Thursday, June 6, 2024

Poetry Thursday


Max and Felix met Larry at the club

A born braggart he liked spinning tales at the pub

He showed off a new watch which he won playing cards

Playing on the wings of a plane like other diehards

Felix and Max were not to be outdone

They thought they were the world's greatest daredevils bar none

They knew a stunt needed to be performed

And the brothers had a brainstorm

What is better than playing cards on the wing?

Playing a game of pong and ping

They would play table tennis midflight

And those watching below would be filled with delight

Finding a pilot would not be easy

Flying with men on the wing made them queasy

But they found Wild Bill a World War flying ace

Who in later years only flew with a shit face

They knew they needed to be bolted to the wing via their boots

While weaning a jumpsuit

They would perform a volley

And people on the ground would say good golly, Miss Molly

Wild Bill started the engine and took off

And the way the net blew Max realized they should have played golf

When the plane stopped its climb

Felix served the ball, and the stunt was sublime.

This was before people understood relativity

Because the ball did not got straight but to the cock pit causing activity

Wild BIll had a battle flashback

And began to take defensive manuevers thinking he was getting flack.

Max and Felix fell and gripped the wings

And for ten minutes they did cling

Until Wild Bill hit a barn

But that’s not the end of this yarn

Max and Felix survived the crash

With broken bones and a terrible whiplash

When Larry visited and was told they did it because of him he frowned.Then said, “you dumb bastards when playing cards we never left the ground.”


  1. We wonder if they had any hero pals at Omaha Beach or any of the other DDay spots!


  2. Not the best idea, Max and Felix. You're both lucky to be alive!

  3. What a funny tale you weave from that picture.

  4. Hi Ruby Rose! You wrote a great story poem and it was funny and full of suspense! Ace Reporter Lucy


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