leg is slowing me down. I'm not even allowed to hang out in Yard on my own!

  10. Back when I had a dog Jack was an inside outside dog. He was in the house at night. But allowed out in the day. He would ask at the living room window to come in.


The Ruby Rose Report. Club Humpers

  I. am a night dog. When the covers are turned down it is my time to play. When I am done I lie in the bed, in the fugue state we dogs slip...